Hulu CEO Predicts $500M in Revenues This Year

Hulu will hit $500 million in advertising and subscription revenues this year, nearly doubling last year’s take, CEO Jason Kilar said Monday.

Kilar, who spoke at the Internet Advertising Bureau’s 2011 Annual Leadership Meeting in Palm Springs, California, said the site now claims 627 advertisers and 250 content partners, compared with only two advertisers when Hulu launched three years ago, according a report in Adweek. Kilar had previously predicted that Hulu would post about $240 million in ad revenues in 2010. The actual figure was $263 million, up from $108 million in 2009.

In the following video excerpt of the speech, Kilar explains why he thinks overall Internet ad revenues are likely to increase. “Time spent versus the ad dollars spent is incredibly out of whack,” Kilar said. “But that gap will close and I believe it will close in due haste.” Kilar says the Internet accounts for 28% of consumption time but only attracts 13% of U.S. media dollars.

The optimistic outlook comes after a report that Disney and Fox are considering pulling content from Hulu because the company’s business model is at odds with their online sales goals.

Correction: A previous version of this story said Hulu will bring in $500 million in advertising revenue alone, and that Hulu launched 18 months ago. The article has been updated accordingly.

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  • neotorama

    p2p ftw

  • Anonymous

    Wow, must be nice to have train loads of surplus cash lying around.

  • Sphinx Khan

    What i want to know is, when is it going to be accessible outside the US?


    How about expanding to the north (Canada)? Kill the red (Rogers) and blue (Bell) business.

  • Anonymous

    I use Hulu as well as Netflix and enjoy both

    Hulu needs to keep adding more TV shows from the past and all current

    It is the only reason to keep it over Netflix

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    They’re very limited about what they let users do with the video though. Luckily you can download Hulu video or even the video in this article using :-)


    They’re very limited about what they let users do with the video though. Luckily you can download Hulu video or even the video in this article using :-)


    They’re very limited about what they let users do with the video though. Luckily you can download Hulu video or even the video in this article using :-)


    They’re very limited about what they let users do with the video though. Luckily you can download Hulu video or even the video in this article using :-)

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