Watch Every Super Bowl XLV Ad [VIDEO]

Miss some of the ads from Super Bowl XLV Sunday? Never fear, the web has your back. As in years past both Hulu and YouTube have assembled all the ad spots for your viewing pleasure. Mashable also joined the fun and we created our own video gallery of the ad spots.

More than 30 of these ads made their YouTube debut before the big game, but now more than 60 spots are available.

In addition to offering ads, Hulu and YouTube both have voting mechanisms to let users vote “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” on an ad.

As of this writing, YouTube hasn’t aggregated its statistics, but on the Hulu Leaderboard, Volkwagen’s “The Force” advertisement is the big winner.

Here are all the ads we could get our paws on, so that you can view the ads sans fluff.

What Super Bowl ad was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.

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  • Eric Booth

    That Tibet/Groupon commercial is seriously tasteless. I’m pretty sure I won’t be using that service now.

  • Eric Booth

    That Tibet/Groupon commercial is seriously tasteless. I’m pretty sure I won’t be using that service now.

  • Eric Booth

    That Tibet/Groupon commercial is seriously tasteless. I’m pretty sure I won’t be using that service now.

  • Eric Booth

    That Tibet/Groupon commercial is seriously tasteless. I’m pretty sure I won’t be using that service now.

  • Eric Booth

    That Tibet/Groupon commercial is seriously tasteless. I’m pretty sure I won’t be using that service now.

  • Eric Booth

    That Tibet/Groupon commercial is seriously tasteless. I’m pretty sure I won’t be using that service now.

  • Eric Booth

    That Tibet/Groupon commercial is seriously tasteless. I’m pretty sure I won’t be using that service now.

  • Ross Radiation

    are you serious? this post was enough to make me un-subscribe from your RSS feed.

  • Groupon Responds to Super Bowl Ad Controversey | 香港新媒體協會

    [...] juggernaut Groupon has responded to the controversy surrounding its recent Super Bowl ad. The startup’s first offline ads,…   If you enjoyed this article, [...]

  • Tweets that mention Watch Super Bowl XLV Ads on Hulu and YouTube —

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Darius , Anthony Biondo Jr. Anthony Biondo Jr said: What were your favorite #superbowl #commercials? [...]

  • Mitchell Cornish

    yeah, i think google really dodged a bullet for not being able to buy groupon

  • Groupon Responds to Super Bowl Ad Controversey | Stu Haugen

    [...] Deal-of-the-day juggernaut Groupon has responded to the controversy surrounding its recent Super Bowl ad. [...]

  • Watch Every Super Bowl XLV Ad [VIDEO] – Mashable | Facebool-Login

    [...] the original here: Watch Every Super Bowl XLV Ad [VIDEO] – Mashable Categories: Social Media – YouTube News Tags: commercials – content – facebook – joined-the-fun [...]

  • My 7 Favourite Super Bowl XLV Advertisements « Tick Talk

    [...] I didn’t get the chance to catch the game live, but I managed to watch most of the ads on YouTube, thanks to Mashable. If you missed it just like me, you can watch the videos here! [...]

  • The Packers Win | Penny Auction News!

    [...] of Super Bowl ads like I am, but weren’t able to watch the game you can see all the ads over at Mashable.  They have gathered up all 60+ ads and have them embedded in a post for your viewing pleasure. [...]

  • Will Pao

    I will be. I’m gonna use it, and I’m gonna love it.

  • Will Pao

    I will be. I’m gonna use it, and I’m gonna love it.

  • Will Pao

    I will be. I’m gonna use it, and I’m gonna love it.

  • Will Pao

    I will be. I’m gonna use it, and I’m gonna love it.

  • Will Pao

    I will be. I’m gonna use it, and I’m gonna love it.

  • Will Pao

    I will be. I’m gonna use it, and I’m gonna love it.

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