Mashable Android App Now Available for Download

With a growing number of Mashable readers using the Android OS, we’re excited to announce the Mashable Android App – live in the marketplace [Android Marketplace link].

The application makes it easy to navigate, read, save and share Mashable stories. It also enables you to browse content by specific channels, and even includes a category for Android news and tips. Features include:

1. Browse by channel: Social media, mobile, web video, entertainment, business, tech, Android

2. Share stories via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and Digg

3. Read later: Save stories to read offline using your Instapaper account

4. Comment: Browse through comments, and add your own

5. Price: FREE!

We hope you’ll download the app in the marketplace and give us your feedback. We’ll continue to make improvements and add new features to the app based on your feedback.

Download Using the QR Code Below

  • Step 1. Open Your Barcode Scanner app
  • Step 2. Center and scan the QR code below
  • Step 3. Open the browser link (the link will direct you to the Android Marketplace)
  • Step 4. Download the Mashable application!

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  • Grant Mead

    I have been using this for about a week

  • Johan Winther

    Judging by the top picture, Mashable’s photoshopper doesn’t know much about Android.

  • NetApex

    QR code… should just point to the app in the market. I suppose they want to be able to keep track of how many people used the code I guess?

  • Adam Saunders

    Does anyone at Mashapple? :-)

  • Mathijs Vogelzang

    Or the appbrain link:
    Much easier to install with the one-click fast web installer.

  • Knut Helge

    Why do Mashable need native apps when they just need a web app that works on all devices? What funcionality do you use in the apps that you can’t have in a web app? Just wondering…

  • Ben Parr

    People prefer different methods of receiving their content. Our website is already mobile optimized, but the app allows us to add additional features such as deeper category navigation and more social sharing options.

    We appreciate the input though and will continue to make our apps unique an useful experiences.

  • Johan Winther

    “but the app allows us to add additional features such as deeper category navigation and more social sharing options.”

    Then your mobile site is clearly not optimized enough.

  • kai

    Android needs a barcode to download apps?

  • DuckbillJones


  • Dan S.

    Eh, no. That’s called “ease of use”.

  • Falcorubis

    Unfortunately, it crashes on load with an error message on HTC Desire, Android 2.1 : crash of com.intridea.mashable process. Tests with wifi and 3G+ connections.

  • Stephen Robinson

    Pretty sure a web page can’t integrate with installed application, opening them so you can share content via an application of your choice, such as a twitter app, mashable app can.

  • Jay Glogovsky

    About time! Looks and works great on the Droid.

  • Tsai-wen Celia Chen

    it didn’t work on my nexus one… sigh~

  • Anonymous

    Lolz, we have the same name.

  • Anil R Jadhav

    Epic fail
    1. Screen does not auto roate
    2. when i click on view comments , it opens the browser…

    i need this app like FB app where i dont need to open a browser to view/post comments.

    i am uninstalling it.

  • Vadim Lavrusik

    Thanks for the feedback. These are features that will be included in an upcoming update :)

  • Vadim Lavrusik

    Thanks for the feedback. These are features that will be included in an upcoming update :)

  • Vadim Lavrusik

    Thanks for the feedback. These are features that will be included in an upcoming update :)

  • Vadim Lavrusik

    Jonah, Thanks for the feedback, I am the photoshopper of the above graphic and have owned an Android device ever since the first Android G1 came out. Sorry you didn’t like the photoshop work.

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