Warner Bros Adds More Titles to Facebook Movie Rental Service

Warner Bros. recently started delivering movies through Facebook at a price of $3 per title, starting out with Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight.

Now, the company made available five additional titles: Inception, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Yogi Bear and Life as We Know It.

These new titles are available through each film’s official Facebook Page. To rent a movie, users need to click on the “watch now” icon, pay with their Facebook Credits, and they will get a 48-hour window to watch the movie through their Facebook account.

There’s no official word on any upcoming titles, but we’re sure that Warner Bros. will be adding this functionality to other movies in its catalog, which have a significant Facebook following. All of this is available only to consumers in the U.S.

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  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=144000361 Alex Jacobo

    $3 ???
    You’re on crack Facebook/Warner Bros. for another $4 on top of that I can watch Netflix or go to Redbox and rent all those movies for 1 day. LOL

  • http://www.facebook.com/thephong Phong Dang

    $3 is a little high. Netflix is $7 a month, and Redbox is $1 a night.

  • http://us.webkeren.org/2011/03/warner-bros-adds-more-titles-to-facebook-movie-rental-service.html Warner Bros Adds More Titles to Facebook Movie Rental Service
  • http://expandedramblings.com/index.php/more-movie-rentals-added-to-facebook/ Expanded Digital Ramblings » More Movie Rentals Added to Facebook

    [...] Mashable is reporting that Warner Bros has added five titles to its Facebook movie rental offerings. Inception, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Yogi Bear and Life as We Know It are the latest movies that can be rented via the Warner Bros page for $3 each. [...]

  • http://getdetails.info/warner-bros-adds-more-titles-to-facebook-movie-rental-service-mashable.html Warner Bros Adds More Titles to Facebook Movie Rental Service – Mashable | GetDetails.info

    [...] Link: Warner Bros Adds More Titles t&#959 Facebook Movie Rental Service – Mashable [...]

  • http://getblogged.net/warner-bros-adds-more-titles-to-facebook-movie-rental-service-mashable Warner Bros Adds More Titles to Facebook Movie Rental Service – Mashable | getblogged.net

    [...] Warner Bros Adds More Titles to Facebook Movie Rental ServiceMashableWarner Bros. has recently started delivering movies through Facebook at a price of $3 per title, starting out with Cristopher Nolan's Dark Knight. Now, the company made available five additional titles: Inception, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, …Warner Bros to rent 5 more movies on FacebookReutersFacebook Adds Five More MoviesE-GearFacebook gets five more Marquee moviesSocial BarrelHome Media Magazine -VentureBeat -Afterdawn.comall 59 news articles » Posts Related to Warner Bros Adds More Titles to Facebook Movie Rental Service – MashableBatman’s ‘butler’ Michael Gough dies aged 94 (AP) Tags: Bros, cristopher nolan, dark knight, facebook, harry potter and the sorcerer, Mashable, moneycontrol, Service, ServiceMashableWarner, Warner [...]

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  • http://twitter.com/MKarayeanW Mike Williams

    Yes but for a lot of people (children) this might be easier than setting up a Netflix account for some parent, who already has a pre-existing Facebook account. Facebook Userbase > Netlix Userbase

    With that said, there is money to be mad here. People already use Facebook credits for birthday images (or at least they used to) and Farmville tools/crops/animals — why not for a movie that they would want to watch on a whim.

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_NBAZGVZN37I3MGFKFI35ERXFJA Or-Tal, Lemino

    The only question is when will they GET OUT OF THE BOX?? The one that limits their services to the US only?? We’re on the WWW yet so many contents are limited to america and unavailable to other regions it’s simply annoying.

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_NBAZGVZN37I3MGFKFI35ERXFJA Or-Tal, Lemino

    The only question is when will they GET OUT OF THE BOX?? The one that limits their services to the US only?? We’re on the WWW yet so many contents are limited to america and unavailable to other regions it’s simply annoying.

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1564335968 Anonymous

    I was going to say the same thing…. we have both Redbox and Blockbuster Express at a buck each. Then there’s Netflix, Hulu Free and Hulu Plus. # bucks is too much.

  • http://www.fbisdown.com/facebook-news/facebook-gets-more-movie-rentals-as-warner-bros-expands-test-huffington-post/ Facebook Gets More Movie Rentals As Warner Bros. Expands ‘Test’ – Huffington Post – Facebook Is Down

    [...] Movies Can Be Rented on Facebookmediabistro.comWarner Bros to rent 5 more movies on FacebookReutersWarner Bros Adds More Titles to Facebook Movie Rental ServiceMashableVentureBeat -Afterdawn.com -paidContent.orgall 67 news articles » [...]

  • http://getblogged.net/facebook-gets-five-more-film-rentals-cnet Facebook gets five more film rentals – CNET | getblogged.net

    [...] Bros to rent 5 more movies on FacebookReutersBreaking Global News -Mashable -World Internet TV on PC (blog)all 70 news articles » Posts Related to Facebook [...]

  • Anonymous

    I would think that there’s a high percentage of Red Boxer’s who pay $3.00 or more, due to not getting it back quickly.

  • http://profiles.google.com/wilwaldon Wil Waldon

    I have netflix, don’t need to facebook and movie studios collecting my data and my friends data just to watch a movie.

  • http://profiles.google.com/wilwaldon Wil Waldon

    I have netflix, don’t need to facebook and movie studios collecting my data and my friends data just to watch a movie.

  • http://watcher.com.ua/2011/03/28/daydzhest-hdebankomat-novi-filmy-na-facebook-zhurnalistskyy-portal-ves-kyev-na-iphone/ Дайджест: ГдеБанкомат, нові фільми на Facebook, журналістський портал, Весь Киев на iPhone | Watcher

    [...] Warner Bros. оновила перелік фільмів, які можна переглянути на [...]

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_IA3XUS6P5I7URYB4YDVSFUBF2Y UCF !!

    I thought that this issue had something to do with how the laws and restrictions vary from country to country. I could be wrong, but I knew that that was the case with Netflix streaming services in Canada at one point. I honestly don’t think that they’re purposely trying to screw other countries … maybe. lol :)

  • Anonymous

    Ok, now add a monthly subscription cost (not a per rental cost) and I *might* consider it. ….or just wait for it to show up ojn Netflix.

  • Anonymous

    Ok, now add a monthly subscription cost (not a per rental cost) and I *might* consider it. ….or just wait for it to show up ojn Netflix.

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