‘Captain America: The First Avenger’ Trailer Hits YouTube

At Mashable, our abiding love for comic book-based films — both good and bad — is no secret. And we’re definitely looking forward to the forthcoming Captain America flick, which is set against a comics-meets-steampunk World War II backdrop.

As seen in the trailer, the film has some of the retro stylings of other comic-inspired offerings, such as X-Men: First Class, the latest installment of another popular Marvel-franchise-turned-film-series. But what’s really interesting for many fans of the Captain America series is this film’s special effects.

For one thing, star Chris Evans (who plays Captain America, a.k.a. Steve Rogers) is digitally manipulated to look quite underweight during the beginning of the film — underweight enough that he’s not allowed to enlist in the armed forces to fight Hitler and the Nazis.

But the so-called weakling signs up for a secret, experimental government program that eventually turns him into the USDA-approved muscular mass that is “super soldier” Captain America. After training under one Colonel Chester Phillips (played by Tommy Lee Jones), all the rest is Nazi-killing and romancing an Andrews Sister lookalike with very red lipstick — that would be Peggy Carter, played by Hayley Atwell.

Captain America: The First Avenger is directed by Joe Johnston. The script was written by no less than four heavy-hitters: directing a script by David Self, who adapted the screenplay for Road to Perdition; Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, who are together responsible for The Chronicles of Narnia films’ scripts; and Joss Whedon, of Buffy and Firefly fame.

The film will be in theaters July 22. For the time being, check out the 13-page digital comic book that accompanies the film, have a gander at the trailer, and let us know your opinions in the comments.

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  • http://www.gizmotastic.com Jeff Manes

    Being a life-long fan of the Marvel Universe and the Cap, I have high hopes for this film. The 1990 version of Captain America with Matt Salinger playing the hero was box office poison. Let’s hope that lessons were learned over the last 21 years and this version doesn’t kill Captain America for the second time.

  • http://www.facebook.com/jsweeneyjr John Sweeney Jr

    Looks good I like how they asked Mr Starks to throw the switch to start the transformation keeping with the comic book and reference to Iron Man’s father who later works on the Manhattan project.

  • http://twitter.com/johncorfee John Corfee

    So excited for this!

  • http://www.thosedarnrobots.com/ Kyle Valenzuela

    Not bad

  • http://twitter.com/PenguinOfWar Darryl Walker

    The trailer wasn’t as disappointing as I was expecting it to be. Call me cautiously optimistic.

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_A43J2O7FJVKKMJHLYH24TY4DEY Kung Sow

    Great, yet another Super Hero movie. Has Hollywood totally run out of fresh ideas?

  • http://howtoloveyourreflection.com TheImageCoach

    Big Marvel comics fan here…can’t WAIT for this one to come out! I’m definately going to see it on opening weekend…

  • Odin KENT

    I don’t have high hopes for it, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

  • http://bbcwebhosting.com/ BBc Web Hosting

    cant wait, can wait, for this as well as my pet!!!

  • http://www.facebook.com/CoonMichael Mike Coon

    Green Lantern is another good super hero movie. You can see both trailers at http://www.ReelScreenReviews.com don’t forget to sign up for the FREE Due Date Movie Package Giveaway.

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_6ZTJASVUR7BGJRIUFQKZZPTDDM Tex Ten

    Too stylised, too cliche, too predictable, costume is too colorful, too ‘cartoony’, plastic, not authentic enough. Looks like the power rangers on a bigger budget. Christopher Nolan should have done it. (and every other superhero movie).

  • http://careerDaddy.com careerDaddy.com

    Anyone seen the one that was made in the late 80s…it was so horrible. I hope this one wont be like that. So far so good though.

  • Odin KENT

    Yeah. I was hoping Nolan would have done Thor. Could you imagine his version of Asgard and frost giant fights? Ah well…

  • Odin KENT

    Yeah. I was hoping Nolan would have done Thor. Could you imagine his version of Asgard and frost giant fights? Ah well…

  • http://twitter.com/mikeczyk Michael Niemczyk

    Snoooooze. This looks like another pro-police state boner fest.

  • Anonymous

    OMgosh man for real? Another super hero movie? Has Hollywood run out of genuine ideas already? Wow.

  • http://www.youtube.com/user/shamrockfilms Shamrock Films

    Am I the only one that thinks – the ending of the trailer when Evans says “What do you think?” (of his shield) and she fires a gun at it and replies “I think it works,” ruined the entire trailer? Hollywood studios demand that every movie they distribute ends with a happy ending, but they also do it with their trailers. It’s one of the reasons most of us enjoy Independent films, the freedom of creative expression.

  • http://www.shamrockfilms.com Mike O’Dea

    Am I the only one that thinks – the ending of the trailer when Evans says “What do you think?” (of his shield) and she fires a gun at it and replies “I think it works,” ruined the entire trailer? Hollywood studios demand that every movie they distribute to end with a happy ending, and they also do it with their trailers, but it’s always some silly comment between the main characters. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy Independent films and the freedom of creative expression.

  • http://twitter.com/caminanteste1ar Ignacio Galdames

    it just me or he really have A HUGE HEAD? anyway excellent trailer

  • Anonymous

    Uh…Captain America is Dieselpunk, not Steampunk. Shouldn’t professional writers do some research and get this stuff right?

  • Anonymous


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