Obama 2012 Campaign Launches With Digital Push

With about 19 months to go until the 2012 presidential election, President Barack Obama launched his reelection campaign with a YouTube video, an email blast and targeted texts Monday.

The YouTube video, “It Begins with Us,” hit the web Sunday and features putative real voters identified only by their first names. In perhaps a clue to how this campaign will differ in tone from the last one, the hope message has been leavened with an acknowledgement of the candidate’s limitations. “Unfortunately, President Obama is one person, plus he’s got a job. We’re paying him to do a job,” says Alice, a voter from Michigan. “So we can’t just say, ‘Hey, can you just take some time off and get us all energized?’” Another voter, identified as Ed from North Carolina, also admits that he doesn’t agree with Obama on everything. “But I respect him and I trust him,” Ed says.

The outreach also included an email blast and texts to supporters stating that the president intends to file papers with the Federal Election Commission Monday. The text links to Obama’s official site for his 2012 run. The campaign has also begun running ads on Facebook asking a personalized variation on the question, “You in yet?”

Obama’s 2008 run will be a hard act to follow. Obama for America, as the campaign was known, won two top prizes at the Cannes Lion International Advertising Awards in 2009 in part for the campaign’s pioneering use of social media, which included the My.BarackObama.com social network and signing up for Twitter (which was still in its infancy at the time).

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  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=121200125 Anonymous

    Nothing says empowerment and taking charge like asking “Are you in?” My girlfriend asks me that a lot.

  • http://twitter.com/crave4all VoiParty

    What happened to the change? We got change alright but it has been all negative change

  • http://twitter.com/crave4all VoiParty

    Better your girlfriend asking you that then the President.

  • http://twitter.com/crave4all VoiParty

    Better your girlfriend asking you that then the President.

  • http://fordhamgbasocialmedia.wordpress.com/2011/04/04/are-you-in/ Are You In? « Fordham GBA Social Media

    [...] weekend Barack Obama started his 2012 re-election campaign with a YouTube Video, targeted text messages and a massive email blast to his [...]

  • http://richardsoper.tumblr.com/ Richard Soper

    President Obama is a criminal. I would NEVER even consider electing this guy for his second term. I would love to see him rot in prison though.

  • http://richardsoper.tumblr.com/ Richard Soper

    President Obama is a criminal. I would NEVER even consider electing this guy for his second term. I would love to see him rot in prison though.

  • Anonymous

    I was until you turned into Bush the 3rd

  • Anonymous

    I was until you turned into Bush the 3rd

  • Anonymous

    I was until you turned into Bush the 3rd

  • http://www.cubuz.com.br/blog/?p=19166 Obama lança sua campanha para 2012 no YouTube | Blog da Agência Cubuz

    [...] – Mais informações aqui. [...]

  • Anonymous

    He sure as hell is NOT getting my vote…. HE SUCKS!!

  • Anonymous

    He sure as hell will not be getting my vote… HE SUCKS!!!

  • Anonymous

    lol, the only thing he is good at is giving speeches. All bark, no bite. Dude is useless.

  • Anonymous

    lol, the only thing he is good at is giving speeches. All bark, no bite. Dude is useless.

  • http://www.digitalundivide.com donfelipe

    Obama will remain in the White House four more years. He is working hard to fix the broken economy that was left by the former president.

  • http://internetteachings.com Internet Teachings

    Like the Senior on the video, I don’t agree with Obama on everything but I respect him. I think the change goes beyond the president and if we people really don’t understand politics and the powers above politics alone, we will never realize where the real change is. I don’t think President Obama will bring the change we want any time soon. We need to open our minds, the only ones that can bring change to our lives are ourselves and not any politician or president in the White House.

  • http://promovabr.com/blog/?p=478 Promova » Blog Archive » Campanha de Obama para 2012.

    [...] vídeo do YouTube. Confira a campanha do atual presidente dos Estados Unidos. Mais informações aqui No Comments Read [...]

  • http://twitter.com/FriedChicken21 Mark Davis

    There’s nothing Obama could have done, since he was elected, to make everyone happy. Once you realize that then you have to have common sense to know that his job is harder on him than Bush (George W. Bush). It’s smart to use media without oversaturation. Vote early at: http://www.askeachother.com/q/Will-You-Vote-For-Barack-Obama-In-2012

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Larry-Sinclair/100000514974020 Larry Sinclair

    NO, and I intend to push hard in 2012 to ensure this fraud is a one termer.

  • http://thewireless.blogspot.com/2011/04/how-to-get-ex-boyfriend-back.html Exback

    The tech that is going to be used and how it is used is going to be cool to watch…can’t wait to see how it plays out.

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