Twitter Considering Facebook-Style Pages for Brands [REPORT]

Twitter might introduce pages for brands similar to those on Facebook, according to reports.

The initiative, which Marketing Magazine reports is being lead by Twitter CEO Dick Costolo and President of Revenue Adam Bain, is to give brands their own space on Twitter — a page they could point to and use to deliver content, while encouraging Twitter users to follow them.

In a similar move, Foursquare launched Pages Gallery
Monday, a showcase of different company pages on Foursquare.

The question is: Does Twitter really need branded pages? On Facebook, the entire brand experience revolves around the company’s page. That part of the experience is currently lacking on Twitter, where brands can only promote themselves through sponsored hashtags, lists and tweets.

However, one could argue that this constant flow of information, without many single static elements for users to grab onto, is part of Twitter’s appeal. What do you think? Could pages improve the Twitter experience for users and brands?

[via Marketing Magazine]

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  • Liam Blueßeŕry Ŧea


    or.. Brands could just get a Facebook Page AND a Twitter

  • DC

    If enough customization is there, yes, that could be useful. It will be interesting to see how this develops.

    Donnie C.

  • Jordan

    That seems good.!/ros_jo

  • Steven Wilson

    I don’t think it will be that big of a difference for users or Brands. Like mentioned part of the Twitter appeal is the flow of constant information. I do think it will be good for Twitter, as offering a way to constantly market their ad space to Brands. The ones who would benefit the most from using Twitter’s ad space.

    Steven Wilson
    MySocialMania iPhone App

  • Anonymous

    Twitter pages (and twitter backgrounds) are less and less relevant with the launch of new twitter.

    Users rarely visit another person’s page now that the right column expands to shows most of the important information. On top of third party clients like Hootsuite or Tweetdeck and the vast number of mobile users, brand pages will take a distant back seat to compelling brand content and conversation.

    At Curve, our social strategy process looks for opportunities where Personal Interaction, Remarkable Content, Marketing Strategy and Relevant Value intersect. When you balance your message between those four areas, you’ll find your authentic voice and develop a likable brand personality with measurable results.

  • VSI-thinking

    Analytics would be helpful, seeing how many people saw your posts and clicked through to any links you may have posted, Facebook already has it for their Pages. Success in social media can be tricky to measure so any help from the site is always a plus.

  • Anonymous

    It might be interesting if companies can customize them enough, although I’m not sure how different this would be then the current pages that companies use. The best thing would be if you could wrap a template of the company site around the twitter page and it appeared as part of the company site, and people could access it with the twitter address: I.e.

  • Extreme John

    Now we’re talking. No doubt that it should create more opps for small businesses and help with some of the bounce from tweet to tweet.

  • Extreme John

    Now we’re talking. No doubt that it should create more opps for small businesses and help with some of the bounce from tweet to tweet.

  • Ben Sanson

    I like twitter as it is, for its super simplicity and find it faster to find the info your looking for, or what you actually stumble across. This could change the whole experience.

  • Ben Sanson

    I like twitter as it is, for its super simplicity and find it faster to find the info your looking for, or what you actually stumble across. This could change the whole experience.

  • Twitter pourrait se ré-orienter vers des pages de marques comme facebook | TechinSide

    [...] Source : Marketing Magazine & Mashable [...]

  • Andy Feliciotti

    They are moving away from the original idea of Twitter, which I think is a bad idea, but will most likely increase use

  • Andy Feliciotti

    They are moving away from the original idea of Twitter, which I think is a bad idea, but will most likely increase use

  • Luke, Reach Students

    I’m intrigued as to what they actually have in mind. I was under the impression brands already have pages and are many are using them successfully.

  • Rosie Duncan

    There is the potential for the construction of branded pages on Twitter to become quite irritating – if brands were trying to get onto people’s feeds through tweets their messages could become akin to junk mail – which would be hugely derogatory for that brand. I do think that having a UK office would be a good move for Twitter though, particularly if Twitter are wanting to increase their promotional capability, as it gives a good contact point for UK advertising agencies

  • Rosie Duncan

    There is the potential for the construction of branded pages on Twitter to become quite irritating – if brands were trying to get onto people’s feeds through tweets their messages could become akin to junk mail – which would be hugely derogatory for that brand. I do think that having a UK office would be a good move for Twitter though, particularly if Twitter are wanting to increase their promotional capability, as it gives a good contact point for UK advertising agencies

  • Kristen Beverly

    I don’t want it. I do all the social media for a company & the thing that I love about Twitter the most is that it’s different and so uncomplicated.

  • Lawrence LaBee IV

    Twitter’s appeal comes from the difference it offers from a research perspective. I love having different metrics to track from the varying social channels. Twitter’s Followers, Mentions, and keywords are enough to make it an entirely different interaction as well as research channel from its competitors.

    “Dear Twitter, stop trying to be Facebook and just be yourself, we love you. The whale, and the birds. That is all.”


  • Brandon Soucie

    I don’t really see the point in doing this. If you want a Facebook Page, make a Facebook Page. Isn’t the point of Twitter to get the most current information in real-time? Doesn’t the idea of a page kind of defeat that purpose? If you want to promote your brand, why can’t you do it the old fashioned way? Interesting content that your followers want to read. That’s why I liked Twitter for branding purposes better than Facebook. They actually had to put some effort into engaging their audience instead of hiding behind some impersonal page.

  • Brandon Soucie

    I don’t really see the point in doing this. If you want a Facebook Page, make a Facebook Page. Isn’t the point of Twitter to get the most current information in real-time? Doesn’t the idea of a page kind of defeat that purpose? If you want to promote your brand, why can’t you do it the old fashioned way? Interesting content that your followers want to read. That’s why I liked Twitter for branding purposes better than Facebook. They actually had to put some effort into engaging their audience instead of hiding behind some impersonal page.

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