Health Club At Home Challengers talk about their successes



Jamie Platz YMCA

Martha Adams

My sole goal was to get rid of some tummy fat, and I lost 4-1/2 inches off my waist. I had always walked a lot, but I started coming (to the gym) for an hour in the morning, each day. I missed only two days. I feel great. My eating habits are pretty good, but I think I’ll try not to eat as many sweets and not to drink as many beers, because that’s what starts to give you your little tummy. I used to have a little nap every afternoon, and now I find I don’t need it because I have more energy.

Jean Cymbaluk

I lost 2-1/2 inches around the middle and about 10 pounds. I cut back on some of my diet, and I added more fish. But mostly, I added an extra exercise class so I was working out three times a week. I feel great. I know what I’m doing is working, and I’m going to keep up with what I’m doing. I still want to lose another 10 pounds and definitely another three inches around my waist, and then the doctors wouldn’t argue with me all the time about losing weight around my waistline.

Gerald Markovich

I came down about six pounds and a few inches here and there. It was mainly through exercise — I had been losing weight for a couple of months before the challenge. This was just another way to keep motivated. I did lots of running and tried to eat properly. I’m still going to keep running, but it won’t be as intense. My ultimate goal in weight is to get down to about 210, and I’m about 10 pounds away from that.

Castle Downs YMCA

Nargis Zaver

I took a more holistic approach, so I tried to do the meditation, yoga, watched my food portions and also did some exercise, but I didn’t kill myself if I couldn’t do boot camp. I tackled things I could do — stretch and strength, core exercises, weights, a lot of walking, more yoga than I usually do, and I started to enjoy them. My weight went down from 124 to 111. I lost three inches in my waist. I feel happier, healthier, I sleep better and I don’t hurt so much. The challenge helped because I knew eventually (my weight and measurements) would be checked again.

Sue Mitchell

My goal was to continue to be fit and active and healthy. Typically I was doing yoga three or four times a week, volleyball once a week, and sometimes doing another activity. The challenge itself wasn’t that important because I know I’m going to continue a healthy lifestyle, but I was hoping to gain a year’s membership with the Y, which would be a bonus, and the healthy and active lifestyle tips that came in (with the weekly newsletter) were nice, good nutrition reminders.

Harry Little

I made a commitment to work out a little more. I was training before, but more on and off. I had lots of injuries along the way which didn’t help very much. I was a little overzealous doing weights. I’m doing yoga now, but I still have the injuries to deal with. Once I get rid of those, I’ll be back out. I lost a couple of pounds and lost a couple of inches off everything. I’m going to take it easy for the next little while.

Sandy Anderson

My goal was to lose weight. I started my weight loss in June 2009. I lost six pounds and five inches in my hips. I’m healthier, happier, I have more energy. I will continue on. My weight-loss journey isn’t finished. That’s my end goal

William Lutsky YMCA

Theresa Bonar

I had a baby 10 months ago and was just starting back into exercising regularly when I signed up (for the challenge). And I’m also training for the (Edmonton Police Foundation) half marathon in May at Fort Edmonton Park. Joining the challenge was added incentive. Reading the journals (of the three challenge finalists) was inspirational, especially the new mom’s (Juli’s). I stayed the same weight-wise, but that’s all right. My training will continue.


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