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Your Guide to a Healthy Year

Your Guide to a Healthy Year

2011 is upon us -- ready or not. That means it's time to make resolutions toward a better you. Perhaps you need to lose that spare tire or stop smoking. Perhaps you'd like to tackle krav maga or ballroom dancing. Or perhaps you simply realize the wisdom of making an advance directive. This gallery of stories, video and tips will help you prioritize those resolutions and maybe, just maybe, develop some new ones. If your idea of a better you amounts to no more than shedding that post-holiday bloat, no problem. We'll explain how to do that too. So here's to a more healthful year -- and a healthier you.

American School For The Deaf Begins Yoga Program For Its Students With Autism

9:47 PM EDT, April 10, 2011

American School for the Deaf begins yoga program for its students with autism

The four students at the American School for the Deaf, sitting on mats in the cafeteria, take direction from yoga instructor Aaron West, while interpreter Vicki Watson translates into sign language.

Fixing those broken new year's resolutions  -- even when you're 9

3:13 PM EST, February 10, 2011

BOOSTER SHOTS: Oddities, musings and news from the health world

Fixing those broken new year's resolutions -- even when you're 9

One way to help folks keep their new year's resolutions is to hold them accountable -- even if they're 8 or 9. That's what a children's museum in Maryland is doing as part of an ongoing monthly program to help kids and parents keep their healthy-eating promises.

Staying indoors and turning up the heat could affect our weight, study says

4:23 PM EST, January 25, 2011

Staying indoors and turning up the heat could affect our weight, study says

British researchers find that rising indoor temperatures may make us fatter.

Cooler ways to play in the snow

January 24, 2011


Roy Wallack: Cooler ways to play in the snow

Snow is a beautiful thing, especially when you have the right toys for playing in it. Some of these items are simple and others are high-tech, but all are innovative and are sure to make any winter wonderland even better.

Exercise some restraint: Get a better fitness deal

Exercise some restraint: Get a better fitness deal

Regular gym-goers kvetch about New Year's resolution-makers who crowd fitness clubs in the first weeks of the year.

Eat healthy on a budget in 2011: Ask the experts during a live Web chat Jan. 12 at noon

12:00 AM EST, January 12, 2011

Live Health Chat

Web chat transcript: Eat healthy on a budget in 2011

Want to eat healthier? Not sure if you can afford it? Ask our experts how to eat healthier in 2011 without breaking the bank. Go to dailypress.com/health at noon Wednesday, Jan. 12, to chat with Bonnie Tazewell, a Virginia Tech extension agent specializing in foods, nutrition and health, and Jennifer Shea, Farm Fresh corporate dietitian. Can't make the chat? E-mail questions in advance to vchufo@dailypress.com.

Shoveling Snow: Follow These Tips To Avoid Injury

6:27 PM EST, January 12, 2011

William Weir: Shoveling snow: Follow these tips to avoid injury

The ideal way to shovel snow hasn't really changed much since, well, the invention of the shovel. But we tend to forget these things over the warmer months, and can always use a refresher.

Frequent massages good for your health & other tips

January 11, 2011

Suzy Cohen: Frequent massages good for your health ... and other resolution tips

Dear Readers: Why do we deem Jan. 1 as a magical day to help us kick bad habits? We should honor the concept of vibrant health every day. I've put together a list to help you increase the odds of making your resolutions a reality, no matter what day of the year you begin. If you want:

Workout Dos and Dont's

Workout dos and don'ts

It's the number one resolution for the new year -- to exercise and lose weight. Problem is -- most people go at it all wrong. A little advice to get you back on track.

Quitting smoking makes economic sense

January 3, 2011

Your Money / Your Health

Quitting smoking makes economic sense

Many employers offer discounts to workers who take steps toward better health. This can cut costs and encourage wellness, but it could also penalize those who can't make the changes and yet will pay more in premiums.

Gear: Exercise masquerading as old-school fun

January 3, 2011

By Roy M. Wallack, Special to the Los Angeles Times: Gear: Exercise masquerading as old-school fun

Remember how fun it was when you were a kid — jumping up and down, swinging your hips and rolling around on the floor? It was really just stealth exercise, and it can be just as fun for adults with the help of the products reviewed below.

The success recipe for fitness: Mix in the fun

January 3, 2011

The success recipe for fitness: Mix in the fun

Put away the eggnog and break out the tennis shoes — it's New Year's resolution time, and no doubt millions have made the pledge to get fit. Many of them will join a gym only to find they're bored with the monotony of cardio equipment and weight training routines.

Surfing: Full-body workout and stress reliever

January 3, 2011

Surfing: Full-body workout and stress reliever

Surfing may be a clichéd pastime in Southern California, but make no mistake, it is physically and mentally challenging. The pros just make it look easy.

Dance works arms, legs, heart

January 3, 2011

Dance works arms, legs, heart

Any doubts about the transformative abilities of ballroom dance should be dashed after watching one season of "Dancing With the Stars" and seeing celebrities going from flabby to fit in a matter of weeks.

Krav Maga: Get in shape while learning self-defense

January 3, 2011

Krav Maga: Get in shape while learning self-defense

Kicking and punching are great for boosting one's heart rate and toning muscles. But add some self-defense and street-fighting techniques and the adrenaline really starts to flow.

Trail running: Run away from life's problems and into a healthy body

January 3, 2011

Trail running: Run away from life's problems and into a healthy body

Not all runners hit the streets for their workout. Trail runners take to the dirt, bounding up and down hills and mountains on hiking trails, working legs and building cardio while getting a big dose of nature.

Kayaking: Get in touch with nature and tone your upper body

January 3, 2011

Kayaking: Get in touch with nature and tone your upper body

Richard Hamlin recalls his initial reaction when his wife suggested they take a kayaking trip while in the San Juan Islands: "I said, 'No, it looks like work.'"

The fairness of health insurance incentives

January 3, 2011

Pro / Con

The fairness of health insurance incentives

Wanna make a fast buck? Quit smoking. According to the National Business Group on Health, which represents large employers including Wal-Mart and Wendy's, about 68% of its members either offer a discount of several hundred dollars on health insurance premiums to employees who quit smoking, or provide other incentives or penalties to make it happen.

Do you mind?

December 28, 2010

Do you mind?

Turn absent-mindedness into mindfulness and improve your life.

Don't sweat it: Picking a health club

12:28 PM EST, December 30, 2010

Don't sweat it: Picking a health club

January, the time for resolutions, remains the most popular month to enroll in a health club. And South Floridians out shopping for the perfect place to trim their tummy or tone their thighs may find it a better time than ever to join up.

2011: This one's for you

3:06 PM EST, December 28, 2010

2011: This one's for you

Giving to yourself in 12 monthly installments.

December 27, 2010

20 resolutions worth keeping

Tired of the whole lose-weight-save-money vicious cycle? Be kinder to yourself in 2011 with these easy-to-keep resolutions.

Opinion: First they came for my Twinkie ...

December 20, 2010

Opinion: First they came for my Twinkie ...

To ring in 2011, let's raise a toast in unison to proclaim the most frequently made New Year's resolution. Then promptly break it. Yes, it's the season for the annual American vow to lose weight.

Making New Year's fitness resolutions: Transcript of live Web chat from Dec. 13

December 16, 2010

Making New Year's fitness resolutions

Los Angeles Times health reporter Jeannine Stein spoke with Bravo television star Jackie Warner on Dec. 13 in a live Web chat to talk about making fitness resolutions for the new year. Read more below about her tips for the best ways to make and keep those promises while avoiding injuries and burnout.

Motivation to move

January 13, 2010

Motivation to move

Sure, looking like a hunk or babe is reason enough to exercise. But there are some additional important motivations for moving. So if you think exercising is solely for the vain at heart, read on. And remember, it's not too late to reposition your resolutions for 2011.

This year make appointments, not excuses

January 6, 2010

This year make appointments, not excuses

Preventing a disease is easier than trying to manage or cure it. Yet we tend to make excuses instead of appointments when it comes to taking care of our health. This year resolve to make medical tests and screenings routine for the rest of your life so you can have a healthier, more enjoyable future.

Live chat: How ballroom dancing and Krav Maga self-defense can get you in shape for the new year

December 31, 2010

Live Health Chat

Live chat: How ballroom dancing and Krav Maga self-defense can get you in shape for the new year

Join us on Jan. 3 at 11 a.m. PST/2 p.m. EST when we'll talk about fun ways to get fit for the new year.

Shaping up after the holidays

12:00 PM EST, January 5, 2011


Live chat: Shaping up after the holidays

Smoking: Helping Someone Quit

Smoking: Helping someone quit

This will give you tips on helping someone who is trying to quit smoking. The information also applies to other tobacco products, such as chew or snuff.

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