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Call 407-650-6903, whenever you're Ticked Off! and you just can't take it anymore. Don't feel like calling? Then send us e-mail at tickedoff@orlandosentinel.com.

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Ticked Off!

Ticked Off!



@ landscapers, coworkers, drivers

April 15, 2011

•I'm ticked off that people act so stupidly. Don't you know we have politicians for that?

  • @ pre-empted TV, getting hosed

    April 14, 2011

    •I'm ticked off that school bus drivers found our cul-de-sac and now use it to turn around, making large pot holes in our street. We were told by the department of transportation that they wouldn't be using our street this year.

  • @ physicians, car dealers, cyclists

    April 13, 2011

    •I'm ticked off at physicians who don't introduce themselves upon walking in the room to examine you. They went to school for 10+ years, surely somewhere in their life, they learned to say, "Hello, my name is Dr. Somebody." And, if you can't remember this basic task, wear a name tag.

  • @ government, dental staff

    April 12, 2011

    •I'm ticked off that snowbirds support Florida's economy for sixth months out of the year, but we don't get Florida resident status for discounts.

  • @ illegal vehicles, adult children

    April 11, 2011

    •Schools wouldn't have problems hiring qualified teachers if the administrations, parents and students would treat them with the respect any professional deserves.

  • @ downsizing food, insurance

    April 9, 2011

    •I'm ticked at food canneries for downsizing their products. A recipe that calls for one can of soup or one can of tuna no longer works because the contents of the can have been reduced.

  • @ pulling dogs, poor hygiene

    April 8, 2011

    •I am more than ticked at the ungrateful 10-yr-old brat who told her Mom to "shove it", coughed with her mouth open repeatedly and badgered her Mom incessantly. I hope your Mom sends you to "The World's strictest Parents" show.

  • Ticked off! @ rollerless roll-ons, cell calls

    April 7, 2011

    •I'm ticked off that I bought a double pack of roll-on deodorant that had no rollers in them. When I tried to take them back to the store, they wouldn't take them back.

  • @ hiring practices, dropped gum

    April 6, 2011

    •I'm ticked off when drivers leave too many car-lengths between them at a red light. Once the light changes that's how many cars will not make the light because of you.

  • @ tipping fraud, daylight savings

    April 5, 2011

    •I am ticked off at restaurants that allow their wait staff to add an extra tip to your signed credit slip. This is credit card fraud. I believe they get away with it because most people don't check their credit card statements.

  • Ticked off! @ leaf blowers, yelling in public

    April 5, 2011

    •I am ticked off that drivers turning west onto East Colonial, from Bonneville Road and Lake Pickett, do not even come close to stopping before turning right. The law says when the light is red you come to a complete stop before turning right.

  • @ prom prep, ice cream, tax code

    April 4, 2011

    •It ticks me off that people have opinions about things that are none of their business. There are many reasons some young people don't drive. They can be economic or time. They can be because of health reasons or that a person is not allowed to drive because of medications they take. I am always where I should be on time and prepared. How I get there is none of your business.

  • @ cost of ink, fast food service

    April 1, 2011

    •I'm ticked off that printer ink is so expensive.

  • @ tardiness, school fundraisers

    March 31, 2011

    •I'm ticked off at people who think their time is more valuable than mine. When I make an appointment with you, I expect that you will be on time, since that was the time that you agreed to meet. Just like you would expect me to be on time. I have other places to be, too. You, being late for our appointment makes me late for other appointments that will follow.

  • @ closed lanes, loud church organ

    March 30, 2011

    •I'm ticked off that twice recently I needed customer service, once for an airline and once for insurance. Both times I was sent to an offshore resource where they couldn't understand a word I was saying and I couldn't understand them. At the same time we are reaching 12 percent unemployment in our country.

  • @ lawmakers, cost of fees

    March 29, 2011

    •To the person ticked off because Edgewater Drive needs to be repaved: It is your government saving money. Get used to this and other services being cut.

  • @ speeders, cashiers, skywriting

    March 28, 2011

    •I'm ticked off at vehicles that speed on John Young Parkway from Church Street to Columbia Street. The posted speed is 35 mph. Everyone goes at least 50, and, because I go 35 they look at me shaking their heads. Where is the Orlando Police Department to give out tickets? They could make a bundle.

  • @ tv ads, dropped calls

    March 26, 2011

    •It ticks me off that there are so many people who think that the Federal, State, and local governments are "charities." There is no place in the Constitution that provides for taxpayer funded "charities." The Federal, State, and local governments just steal our money and then give it away.

  • @ pet names, clothes shopping

    March 25, 2011

    •I'm ticked off that my daughter lost her job, car, and apartment last year and still doesn't qualify for assistance.

  • @ relatives, having nada

    March 24, 2011

    •I'm ticked off at my relatives from the north who come down to visit and all they do is complain about everything. If you don't like it, stay home.

  • @ Un-American cars, stinky office

    March 23, 2011

    •I'm ticked off that people call cars from other countries "foreign cars." Let's call them what they really are: Un-American.

  • @ gas scams, out-of-state plates

    March 22, 2011

    •I'm ticked off that some gas stations post large signs with a price per gallon, then when I use my credit card the pump charges seven or eight cents more per gallon.

  • @ bully drivers, decorations

    March 22, 2011

    •I am ticked off at the extreme bike riders who whiz through our condo complex in Winter Park. This place is our home not your playground. Take your mountain bikes to the trails and get out of our courtyard.

  • Ticked off! @ left lane slowpokes, billboards

    March 18, 2011

    •Don't crawl along in the left lane while texting or talking on your cell. Pull over so the rest of us can move at the speed limit.

  • Ticked off! @ insurance rate, litterers

    March 17, 2011

    •I am really ticked off at my insurance company that advertises a 40 percent discount on television, however they have raised my rates $50.00 per month. I asked about this savings and they stated that I already have it.

  • Ticked off! @ bad tippers, unattended kids

    March 16, 2011

    •I am ticked off that my post office keeps returning my mail to "sender" but has no problem making sure I get my bills.

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