Google Launches Tool to Get Companies to Back Up Their E-mails With Gmail

email imageGoogle has just launched Message Continuity, a cloud-based enterprise solution for backing up corporate e-mail whenever Microsoft Exchange goes down.

The new product, powered by Google’s 2007 acquisition of Postini, focuses on giving companies another access point to their e-mail accounts. It essentially creates a complete backup copy of Microsoft Exchange Servers and puts those e-mails into a Google Apps account, replicating that information within Gmail, Calendar and Contacts.

The hope is that when a company’s e-mail servers go down, it will be able to boot up Google’s cloud-based solution and continue its work without interruption. Google and Exchange are constantly synced to make sure Message Continuity is up-to-date. And because it’s cloud-based, the only way it goes down is if Google goes down.

It’s also a not-so-sneaky attempt by the search giant to get enterprises to switch from Outlook to Gmail. “Since Microsoft Exchange and Gmail are always in sync with one another, there’s no need to migrate e-mail data when eventually deploying Google Apps,” the company said in its blog post.

Google acquired Postini in 2007 for $625 million for its cloud-based e-mail technology. It’s the basis for some of Google’s cloud security features.

Images courtesy of iStockphoto, bluestocking, Pablo631, Qoqazian

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  • elainewinter

    Any word of this being available for all gmail users?

  • elainewinter

    Any word of this being available for all gmail users?

  • foxumon

    Is this for companys only or can employees back-up their e-mail on their own?

  • Steven Leggett
  • Remy Bergsma

    This is a nice and not-so-subtle move by Google to grab some more corporate email market share from Microsoft. I think a lot of companies will rethink their IT budgets and time spent on managing Exchange servers and software, comparing it to this new service.

  • barringtonarch

    why don't they just switch to the cloud from the start?

  • Anonymous

    Wow, looks like G-Mail just keeps on getting better every day!

  • Anonymous

    Wow, looks like G-Mail just keeps on getting better every day!

  • Anonymous

    Wow, looks like G-Mail just keeps on getting better every day!

  • Anonymous

    Wow, looks like G-Mail just keeps on getting better every day!

  • Anonymous

    Wow, looks like G-Mail just keeps on getting better every day!

  • JESSICA BIEL dresses

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  • Thanh Nguyen

    Wow, this is really helpful. I think I need to share this article to my CIO. Our server is down from time to time at the school.

  • Thanh Nguyen

    Wow, this is really helpful. I think I need to share this article to my CIO. Our server is down from time to time at the school.

  • Thanh Nguyen

    Wow, this is really helpful. I think I need to share this article to my CIO. Our server is down from time to time at the school.

  • Thanh Nguyen

    Wow, this is really helpful. I think I need to share this article to my CIO. Our server is down from time to time at the school.

  • Thanh Nguyen

    Wow, this is really helpful. I think I need to share this article to my CIO. Our server is down from time to time at the school.

  • Thanh Nguyen

    Wow, this is really helpful. I think I need to share this article to my CIO. Our server is down from time to time at the school.

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