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The Whitewashed Kennedys

by Jace Lacob Info

Jace Lacob

The controversial Kennedys miniseries, finally airing this Sunday, has traded in salaciousness for sugarcoating—Jace Lacob on eight key script changes.

Those concerned that the controversial Kennedys miniseries, dumped by History Channel in January, and airing on the heretofore unheard of cable network ReelzChannel starting on Sunday, would paint the Kennedys as a bunch of lecherous fornicators in the White House—as based on the original script by Steve Kornish (who worked with executive producer Joel Surnow on Fox’s 24), which played up the debauchery angle—might be surprised by what has made its way onto the screen. The result is a tedious and glacial miniseries that arrives with a leaden thud. It is no wonder that Starz, Showtime, FX, and DirecTV’s The 101 Network passed on picking up the project after History jettisoned it.

While there were cries of character assassination from Kennedy scholars, the clan itself, and critics, The Kennedys is itself a fairly surface-level whitewashing, as Kornish and director Jon Cassar seem to go out of their way to present a more balanced portrayal of JFK and the wealthy family than the original script did. Instances of jaw-dropping dramatic license seem to have fallen by the wayside, to be replaced by equally fictional swelling patriotic music, shots of the American flag waving (and falling to the ground, as it does in the opening title sequence), and faux newsreel images that seek to give this tired production some historical “weight.”

Yes, Jack (Greg Kinnear) does have multiple infidelities (including with doomed-to-be murdered painter Mary Meyer), Jackie (Katie Holmes) does take amphetamines, and Joe Sr. (Tom Wilkinson) does have daughter Rosemary (Laura Schutt) lobotomized without consulting his wife Rose (Diana Hardcastle), but the result is largely a neutered version of the Kennedys’ saga that has already been portrayed multiple times in film and television adaptations of the 20th century’s most storied family. In fact, it’s Wilkinson’s Joe Kennedy, Sr., a Machiavellian flesh-eating shark of a father, who gives the project a glimmer of tension and malice; his shrewd puppet master seems to be pulling everyone’s strings, until his devastating stroke in 1961.

So what are the biggest changes from that salacious original script? Let’s take a look.

One: Sexual Politics

How it was: Joe Sr. fondled his secretary as his sons looked on. Criticized for his appalling clothing, Jack says he dresses poorly because, “Girls figure I need help dressing. Once I get ‘em in the closet…” (Ick.)

Article - Lacob The Kennedys The Kennedys. Credit: 2010 Kennedys Productions (Ontario) Inc. and Zak Cassar

How it is now: Joe Jr. (Gabriel Hogan) still goes to see his father—the then-ambassador to England—at his office in London, but Joe Sr. (Wilkinson) seems to maintain a strictly professional relationship with his gal Friday (at least for right now). Gone as well: Joe’s criticism and Jack’s sleazy retort. However, the scene still does keep Joe’s belief that concessions should be made to Hitler, lest the United States get dragged into the war, and Joe Jr. still agrees with his father.

Two: Lovers’ Lane

How it was: Joe Sr. canoodles outside his bedroom with his secretary, when they cross paths with his wife, who locks her bedroom door behind her as her husband and his not-so-secret lover enter his.

How it is now: Joe Sr. and secretary Michelle (Rachel Wilson) are caught kissing in the foyer of the house he shares with Rose (Hardcastle). Michelle is sent on her way—conveniently, they’re standing right at the front door!—as Rose asks if her rival needs a sweater as it’s “chilly outside.” Joe Sr. then offers his wife a “Shall we go to bed, Rosie girl?” as though nothing had happened. It’s in keeping with Joe’s belief, which he shares with Jack on his wedding day, that men’s infidelities are inevitable, but that they should try to be discreet when it comes to their wives finding out. (“Wives don’t expect fidelity, but they don’t want infidelity thrown in their faces.”) Later, after Joe’s stroke, Rose sends Michelle away. A traumatized Joe Sr. scrawls the word revenge on his writing slate, leading Rose to say haughtily, “Not mine. God’s.”

March 31, 2011 | 10:37pm
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Master of Muppets

Gee what did Oliver Stone, Michael Moore and Al Gore when their lies and distortions were brought up in their scripts? They said FU and made their innacurate movies anyway - the same thing they should have done withthe Kennedys

4:39 am, Apr 1, 2011

Jim McDermott

I don't care about the finer points, but if JFK doesn't get his dick out every 45 seconds it'll be a travesty of the truth.

9:09 am, Apr 2, 2011


The funny thing is, in the 21st century no one cares. Camelot is as dead as the players involved. No one except the old guard of the democratic party has a clue who Caroline Kennedy is. And the kids of all the other players are nothing special. Some do good works, some are addicts, some chase women who are not their wives, but who besides the antiquated side of the media, which longs for the romantic old days of a beautiful American political dynasty, gives a hoot about the current crop of Kennedys? Nobody.

8:40 am, Apr 1, 2011


You make an excellent point. Only people like Chris Mattews and his ilk would get off on this film as still relevant. They are a part of the past just as are the Kennedy and their dying legacy.

10:38 am, Apr 1, 2011


Does this writer not have an editor or and education? Medal of Honor? Does he not know what that is? He should research John Kennedy's wartime medal. It was NOT a Medal of Honor. Shoddy work.

9:10 am, Apr 1, 2011


Wow. I remember why I don't usually read comments on news sites. The writer said JFK was given a medal of honor, not that he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

11:55 am, Apr 1, 2011

David Chowes

The Kennedy family sure had power... And, after so many are no longer with us, the power persisits.

12:23 pm, Apr 1, 2011


Wow I can't wait for the Docudrama "The Bush Dynasty " Where they'll go indepth on Prescott Bushs' Nazi sympathizing and war crimes, George HWs' involvement in Iran-Contra and his dealings in Cocaine trafficing into the states, The Bushs' involvement in The savings and loan scandels and the coup-de-te of the Neo Conservative W into the Oval office and the too numerous crimes against America,Humanity, and war crimes, Infact it won't be a Docudrama , It will a Documentry as it is all real and really happened !

12:56 pm, Apr 1, 2011


Citizen, you have a point. But they live the life the fame, the libraries, the wealth, the prestige,and they Have Money And Power.And those grandchildren will live very well,go to the best colleges and the best of places.So no documentary will mean anything as it means nothing of other families, in power..The Kennedy's ,were no Camelot either more a Soddom and Gamorrah.We will all remember the beautiful pres, and the day he was shot. But,history holds very litle interest,in them.With not many new fans arising. usually,some personalities and families withstand time and create new young fans.The Kings Speech, Lincoln,Michaelangelo,Roosevelt,Aristotle,and hundredsof others..Many believe they left very little value behind.To some they will always be Camelot,but they were not.Maybe time will remake their history and someday,their stories willbe of interest.again.For now,few really care.We are nothing but a grain of sand in time.,and for some reason the Kennedys are blowing in the wind.Maybe it was meant to be, since they ended in tragedies.

3:27 pm, Apr 1, 2011


I am not sure about the need to continually dissect the Kennedys.
That said, I would much prefer to watch something that has its historical facts straight and allows those facts to speak without a load of interpretive bs.

2:59 pm, Apr 1, 2011


They should do the Bush story.
Nazi lover Prescott,
Killer Laura.

What's to invent!

3:38 pm, Apr 1, 2011


Here you go, kids: http://web.archive.org/web/20010203231600/www.ytedk.com/index.htm

3:55 pm, Apr 1, 2011
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