35 Entertaining 404 Error Pages

“404 Not Found.” These three little words can make any Internet explorer an unhappy camper. After all, who hopes to click on a broken link or stumble upon a moved or deleted page while cruising around the web?

Luckily, some web designers have chosen to end the misery of encountering a 404 error page. Instead of letting their site readers bump heads with a nasty dead-end error message, they’ve managed to squeeze a little entertainment out of it.

Below you’ll find some of the most entertaining 404 error pages on the web. We’ve listed them alphabetically to avoid playing favorites, but they’re all worth a look. Share your favorite 404 error page designs in the comments below!

Update (1/14): If you like these, check out our new list of entertaining 404 error pages, suggested by Mashable readers.

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  • http://www.daddydewberry.com/saturday-school/saturday-school-sept4-revie.htm Saturday School – Blogging, Social, & SEO Oh My | Daddy Dewberry

    [...] I love creativity. Mainly because I don’t have any. Anyway, you should totally check out these 404 pages. [...]

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=30611125 Tracie Anne McFarlin

    Another entertaining 404 page from SBNR.org (Spiritual But Not Religious):


  • http://www.delomni.com Michael Gaines
  • http://www.bravenewminds.de/2010/09/05/not-found/ not // found | brave/new/minds
  • lnr

    I had a little fun with my latest 404 page (and 403) incorporating Arrested Development quotes and a little color fade when mousing over the logo.

    http://blobbr.com/404/ and http://blobbr.com/403/

  • http://twitter.com/norton_tim Tim Norton

    Australian Greens Senators site

  • http://twitter.com/norton_tim Tim Norton

    Australian Greens Senators site

  • http://www.moma.org vsamra3
  • http://twitter.com/bilawalhameed Bilawal Hameed

    That's genius in every possible way. Mashable has just got to include that, I'm going to use that for my website.

  • http://twitter.com/mark12341 marky mark

    Grooveshark's old 404 error page was awesome, Panda bear eating the server with a cute note, can't seem to find it again though

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_TSUCMFJWZAJUV35L3PQYH4XHNE Tina
  • http://obscurelyfamous.com Daniel Ha

    Whoo! Congrats Chris (#11).

  • spyderfsg

    I've always enjoyed the different error messages on satellitesoda.com. Love that little robot

  • http://twitter.com/offender Mateo Zlatar
  • http://twitter.com/offender Mateo Zlatar
  • demondestiny

    These are all really good the kitty one is the best :D

  • demondestiny

    These are all really good the kitty one is the best :D

  • http://www.theproperspark.com/2010/09/05/35-ejemplos-de-404-error-pages/ 35 ejemplos de 404 error pages. | THE·PROPER·SPARK

    [...] Mashable Related Post Share url_site='LINK_TO_YOUR_PAGE_GOES_HERE'; [...]

  • http://dyspepsiageneration.com/?p=46092 DYSPEPSIA GENERATION » Blog Archive » 35 Entertaining 404 Error Pages

    [...] Read it. [...]

  • http://couwenbergh.wordpress.com/2010/09/05/mooie-nieuwe-campagnes-creatieven-leven-zich-uit/ Mooie nieuwe campagnes, creatieven leven zich uit! « Herman vindt…

    [...] afsluiten nog even een link naar iets geheel anders: Maak van je 404 error page een belevenis Mijn favoriete error pagina is een depressieve webserver [...]

  • http://kimrandall.biz Kim Randall

    I LOVE these.. So glad to see creativity even in 404 pages

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