HOW TO: Improve Engagement on Your Brand’s Facebook Page [STATS]

If you’re looking to boost engagement on your brand’s Facebook Page, a new report from Buddy Media has some key findings for you. The social media marketing company collected data from 200 of its clients’ Pages* over a 14-day period and found that time is an important factor in determining the success of a Facebook post. The study reveals that more often than not, a Facebook post is ill-timed — in fact, office hours could be the worst time to blast content.

“While marketers may work Monday through Friday, Facebook is humming with activity 24-hours a day, seven days a week,” says Buddy Media CEO Michael Lazerow. And so, brands must adapt to their consumers’ schedules in order to optimize their engagement.

Here are the findings, along with tips about when and how to make the most of a Facebook post.

Be Timely

The study found that daily Facebook engagement has three peaks: early morning (7 a.m. EST), after work (5 p.m. EST) and late at night (11 p.m. EST). Therefore, posting all of your updates during the workday means you’re missing key opportunities to engage fans at non-work hours. However, not all brands’ engagement peaks at these three times — Playboy engagement peaks in the wee hours of the morning, for example — so you must work on a case-by-case basis.

Good timing on Facebook depends on the day of the week, too. Thursday and Friday have 18% more engagement than other days of the week, suggesting that Facebook is a procrastination tool when people are itching to get out of the office. But don’t start stacking all of your Facebook updates on Thursday and Friday — the study found interesting user patterns and engagement trends throughout the week that are unique to particular industries. Below, the findings are broken down by market so that you can see where entire industries are missing the mark and where — or rather, when — there’s room for improvement.

  • Entertainment: Friday, Saturday and Sunday are huge, as that is when people are most inclined to see a movie or go to a concert. However, entertainment brands post twice as much content on a weekday than a Saturday or Sunday.

    Tip: Take advantage of the weekend.

  • Media: Weekends have strong engagement for media brands, but Mondays are weak. During the study period, most posts went out during the week.

    Tip: Avoid Monday.

  • Automotive: Auto brands see the most engagement on Sundays, but less than 8% of posts go out on that day.

    Tip: Capitalize on Sunday.

  • Business and Finance: Engagement peaks on Wednesday and Thursday, though this industry tends to spread its posts even on Monday through Friday.

    Tip: Post on Wednesday.

    The findings for the retail vertical.

  • Retail: Sunday is a big day for engagement on the shopping and retail front, but only 5% of entertainment posts go up on Sunday. The industry’s posts lean heavily toward Friday, which has below-average engagement.

    Tip: Target shoppers on Sunday.

  • Fashion: Engagement peaks on Thursday but dips on the weekend. The industry pushes the most content on Tuesday, the day with the lowest engagement.

    Tip: Optimize engagement on Thursday.

  • Healthcare and Beauty: Like fashion — perhaps because consumers are shopping and preparing for the weekend — healthcare and beauty brands see the most engagement on Thursday. But a lot of content is posted on Mondays and Fridays, when engagement is lower.

    Tip: Post content on Thursday.

  • Food and Beverage: More than the other verticals, the food and beverage brands do a good job of spreading their posts throughout the week and weekend. But in this case, engagement peaks on Tuesday and Saturday and dips on Monday and Thursday.

    Tip: Target Tuesday.

  • Sports: Not surprisingly, especially during football season, Sunday is king for sports brands and teams on Facebook. This data is affected by the fact that Super Bowl Sunday fell during the data collection period, but Sundays remain strong during other weeks, too.

    Tip: Increase your post volume on Sunday.

  • Travel and Hospitality: The highest engagement occurs on Thursday and Friday, when the week is winding down and people are looking to escape from the office.

    Tip: Get these eyeballs at the end of the week.

Joe Ciarallo, Buddy Media’s director of communications, says a lot of smart brands already target their audiences when they’re most engaged. For those who don’t, Ciarallo says they should consider scheduling Facebook posts to go live during times of high engagement at night and on weekends.

Be Concise

The data indicates that the length of the post can determine engagement just as much as the time of the post. The bottom line: Keep it short and sweet. Posts with 80 characters or less — the length of a short tweet — garnered 27% more engagement than posts that were more than 80 characters. But brevity is far from a common practice — only 19% of posts in the study were shorter than 80 characters.

And while the content should be short, the URL probably shouldn’t be — posts with a full-length URL had three times the engagement of their shortened, and tinyurl counterparts. The reason is likely because readers want to know where the link will take them. Ciarallo says a brand-specific URL shortener, like or on.mash, keeps a post short while also providing context.

Ask For Engagement

Words ranked in order of their effectiveness at converting Likes and comments.

If you’re looking to get Likes on a post, all you have to do is ask. Ciarallo says simple, outright instructions — “Like us if … ” — are much more effective at getting a Like than a post with a long explanation of why you should “like” something. Remember, “liking” only takes one click and then the “liked” item is syndicated on a user’s own page, so don’t be afraid to ask for the thumbs up.

The same goes for comments — outright saying “post,” “comment” or “tell us” motivates fans to engage. If you’re seeking answers, put a simple “where” or “when” or “would” question at the end of the post — you’ll get 15% more engagement than if the question is buried in the middle. Shy away from “why” questions, as they seem invasive and ask much more of a user than a “what” question, Ciarallo says.

Advice for Smaller Brands

These findings are insightful and can help brands better target their consumers, but it is important to note that the brands studied are all large and well-established. While URL shortening is a good idea for all brands, the day and time findings may not apply to businesses of all sizes within each industry.

For small businesses, it’s important to balance the data above with what you know about your own brand, based on Facebook Insights and your own experiences with your Page. “Small brands can take away some best practices from this, but remember that the data set is all large brands,” Ciarallo says. “Still, a boutique hotel owner could look at the hospitality section and see how it can help his Facebook marketing.”

He also says it’s important to realize the social marketing space is constantly evolving, and these statistics can change in a matter of months. If every brand begins to post when the engagement is high, then engagement either will increase because of the optimization, or it may decrease because there’s so much noise at the high-engagement times. Only time will tell for the long term.

“This is 200 large brands over two weeks, so it’s a large data set, but things are moving fast,” meaning your Facebook marketing program must be flexible, Ciarallo says. Though this is the first study of its kind that Buddy Media has publicly released, Ciarallo foresees future reports like this one to help brands maximize engagement in an ever-changing marketing environment.

What engagement tips have you picked up from your Facebook Page? Tell us in the comments.

Disclosure: Buddy Media is a Mashable sponsor.

*Buddy Media did not disclose which of its 600 client brands were included in the study, but the company has a lengthy roster of enterprise clients, including W Hotels, Target, American Express, Playboy and the Food Network.

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  • Dave Delaney

    This is a great post Lauren. Thanks a million for sharing the findings.

  • Elias Shams

    Lauren, great article. I have been reading your posts on and off. Keep up the good work! Here are my 2cents:

    Facebook has been doing a decent job of providing additional marketing exposure and even in some cases, additional revenue. However, as more and more social networking sites pop up, how do you manage your brand across all these channels? Maybe more importantly, which one of these sites should you select as the one that will help you best reach your target audience? The proliferation of the social media avenues is becoming overwhelming.

    This glut of information reminds me of the early 90’s when WWW was adopted broadly by the general public. Every company rushed to have a presence, to the point it became literally impossible to find the right information on the Web. That’s when a better generation of search engines – at first the Yahoo! and then Google – entered the market and helped us find the most relevant information by just typing simple keywords in their search box. If you had asked before Google launched, if there was a need for another search engine – most would have said no, we already have those….

    Then came Web 1.0 & 2.0 – Youtube, Flickr, myspace, Facebook, Twitter and countless others have turned everyday people into content producers, influencers and experts. We basically tripled down on the information overload How do you know which channels to select for deploying your social media strategy? How do you know which one is the right channel to let your fans and followers to find you, your products, and services? Most importantly, who is Joe Smith that is recommending that person, that company, that product?

    It’s time for social media to enter into a new category, a portal to provide a quick and intelligent decision for both the consumer and the enterprise about their online connections. To enable us to Distinguish Your Quality vs. Quantity Friends, Fans, Followers, and Companies

    I hope I can accomplish such a mission with my new gig, The site is not another social networking platform. Yet the portal to all your existing social media channels. The company helps you, your fans, your potential clients to make an intelligent decision as to which company to connect to or follow via which social media channels and why? It’s free!

    Feel free to create your page and one for mashable or your company to see how it works.

    I look forward to hearing your feedback.

    CEO & Founder

  • Massimo Burgio

    Very good article – I suggest you check out also the other surveys and white papers from these guys at buddymedia

  • Massimo Burgio

    Very good article – I suggest you check out also the other surveys and white papers from these guys at buddymedia

  • Biggestleaf

    Nice post Lauren! It’s just so difficult posting late at night when you’re off work ;-)
    Didn’t know that Thursdays have more engagement. Will definitely keep that in mind and try it this week! Am looking forward to see the difference between previous posts and posts adjusted to your findings :-)
    Thanks so much Lauren!
    Those findings always bring me back to the question: Is it worth having a Facebook Fanpage?
    Check out these videos to see one possible answer:

  • Jonathan Daniel Frey

    Thank you for breaking down the study for us. Insightful and helpful.

  • Jonathan Daniel Frey

    Thank you for breaking down the study for us. Insightful and helpful.

  • Luu Binh

    Thank you for your post, it would help my job. Waiting for another!

  • John Connor

    Really need new fans for my ffacebook fanpage for the site

    suprisngly kids these days have over 1500 fans on thier personal groups and pages , for ex:

  • Tusar Barik

    Great post! One of the things our agency does is personally reach out to our fans on an individual basis after someone likes us. We are looking to understand how people found out about us and why they chose to like us. The feedback has been great. When you get to larger numbers, it gets more difficult but in the beginning it creates some great engagement.


  • David Hartstein

    Thanks for the post Lauren. Really nice article.

  • David Hartstein

    Thanks for the post Lauren. Really nice article.

  • David Hartstein

    Thanks for the post Lauren. Really nice article.

  • Steven Wilson

    This is a great post! I love the industry break downs. Awesome! Passing along this article now.

    Steven Wilson
    MySocialMania iPhone App

  • Nick Stamoulis

    This is some very useful information. I think everyone knows they need to be doing some sort of social networking, but the trick is figuring out how to best go about it. While these aren’t hard and fast rules, they can still be a good starting point for most businesses.

  • altteam

    Hm…I’ve never thought before about posting hours. Thanks for this article, there’s something to think about here.
    As I started thinking about the time of my posts, I remembered, that I’m in Russia, and our target audience is somewhere in the world (everywhere, to tell the truth). I should analyze time zones, but I think it’ll be impossible to cover all of them…
    Anyway, very helpful article – thanks.

  • altteam

    Hm…I’ve never thought before about posting hours. Thanks for this article, there’s something to think about here.
    As I started thinking about the time of my posts, I remembered, that I’m in Russia, and our target audience is somewhere in the world (everywhere, to tell the truth). I should analyze time zones, but I think it’ll be impossible to cover all of them…
    Anyway, very helpful article – thanks.

  • HOW TO: Improve Engagement on Your Brand’s Facebook Page [STATS] – Mashable – Facebook Is Down

    [...] HOW TO: Improve Engagement on Your Brand's Facebook Page [STATS]MashableIf you're looking to boost engagement on your brand's Facebook Page, a new report from Buddy Media has some key findings for you. The social media marketing company collected data from 200 of its clients' Pages* over a 14-day period and found that time …Buddy Media Releases New Research Paper, "Strategies For Effective Facebook …San Francisco Chronicle (press release) [...]

  • Mekyla Wilsnauch

    Great article, thanks for the research. Guess who will be updating their office facebook page, while out for Saturday morning breakies.

  • HOW TO: Improve Engagement on Your Brand’s Facebook Page [STATS] « The Maui Time Blog

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