7 Million Fans Like Leo Messi’s Facebook Page in 7 Hours

Seven hours after Argentine soccer player Leo Messi started a Facebook Page, he has almost 7 million Likes as of Wednesday afternoon.

To put that number into perspective, it’s nearly 40% as many Likes as U.S. President Barack Obama has on his Facebook Page and about 30% as many as Justin Bieber fans have contributed to the pop star’s Facebook Page — but Messi’s Likes were gathered in hours, not years.

Messi, who plays for FC Barcelona and is considered by many to be the best soccer player in the world, wrote in a translated welcome message on the page, “Hola! Welcome to everyone. Thank you very much for the great number of messages that I have received. I am so excited! From now on we will be more closely connected … through Facebook.”

Lady Gaga beat Obama to 10 million Likes last summer, but we can’t remember another celebrity nearing the milestone so quickly. We’ve reached out to Facebook about whether Messi has set a Facebook record.

Update: Some commenters have suggested that Messi may have automatically transferred fans from his unofficial pages to his official page. While Facebook allows businesses to merge place pages with fan pages and to turn personal profile pages into fan pages, there’s not a public option to merge multiple fan pages. We’ve reached out to Facebook about whether Messi’s page administrator negotiated a merge with a Facebook representative.

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  • http://getbusylivingblog.com Benny Hsu

    Good gracious!! I bet like < 5% of that was from Americans too.

  • http://getbusylivingblog.com Benny Hsu

    Good gracious!! I bet like < 5% of that was from Americans too.

  • http://twitter.com/DionDege Dion Degennaro

    i liked messi before he was official on facebook #hipster

  • http://twitter.com/oyaorientals Kristi Smith

    Eminem is the most liked Celebrity on Facebook (I believe.) @oyaorientals

  • http://twitter.com/TareqG Tareq Gohery

    This can’t be right. I “liked” his page a couple of months ago (it’s the same page). He probably just officially announced it now and that doesn’t mean the page hasn’t been there for a couple of months already.

  • http://profiles.google.com/crocafont Carles Roca-Font

    This info is technically wrong. Almost 6 million of them were transfered from non-official Facebook Pages!

  • http://twitter.com/Chakintosh Chakib Tsouli

    7 HOURS ?????????? this morning, I found out that I’m already a Fan of this page, even though I didn’t join it in the last seven hours ( I was asleep – 3am GMT ) if the page was really created yesterday .. This will be strange ……………… But I don’t mind anyways !!! I’m a Messi Fan !!! Visca Barça <3

  • http://turisinternet.com/alamat-facebook-page-lionel-messi/ Alamat Facebook Page Lionel Messi « Turis Internet

    [...] yang skillnya luar biasa. Terkait dengan Lionel Messi, saya barusan membaca artikel di situs Mashable tentang Lionel Messi yang katanya membuka akun Facebook Page, dan saking populernya dia dalam [...]

  • http://twitter.com/Faisaz faisal alsaleh

    the page was their before he made as an official page..

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Justin-Wagner/100001266342008 Justin Wagner

    I was gonna say… 277 clicks a second for seven hours straight is A LOT!! Seems that maybe there is a mistake.

  • http://twitter.com/jonbarilone Jon Barilone

    Any Facebook experts out there wanna take a stab at explaining how Likes being “transferred from non-official Facebook Pages” is possible?

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=774157525 Dario Diament

    There are no less than 50 other unofficial facebook pages of messi with an average of 250,000 Likes. And there is another one with 6MM.

    No doubt this is a magnificent move by Adidas. Showing the next step of Celebrity Endorsement, by being the the value of them not only the gut feeling related with the person, but also the network connected to them.

    Respect to the agency that realized this and opened this account. The “Adidas All In” campaign might be remembered not only for the millions of ad dollars spent on advertising, but on being the first massive celebrity social media campaign.

    Again. Respect.

  • http://profiles.google.com/crocafont Carles Roca-Font

    There is an option to do that

  • http://profiles.google.com/crocafont Carles Roca-Font

    There is indeed a mistake. Mashable must correct this ASAP!

  • http://profiles.google.com/crocafont Carles Roca-Font

    The reason is that you were a fan of a non-official Messi Page. All fans from that page were transfered to the official one.

  • http://www.techiemania.com Sathishkumar

    Well that’s incredible. 7 million fans in 7 hours.

  • http://www.techiemania.com Sathishkumar

    Well that’s incredible. 7 million fans in 7 hours.

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1010954552 Jorge G. Manzanero

    Wrong, I liked that page months ago. !!!!!!!

  • http://www.ignaciogiri.com Ignacio Giri

    I’m proud to see how a guy from my town have succeeded this big. Very inspiring from all the people in Rosario.

  • http://profiles.google.com/yingnorman Norman Y

    Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in the world that’s why!

  • http://profiles.google.com/yingnorman Norman Y

    Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in the world that’s why!

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