Meet Twitter’s New Homepage [PIC]

Twitter has started rolling out a new version of its homepage, simplifying the interface and refining its pitch to potential new users.

The social media service has changed the color scheme from its traditional shades of light blue in favor of a metallic chrome look. The new homepage also no longer features top tweets or trending topics. Instead, Twitter has opted for a simple bar halfway down the screen that features the avatars of its most popular users.

There are a couple of other changes to the interface that focuses on how users interact with the homepage. The search box has been moved down, but a bigger change is that Twitter has made it easier for users to sign up or log in to its website. The “New to Twitter?” section lets users kick start the process of signing up, right from the homepage. The “sign in” area has been expanded as well.

The biggest change, though, may be the homepage’s new language. The old led with “Discover what’s happening right now, anywhere in the world.” The new homepage has a different pitch to prospective users: “Follow your interests: Instant updates from your friends, industry experts, favorite celebrities, and what’s happening around the world.”

It’s a subtle but potentially big difference, as millions of people visit every day. It’s an adjustment to Twitter’s philosophy that it hopes will help it register and retain new users. Twitter is known for constantly updating its homepage in an attempt to refine its message and draw in new users.

What do you think of Twitter’s homepage? We want to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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  • Stephen Autar

    Looks very similar to Tumblr’s homepage.

  • yoshua wuyts

    My first thought: It looks more like Facebook.
    Not bad though : )

  • Ridwan

    I was about to type that. LOL!

  • Ridwan

    I was about to type that. LOL!

  • Ariel Vindel

    looks very similar to Facebook’s homepage too.

  • Bruno Aziza

    Nice – thanks for the preview

  • Anonymous

    This is a step in the right direction. While I am personally a twitter user for a few years, I can see this page’s appeal.

    The problem with the old page was that it was simply too busy. Words flying everywhere. It looked disorganized. Now, everything is neat, and Twitter actually looks like a place I would sign up for (assuming I hadn’t already)

  • Anonymous

    This is a step in the right direction. While I am personally a twitter user for a few years, I can see this page’s appeal.

    The problem with the old page was that it was simply too busy. Words flying everywhere. It looked disorganized. Now, everything is neat, and Twitter actually looks like a place I would sign up for (assuming I hadn’t already)

  • Henry Elliss

    The message of encouraging “following” rather than “sharing” seems like a smart way to answer the constant nay-sayers who cite the number of registered users who have never tweeted or gained any followers. If they are using the service to follow people, they’re still valid users, and this message seems to reflect that…

  • Henry Elliss

    The message of encouraging “following” rather than “sharing” seems like a smart way to answer the constant nay-sayers who cite the number of registered users who have never tweeted or gained any followers. If they are using the service to follow people, they’re still valid users, and this message seems to reflect that…

  • Bryan Chaney

    I love the new home page look, but what’s more important for the long term, is what they change about the actual user experience to keep people engaged and empowered. To this point, you have to go to a 3rd party application to get the most out of Twitter.

  • Bryan Chaney

    I love the new home page look, but what’s more important for the long term, is what they change about the actual user experience to keep people engaged and empowered. To this point, you have to go to a 3rd party application to get the most out of Twitter.

  • Anonymous

    It looks…a lot more generic than before. Can’t say I care for it overall.

    But the easier login might be nice.

  • @heyart


  • @heyart


  • Anonymous

    I like the tag “Follow your Interests”. It kind of speaks to the fact that Twitter is more than tweeting about your lunch… which I often hear. The thing I personally like most about Twitter is keeping on top of my interests.

  • Anonymous

    I like the tag “Follow your Interests”. It kind of speaks to the fact that Twitter is more than tweeting about your lunch… which I often hear. The thing I personally like most about Twitter is keeping on top of my interests.

  • kgobbe01

    Definitely going to miss the trending topics and top tweets.

  • kgobbe01

    Definitely going to miss the trending topics and top tweets.

  • @heyart

    Why is there an ‘egg’ on the homescreen?

  • @heyart

    Why is there an ‘egg’ on the homescreen?

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