

Edmontonians want a ride on Sir Richard Branson’s space shuttle

More Albertans have signed up for a flight into the ionosphere with commercial space travel company Virgin Galactic than the rest of the country combined. Two Edmontonians and seven Calgarians have put their names down for a $200,000 ticket to ride one of British entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson’s spacecraft. There are expressions of interest from another four or five Albertans.

1 hour ago
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New home starts

Edmonton housing starts down in March

Total housing starts in the Edmonton region fell in March — the sixth consecutive year-over-year decline.Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. reported Friday there were 713 homes started, down 12 per cent from 813 in March 2010.

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job brochures

Alberta’s job count slips in March

Edmonton’s unemployment rate held steady in March, but more jobs were created in the city.Statistics Canada said the jobless rate for the Edmonton census metropolitan area remained flat at 5.8 per cent, compared to February. A year earlier, the unemployment rate was 7.3 per cent.

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Barack Obama Ron Liepert

Alberta’s Liepert urges U.S. to ‘sign the bloody order’ on oilsands pipeline

U.S. President Barack Obama should stop sending mixed messages on oilsands and “sign the bloody order” approving the Keystone XL pipeline, Alberta Energy Minister Ron Liepert charged Thursday.“Frankly, I wish he’d get on with action,” Liepert said when asked to respond to remarks by Obama in Washington on Wednesday.

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Old Edmonton brewery pondered as hotel site

Gene Dub may get his boutique hotel in a historic central Edmonton structure after all. His first try was the old Alberta Hotel being painstakingly pieced together on Jasper Avenue at 98th Street. Dub had planned to create a 14-room bed and breakfast-style boutique hotel with a restaurant, office space and perhaps a spa in the recreated 1903 stone-and-brick building.

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Building permits in the Edmonton census metropolitan area slipped in February from last year’s values.

Edmonton building permits down from last year

Building permits in the Edmonton census metropolitan area slipped in February from last year’s values. Municipalities in the region issued $284.8 million worth of permits in the month. That’s down 26.3 per cent from February 2010, but up 20.9 per cent from the previous month, Statistics Canada said Thursday.

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Barack Obama

Obama cites 'destructive' Canadian oilsands, hints at withholding approval of Keystone pipeline

President Barack Obama on Wednesday said concerns in the United States about the potentially "destructive" nature of the Canadian oilsands need to be answered before his administration decides whether to approve the construction of Calgary-based TransCanada's controversial Keystone XL pipeline.

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Pipe tag

Edmonton firm markets radio frequency ID tags to drilling industry

Drilling rigs are a long way from libraries. But Frank Mussche, who made his mark a decade ago adapting Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to track the comings and goings of books, records and DVDs, thinks keeping tabs on the hundreds of lengths of reusable and costly pipe needed to drill oil and gas wells is a logical next step.

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Statoil court appearance attracts interest

Statoil’s brief court appearance on Water Act charges Wednesday managed to attract considerable interest, including an audience of Norwegians and a silent protest outside the courtroom.The Norwegian-based energy company faces charges for allegedly contravening parts of its water license and providing false or misleading information regarding water withdrawals in 2008 and 2009.

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Baby Gourmet

Alberta company caters to the carriage set

You’ve come a long way, baby food. It was five years ago that Jennifer Broe was feeding her six-month-old daughter a jar of store-bought green beans.

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House sold

Edmonton home prices, sales volumes dip in March, compared to 2010

Edmonton-area MLS home prices and sales for March are down compared to last year. But the president of the Realtors Association of Edmonton says this year’s market is normal, while last year’s was out of whack.

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A salad with beef at Cafe De Ville in Edmonton on Friday Apr. 1, 2011.

Spring Creek Ranch beef goes for grocery market

It was working with chefs that really turned Kirstin Kotelko of Spring Creek Ranch on to the business of specialty beef.Certainly, as the daughter of legendary Alberta rancher Bern Kotelko, Kirstin had plenty of experience around cattle. Raised on the family ranch near Vegreville, she did her share of farm chores and had seen mom, Donna, do wondrous things with beef in the kitchen.

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The sun sets behind a wind farm near Fort Macleod, Alberta. Privately-held Greengate Power Corp. on Thursday said it has received regulatory approval to build Canada's largest wind farm in southern Alberta.

Alberta wind power firm attracts California investors

Greengate Power Corp., which is planning wind power projects in Alberta, said Tuesday it has raised $14.3 million, largely from three California investment firms — NGEN Partners, SAM Private Equity and the Westly Group.“We are pleased to establish relationships with leading California-based cleantech investors,” said Greengate chief executive Dan Balaban in a release.

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House sold

Real estate analyst says Edmonton on the verge of a boom

Edmonton is on the verge of another real estate boom, says real estate expert Don Campbell.Robust growth in the region’s gross domestic product and labour market will set off a chain of events over the next few months that will heat up housing again, said Campbell, president of Real Estate Investment Network and the author of the best-selling 97 Tips for Canadian Real Estate Investors. (He donates his royalties to Habitat for Humanity.)

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David Staples

Growing interest in energizing downtown just what city needs

It's that rarest of days, a truly good news day for Edmonton's downtown.

Paula Simons

Lorieau's anthem a religious experience

What is a national anthem? A symbol of national pride and national unity? An exercise in patriotic propaganda? A rote pre-game ritual? An inspiration that gets fans revved up for the big show?

Nick Lees

Dreaming of a new Edmonton opera house

"I dream of building a new home for Edmonton Opera. It needs to grow."