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Science in Society


Tokyo geophysicist: my earthquake diary

12:57 13 March 2011  | 1 comment

A seismologist at the University of Tokyo recounts his day on Friday, when the 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan

US navy faces up to a new enemy – climate change

22:00 10 March 2011  | 1 comment

A National Research Council report for the US navy identifies weaknesses on the warming Arctic frontier and the threat of rising sea levels

US syphilis experiment scandal: probes begin

17:26 03 March 2011

Two investigations will inquire how researchers deliberately infected Guatemalans with syphilis in the 1940s

I predict a riot: Where the next dictator will fall

17:16 03 March 2011  | 4 comments

The mathematics of complex systems could be used to predict political instability

Solar energy spars with spiritual lands in California

13:50 03 March 2011

Native American groups say solar projects in California could ruin the spiritual value of their land

Balloon launches breach North Korea's bubble

11:01 01 March 2011

Thousands of helium balloons are to be released over the Korean border with information about the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt

Raise alcohol prices to save British livers

11:53 25 February 2011  | 1 comment

The UK can cut rates of liver disease by following the French and Italian strategies of increasing the price of alcohol in supermarkets

Frankenstein syndrome: Why do we fear making humans?

13:47 14 February 2011  | 16 comments

From IVF to artificial wombs, why does each advance in reproductive technology still conjure up visions of monsters or Hitler clones, asks Philip Ball

Mummies' false toes put a spring in amputees' step

00:01 14 February 2011

False toes found on ancient Egyptian mummies were not posthumous adornments but the earliest known prostheses, new experiments suggest

Incriminating booze tests face fresh scrutiny

17:33 10 February 2011

Bananas, sauerkraut and non-alcoholic wine have caused positive results in alcohol tests, raising fears of false incrimination


Cory Doctorow: My computer says no

All the world's a game (Image: Jonathan Worth)

Disobedient computers, frightened gold farmers and money gone ethereal – welcome to the frontier world of the sci-fi author and technology activist


Space taxi reaches orbit in first flight test

00:00 07 June 2010

SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket successfully launched into orbit in a flight that could pave the way for commercial launchers to replace the space shuttle


We need both scepticism and consensus

15:55 18 February 2011 - updated 16:49 18 February 2011

The pursuit of truth is not just for the scientific elite but for all of us, says UK chief scientific adviser John Beddington

Has the impact of 'Climategate' worn off?

13:18 14 February 2011 - updated 13:22 14 February 2011

A survey showing how public opinion in Norway has been affected by climate science controversies may have important implications for the UK


From tweets to the streets (Image: NYT/Redux/Eyevine)

Living in denial

From climate change to vaccines, evolution to flu, denialists are on the march. Why do so many people refuse to accept the evidence?


Fukushima latest: Radiation around plant falls

13:04 15 March 2011 - updated 16:50 16 March 2011

Radiation levels at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant have reportedly fallen back since a fire earlier today, but the situation remains unclear

Japan quake halts physics and space experiments

20:56 14 March 2011 - updated 21:11 14 March 2011

The control centre for a Japanese lab module on the International Space Station has been evacuated, and a major physics centre has shut down

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