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Egyptologist: The west is to blame for looting

INTERVIEW:  12:01 22 March 2011  | 2 comments

A thriving market for antiquities in the west is behind the looting of Egypt's heritage, says Barry Kemp, who describes the fraught situation on the ground

The mathematics of being nice

INTERVIEW:  15:31 21 March 2011  | 7 comments

Our ability to cooperate is the secret of humanity's success, says Martin Nowak, who tackles some of biology's biggest questions using mathematics

How Josef Oehmen's advice on Fukushima went viral

12:24 21 March 2011

When an MIT risk researcher sent some advice to a cousin in Japan he quickly became cited as an authority on nuclear power. He tells New Scientist how

Obesity expert: A better fat measure than BMI

INTERVIEW:  14:17 17 March 2011  | 7 comments

For nearly 200 years, the body mass index has been used as a measure of obesity. Richard Bergman argues it could be time for a change

There's more to fear from nature than nuclear power

EDITORIAL:  18:00 16 March 2011  | 2 comments

Destruction caused directly by last week's earthquake and tsunami will dwarf any harm from the damaged reactors at Fukushima

Removing bodies from display is nonsense

COMMENT AND ANALYSIS:  12:02 16 March 2011  | 6 comments

The removal of long-dead human bodies from view in museums for reburial is based on a warped notion of respect, says Søren Holm

The self: why science is not enough

THE BIG IDEA:  10:30 15 March 2011  | 48 comments

Can science explain the self, or is that just neuro-scientific hubris? There's no need to take sides, says Julian Baggini

We are the children of the lost DNA

EDITORIAL:  18:00 09 March 2011  | 1 comment

Extra genes did not make us human – it's what we lost that counts

GPS jammers have us at their mercy

EDITORIAL:  18:00 09 March 2011

City infrastructure can grind to halt when GPS is out of action. We urgently need a backup system

Right now, science needs the right stuff

EDITORIAL:  18:00 09 March 2011  | 1 comment

Speakers at the Next Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference in Florida said they are ready to take risks to be pioneers for science and technology


Will intensified farming save the rainforests?

Relieving pressure on the rainforest? (Image: <a href="http://www.shutterstock.com/">shutterstock.com</a>)

The idea that you can save the natural world by increasing the efficiency of agriculture is very appealing. But Fred Pearce is far from convinced


The Frankenstein syndrome: Why fear making humans?

Frankenstein's monster was stripped of his intelligence in film and theatre versions (Image: Hulton/Getty)

From IVF to artificial wombs, why does each advance in reproductive technology still conjure up visions of monsters or Hitler clones, asks Philip Ball



Enter the twister: Tornado Alley in IMAX

14:31 22 March 2011 - updated 14:36 22 March 2011

The action-packed documentary Tornado Alley sucks IMAX viewers into the heart of some of the world's most dangerous storms

Rhythms of life data replayed in art

11:08 22 March 2011 - updated 11:18 22 March 2011

Sleep Patterns, a Los Angeles exhibition by Laurie Frick, converts EEG traces, recorded from the artist as she slept, into wood and watercolour


Feedback: Conversing with a robot

FEEDBACK:  13:11 18 March 2011

Robot customer service fail, deeply chilled music, 1-centimetre cars, and more


David de Rothschild: At sea in a soda-bottle boat Movie Camera

The eco-adventurer is raising awareness of our damaged oceans by crossing the Pacific on a boat made of soda bottles

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