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Short Sharp Science: A New Scientist Blog

How to be an astronaut 5: Destination unknown

Jamie Condliffe, reporter

Over the course of this week, we have done our best to persuade you that becoming an astronaut is almost impossibly difficult and extremely dangerous. But if you are reading this, then you are probably not buying it. Despite all its drawbacks, many people can't wait to get into space - in fact some think it is the best way to secure humanity's future.

So that just leaves one question: where are you going to go?

Close to home

The most likely destination is Earth orbit - or just below it, in the case of most space tourism proposals. Real astronauts are more likely to be on missions to launch or repair satellites, making Earth orbit the target for both national and private space initiatives. And despite recent hiccups, researchers will also travel to the International Space Station, which may expand significantly in the future.

Deep-space dreamers needn't lose hope, however. A chance to explore the solar system is still within reach.

Blew moon

Perhaps the single defining image of space exploration is Neil Armstrong's "one small step" on the moon. Nothing has captured the public imagination as completely since - even though it has been nearly 38 years since the last human waved goodbye to our nearest neighbour.

So is there any chance you will get to follow in their perfectly preserved footsteps? NASA's not planning to head back any time soon: the agency seems to have dropped any plans to re-visit the moon in order to concentrate on more exotic destinations.

You might have more chance with the European Space Agency, which put out a call for would-be lunar explorers a couple of years ago. But ESA's plans for a moon shot remain embryonic at best. Other aspiring space agencies, notably China's, may have designs on the moon too - but don't hold your breath.

Martian chronicles

Anyway, the moon's old hat. Mars is where it is at for the next generation of interplanetary explorers. So said a recent report penned by Apollo astronauts including Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

A succession of robotic explorers have dissipated many of the Red Planet's mysteries, although some of the biggest - notably the possibility of Martian life - remain unresolved. Many believe the only way to answer these is to send people - and both NASA and ESA seem to be planning to do just that.

In fact, work is well advanced on many facets of the difficult mission ahead: from designs for new spacecraft to research into the problems of isolation and loneliness that may be experienced during the lengthy transit. At a recent meeting, a panel made up of space experts predicted that it might be possible to see an astronaut setting foot on Mars in the 2020s - which could revitalise the image of space travel, much as Neil Armstrong's famous moonwalk did.

The outer limits

If Mars is still too pedestrian, there are other, still more exotic destinations under consideration. Even Venus is a possibility, although it is unlikely to happen any time soon.

More plausibly, NASA recently announced that it is particularly keen to venture into deep space. Astronauts might initially visit nearby asteroids, which would be useful training and could also help them learn how to hitch-hike through space.

Some future missions may have nothing recognisable as a destination at all. One proposal is to send astronauts to "gravity holes" - points in space where the gravitational acceleration from the Earth and the sun perfectly balance each other. At these points, objects such as satellites or space stations can stay in place with minimal effort, making them attractive bases for deep-space observation. So your first journey as an astronaut might be to the middle of nowhere.

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I wonder what will happen when various flights are considered based on not only delta V, that is immediate cost, but time of flight, where Astronaughts suffer radiation and supply limitations,,meaning they have to move quickly, but robotic spacecraft are bathed in unlimited solar radation for fuel, power, propulsion. How long before solar sail mirror boosted solar powered ion drive craft are used to scout out the graviational Lagrange points, and the low energy tramlines connecting them, so the Bulk carriers can then cruise over months and years betwen the supply depots, so the plasma drive manned ships can then move more rapiddly throughout the system?

What happened to returning to the moon, where the use of the FIRST orbital tower was proposed in teh 1970s, where standard engineering materials, Glass Fibre, Kevlar, Polythene is capable of reaching from the lunar surface to L1 and beyond, and L2 and beyond, making the Moon not only an supply point, but an anchor for a floating pseudo geotower? If a 65 ton fibre cant be launched due to removel of the Shuttle, why not land the old RPL on the surface and just throw material into orbit for collection. (Rotary Pellet Launcher. And material strong enough for a tower, is strong enough to build at least an orbit capable RPL)

If we want future tech thats currently available, why not use bluetooth, wifi 2.45 Ghz microwave emmiters to build software controlled phase array solar powered sails, generators, lenses, mirrors etc. It may eb possible to build thousands of square metres of dynamically adaptive energy converter using over the counter equipemnt, weighing only a few tons.. if wanted.

Falcon 9 has prooven that Goddard class vehicles can get all the way to orbit. thats almost 80 years old now? What happens when the Mach 7 Scram jet is attached to the variable air intake of a Mach 3 turbojet, and coupled with a Falcon Upper stage for a zero payload SSTO? All 40 plus year old technology.

Will we see the intelligent efficient solar powered ion drive probes that was shown so successfully in Deep Space One in 1999 used for all future probes so we can explore the solar system in years instead of decades?

Will we see the ISS be fitted with the second Cupola so it can be used for the reason it exists, an in orbit traffic control and satelite manufacturing and repair centre? Its far cheaper to launch parts, especially when the Japanese robotic unit can automatically assemble modular units, and the robot arm has been shown to be perfectly capable of assembling ISS modules without thrusters etc.

What should be asked really is. Whose going to start assembling the pipeline to the moon, the obital construction of heavy manned deep space vehicles. The USA, Russia, or with its Vastly greater resources, markets etc.. China.

Intrestingly, China seems to be looking at new rocket motors, remarkably similar in design and capabilities to the massive F1 engines used on the Saturn 5, but the Chinese look to be using one engine per core and booster, giving them mass production assembly lines with their first vehicle.

Maybe the Chinese will be the first to cable the Moon, in less than 20 years? And in doing so, have access to resources unrestricted to mere planetary limitations?

Intresting times ahead. As the Chinese curse goes.


The article you link to, suggesting that the ISS may "expand significantly" is four years old,and refers entirely to work to be done by the shuttle, which as I'm sure you know, will be retired after two more missions.


OK, who was the rocket scientist that added the quote about how the "may expand significantly in the future"? Really? That was news to me. Did I miss someplan to start adding Bigelow modules? Perhaps there's some secret papers that New Scientist found showing the Chinese would be adding a space hotel attached to the ISS? Um. No. The quote is linked to a FOUR YEAR OLD STORY about how the shuttle Atlantis is on the pad and ready to begin a "major expansion ..." Come on. Popular Science writes more cogent articles. What a wast of bandwidth this has become. Almost makes you yearn for the days of constant global warming hype this place passes off in place of real science. What a shame.


I loved these, thanks - they are perfect for every time someone asks me if I want to go to space and I say "no way".


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All these tech issues, gadgets and whatnot remind me of what Mashal McLuhan has said: "What may emerge as the most important insight of the twenty-first century is that man was not designed to live at the speed of light. Without the countervailing balance of natural and physical laws, the new video-related media will make man implode upon himself," and IMHO, we're - as a humanity - getting closer to the "imploding moment".

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