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Mars rover 'Amelia' may follow Spirit and Opportunity

mslname.jpgRachel Courtland, online reporter

If all goes well, a one-tonne, SUV-sized rover will make its landing on the Red Planet in 2012. The $2.2 billion beast will break multiple records, becoming the largest rover to land on Mars and the first to be powered by the heat of radioactive decay.

But what to call it? Its current moniker, Mars Science Laboratory, is functional but lacks personality, so NASA teamed up with Disney to offer students the chance to suggest a new handle.

Now the finalists are in: Sunrise, Pursuit, Journey, Perception, Curiosity, Adventure, Vision, Wonder, and ... Amelia.
Amelia's probably the oddest of the bunch, and it's unclear whether the name is intended to honour Amelia Earhart. Spacecraft named for historical figures - Cassini, Hubble, Huygens - usually go by surnames. But NASA's first Mars rover, Sojourner, was named for Civil War-era abolitionist Sojourner Truth.

None of the other suggestions seem too thrilling. But they aren't a far cry from names like Spirit and Opportunity that grace the Mars Exploration Rovers. Those were originally suggested by a 9-year-old girl in a similar competition in 2003.

Unlike that last competition, you can vote on your preference for MSL's name, from now until 29 March. The name with the most votes is likely to stick, since NASA has already pre-approved the finalists.

But the naming of the International Space Station's Node 3 is a bit more uncertain. Earlier this month, fans of comedian Stephen Colbert managed to get Colbert's name to skyrocket to the top of the list in a contest to name the new node, which is set to be installed on the station later this year.

NASA was hoping Node 3's name would follow in the spirit of previous nodes, Unity and Harmony. After the polls closed last week, ISS node Colbert was the clear winner, garnering 230,539 votes. The runner-up, the NASA-suggested name Serenity, captured 190,196 votes, according to NASA's Jacob Keaton.

Will the agency really name the node Colbert? NASA has made it clear such votes are non-binding; these competitions are intended to raise awareness and get missions just a bit more buzz.

But we may see soon if democracy rules; the winning name for the space station node will probably be announced in a few weeks, Keaton says.

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Sunrise, Pursuit, Journey, Perception, Curiosity, Adventure, Vision, Wonder, and Amelia...sigh! I suppose this is the sort of list to be expected with kids picking the finalists.

Grrr, why can't I vote for Tweel, or even John Carter?




Radioactive decay? it must be a massive amount of radioactive material. Do they think about the possibility that the rocket fails and the material falls on Earth? Are they sure that the radioactivity will be low enough in the still unforeseen days when people might go to Mars?


I think I will go and visit the colbert now.


Addendum: NASA is considering naming the ISS toilet for Colbert.

I think its rather a great idea. It could catch on and become a common usage. Stephen can milk the humor out of that for YEARS, and everbody's happy with a smile on their faces.


The 9 names were not just picked because of the name they chose. There was also an essay that was written by each child. Also the 30 semi-finalist are to create a message for the future if and when we ever have humans on the planet Mars. Now about the name Amelia, it may not be a good idea considering she was lost over the Pacific and we are still looking for her since 1937.


if every editor wrote like you believe me the world would be a better place! this was an excellent read expecting more!

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