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Mobile Alerts FAQ

1. What are Mobile alerts? Mobile alerts are text messages you receive on your mobile phone or PDA. We currently offer the following alerts:

For Daily Weather reports, text DPWEATHER to 71593
For Severe Weather alerts, text STORM to 71593
For Breaking News alerts, text DPBIGNEWS to 71593
For Today's Top Story, text DPTOPSTORY to 71593
For Traffic alerts, text TRAFFIC to 71593
For Breaking Sports News alerts, text DPSPORTSBREAKING to 71593
For Peninsula District HS Scores alerts, text PDSCORES to 71593
For Bay Rivers District HS Scores alerts, text BRDSCORES to 71593
For Daily Sports alerts, text DPSPORTS to 71593
For Breaking Entertainment News, text DPFUN to 71593
For Weekend Entertainment alerts, text DPWEEKEND to 71593
For Food and dining alerts, text FOOD to 71593
For Free and cheap stuff, text DPFREE to 71593
For Holiday coupon deals, text HOLIDAY to 71593
For Virginia Gazette deals, text VGDEALS to 71593
For Lottery results, text LOTTERY to 71593
For Business News alerts, text BUSINESS to 71593
For Jobs listings, text JOBS to 71593
For Gloucester news alerts, text GLOUCESTER to 71593
For Hampton News alerts, text HAMPTON to 71593
For Isle of Wight news alerts, text ISLEOFWIGHT to 71593
For Newport News alerts, text NEWPORTNEWS to 71593
For Poquoson news alerts, text POQUOSON to 71593
For Williamsburg News alerts, text WILLIAMSBURG to 71593
For York County news alerts, text YORK to 71593
For Southside news alerts, text SOUTHSIDE to 71593
For Home alerts, text HOME to 71593
For Garden alerts, text GARDEN to 71593

2. Do I have to register on the website to receive mobile alerts? No. Signing up for mobile alerts does not require registration on the website.

3. How many alerts will I get? Upon signing up for each of our alerts, you will receive a confirmation text message that explains how many texts you should expect to receive on that topic per day/week. You can stop receiving alerts at any time by texting "STOP" to 71593.

4. Do alerts cost me anything? We do not charge you for our alerts. However, your carrier may charge you to send and receive text messages. Contact your carrier for more details: Message and data rates may apply.

5. If I sign up for one alert, do I get them all? No, you must sign up for each alert individually.

6. How do I stop the alerts? To stop receiving alerts, you may either reply "STOP" to a message you receive, or the following: To end Daily Weather reports, text STOP DPWEATHER to 71593
To end Severe Weather alerts, text STOP STORM to 71593
To end Breaking News alerts, text STOP DPBIGNEWS to 71593
To end Today's Top Story, text STOP DPTOPSTORY to 71593
To end Traffic alerts, text STOP TRAFFIC to 71593
To end Breaking Sports News alerts, text STOP DPSPORTSBREAKING to 71593
To end Peninsula District HS Scores alerts, text STOP PDSCORES to 71593
To end Bay Rivers HS Scores alerts, text STOP BRDSCORES to 71593
To end Daily Sports alerts, text STOP DPSPORTS to 71593
To end Breaking Entertainment News, text STOP DPFUN to 71593
To end Weekend Entertainment alerts, text STOP DPWEEKEND to 71593
To end Food and dining alerts, text STOP FOOD to 71593
To end Free and cheap stuff, text STOP DPFREE to 71593
To end Holiday coupon deals, text STOP HOLIDAY to 71593
To end Virginia Gazette deals, text STOP VGDEALS to 71593
To end Lottery results, text STOP LOTTERY to 71593
To end Business News alerts, text STOP BUSINESS to 71593
To end Jobs listings, text STOP JOBS to 71593
To end Gloucester news alerts, text STOP GLOUCESTER to 71593
To end Hampton News alerts, text STOP HAMPTON to 71593
To end Isle of Wight news alerts, text STOP ISLEOFWIGHT to 71593
To end Newport News alerts, text STOP NEWPORTNEWS to 71593
To end Poquoson news alerts, text STOP POQUOSON to 71593
To end Williamsburg News alerts, text STOP WILLIAMSBURG to 71593
To end York County news alerts, text STOP YORK to 71593
To end Southside news alerts, text STOP SOUTHSIDE to 71593
To end Home alerts, text STOP HOME to 71593
To end Garden alerts, text STOP GARDEN to 71593

7. Which carriers is this program available on? AT&T;, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, Sprint, Nextel, Boost, Alltel and US Cellular. Standard messaging charges apply. Contact your carrier for more details.

Mobile Site

8. What is on your mobile site? Our mobile site contains many of the same stories as our websites, but in a customized format that is easy to read on your mobile device.

9. Why would I use the mobile site if it has the same content as your website? The mobile site is more convenient when you are away from a computer. You can read the news on the bus or train, on your way to work in the morning. You can look up the Ravens or check the weather when you are out and about.

10. How often do the stories change on the mobile site? Stories are updated throughout the day, just as those on our online site are. Come back often to see new and updated local, national and international stories.

11. Does using the mobile site cost me anything? We do not charge you to access the mobile site. However, your carrier may charge you to access the Internet from your mobile device. Check your cellular phone contract or contact your carrier for details about these charges.

12. Do I have to register to use the mobile site? No. We do not require registration to use the mobile site.

Other questions or comments? E-mail: