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Short Sharp Science: A New Scientist Blog

July 2010 archive

This is a digest of the stories posted to NewScientist.com from 6pm yesterday until 6pm today.

Quantum electron 'submarines' help push atoms around

Injecting electrons beneath the surface of a silicon wafer could move us closer towards building things atom by atom

Galapagos: off the danger list, still in danger

The decision to take the Galapagos off UNESCO's danger list suggests the islands are in the clear - but conservationists say that's far from true

Reptilians were the earliest North American pioneers

The oldest reptile prints ever found suggest that reptiles were the first creatures to venture into continental interiors

Are cloned steak and milk on European menus?

Reports suggest that meat and dairy products from the offspring of cloned cattle are already on sale in Europe, says Jessica Griggs

Dog brains rotated by selective breeding

Thanks to thousands of years of skull morphing, the brains of some domestic dogs have shifted and a key component relocated

Graphene bubbles mimic explosive magnetic field

Electrons trapped inside strain bubbles in graphene act as if they were in an incredibly powerful magnetic field - good news for future electronics

Team-working robots huddle together to boost comms

Combining radio transmissions can help robots maintain communications, confounding hostile jammers and overcoming obstacles

Cosmic Trojans may sneak comets towards Earth

A collection of asteroids that orbit the sun along roughly the same path as Neptune may be a source of comets that could hit Earth

US food waste worth more than offshore drilling

A study of the energetic value of food wasted in the US each year shows the scale of the problem

Regulation could save genome scanning, not kill it

The personal genomics industry has been bruised by the US Congress, but embracing sensible regulation could shift it to the heart of clinical medicine

E. coli engineered to make convenient 'drop-in' biofuel

Genetically modified bacteria that munch on sugar to produce refinable oil could bring down the cost of switching to cleaner liquid fuels

Jessica Griggs, careers editor

Have cloned meat and dairy products found their way onto the shelves of shops in Europe? Yes, if you believe the Swiss government and the claims of an unnamed British dairy farmer who told The New York Times that he is selling milk from a cow bred from a clone.

This is a digest of the stories posted to NewScientist.com from 6pm yesterday until 6pm today.

Galapagos off the Danger List - but why?

The World Heritage Committee has decided to take the Galapagos Islands off its Danger List, says Michael Marshall. And in other news, mice have nothing to fear from cats

US food waste worth more than offshore drilling

A study of the energetic value of food wasted in the US each year shows the scale of the problem

Satellite quantum-communication circles closer

A trick used in 3D-movie theatres could enable totally secure quantum communication with satellites

Phytoplankton in decline: bye bye food chain?

Tiny marine plants that help support life in the oceans are declining in numbers - and that's worth worrying about, says Michael Marshall

Inside TRAK: a new robot shows us how we think

A new robot called TRAK has been programmed to map its surroundings - but it could also tell us more about the human brain

Spinning black holes could expose exotic particles

If a potential dark matter particle - the axion - exists, it could reveal itself in explosions around black holes

Doctor gagged for doubting shaken baby syndrome

A pathologist in the UK who argues that symptoms of "shaken baby syndrome" can have an innocent cause has been prevented from testifying in court

Alzheimer's unlocked: New keys to a cure

Attempts to treat the world's most common form of dementia may have been attacking its symptoms, not its root cause

Aurora mission makes detour to moon

Two satellites that were doomed to die if they remained in orbit around Earth are heading to the moon for a life extension

Did planet hunter leak data about other Earths?

An online talk by a member of NASA's Kepler mission fuels speculation that the telescope has found Earth-like planets

Fall of Berlin Wall was a hot moment for conservation

As East and West Germany became one, a government ecologist got huge areas of land protected - such "hot moments" are key for maximising conservation

Michael Marshall, environment reporter

Today the World Heritage Committee decided to take the Galapagos Islands off its Danger List, as the risks to their remarkable fauna have apparently been mitigated. And in other news, mice have nothing to fear from cats.

The list is made up of 30 sites around the world, all of them designated World Heritage Sites because of their ecological or cultural importance, that are thought to be in danger. So if the Galapagos are now off the list, does that mean that the islands, with their unique animal life, are now safe?

Not if the official statement from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is anything to go by.

Michael Marshall, environment reporter

Ocean life is being wiped out from the bottom up. The global population of microscopic plants that float in ocean water and support most marine life has declined by 1 per cent every year since 1899.

That's the conclusion of a new study of the microorganisms, published in Nature. The annual falls translate to a 40 per cent drop in phytoplankton since 1950.

Boris Worm and his colleagues at Dalhousie University in Canada also noted that the declines had accelerated since 1950. They were correlated with rising sea surface temperatures, suggesting that climate change may be at least partly to blame.

David Shiga, reporter

A pair of Earth-orbiting satellites designed to study the auroras are making a detour to visit the moon.

The two spacecraft are part of a fleet of five launched into Earth orbit by NASA in 2007 on a mission called THEMIS (Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms). They have been studying the space storms that trigger the northern and southern lights, or auroras, on Earth.

But two of the satellites were set to go on death row earlier this year. If they had been left in their original orbits, the solar-powered craft would have made lengthy passages through Earth's shadow in March 2010, fatally draining their batteries, according to a Discovery News story.

To avoid this and to squeeze some more science out of the two spacecraft, the THEMIS team decided to send them farther from Earth and park them in orbit around the moon.

But there was a problem. Getting into orbit around the moon takes a lot of energy, and the two spacecraft simply didn't have enough fuel to get the job done. So the team devised a clever, roundabout way to get there on a shoestring.

"We realized that if we had enough fuel to change their orbits, the moon's gravity would start pulling them up," the mission's chief scientist Vassilis Angelopoulos of the University of California, Berkeley, told Discovery News.

The spacecraft were already in elongated orbits that passed close to Earth at one end and looped far into space at the other end. Starting in 2009, the spacecraft used their thrusters to extend the far end of their orbits, setting them up for close encounters with the moon.

The gravitational slingshot effect from these lunar encounters, as well as the probes' close passes near Earth, changed their trajectories drastically – you can see the technical details here (pdf). Their own thrusters should be able to do the rest of the job, putting them in orbit around the moon in 2011. There, they will measure tenuous gas surrounding the moon, called the exosphere, and record the interaction of the solar wind with the moon.

Not bad for two spacecraft that would have been space junk by now without this creative rescue plan.

sasselov2.JPGRachel Courtland, reporter

Nature - and the news media, it seems - abhors a vacuum. That could explain the recent uproar over a talk by Dimitar Sasselov, a member of the planet-hunting Kepler space telescope's science team.

Kepler launched in March 2009 and has been hard at work staring at the same patch of sky in search of characteristic dips in starlight that would signal a passing planet. Progress has been fairly quick. Not long after reaching orbit, the telescope team released the vital stats on five confirmed planets and announced it had found 706 stars that seem to have planet potential.

But NASA has allowed data on 400 of these stars, which include the brightest and easiest to study, to be held back from public release until February 2011. This secrecy has frustrated some astronomers and fuelled a hunger for news of more planets, particularly Earth-like ones.

Enter Sasselov, who presented a talk at a TEDGlobal conference in Oxford on 16 July (you can watch the video here). In his presentation, Sasselov presents a chart (shown above) that suggests Kepler has found about 140 "Earth-like" candidates smaller than two times the radius of the Earth.

This is a digest of the stories posted to NewScientist.com from 6pm yesterday until 6pm today.

Morph-osaurs: How shape-shifting dinosaurs deceived us

Some dinosaurs' skulls changed so much as they matured that we've mistaken young and old for completely different species

Climategate scientist breaks his silence

With inquiries into the affair now complete, Phil Jones reflects on his bruising experiences at the centre of the storm

Do raw emotions give us strategic advantages?

The emotions you feel have evolved as tools to manipulate others into cooperating with you, says a controversial new theory

Genome Nobelist: The hard numbers of population growth

John Sulston is leading a study into the future and sustainability of global human population

Experiments in body art: Crowdsourcing a tattoo

A crowdsourced tattoo could have been a brave art experiment - but did contradictory priorities make this project wide of the mark, asks Kat Austen

Apple, trackpads, and the long death of the mouse

The death of the computer mouse must rank as one of the slowest in history. Could Apple's latest offering provide the killer blow?

Zoologger: Horror lizard squirts tears of blood

If ever there was an animal that said "Don't even think about eating me," it would be the blood-spraying Texas horned lizard

Another Gulf oil leak hits Louisiana waters

Another oil leak hit Louisiana's coastal waters yesterday when a barge hit a shallow well - are such accidents surprisingly common, asks Sujata Gupta

Shields up! Force fields could protect Mars missions

Interplanetary adventurers must contend with deadly solar radiation - but the moon's magnetic memories may hold the key to safe space flight

Time to go atomic on space station

The most accurate clock ever sent to space will soon be hosted by the International Space Station - it could help to reveal changes in nature's fundamental constants

Smart glass helps pioneering solar sail to steer

Japan's IKAROS spacecraft has used liquid-crystal layers to steer using only the pressure of sunlight - a first for solar sails

Gareth Morgan, technology editor

Another day, another envelope-pushing design from Apple intended to make us rethink the way we interact with our computers. Welcome to the Magic Trackpad.

In terms of radical design, there's only so much you can say about a flat board. And this is more out-of-the-laptop than out-of-the-box thinking. MacBook users will be instantly familiar with Apple's "new" input device

But the real significance is that it really does lend some weight to the oft-predicted death of the mouse. Apple has, after all, since its early days been one of the computer pioneers of the graphical user interface that depend on the mouse. It has point-and-click baked into its computing DNA - even if not everyone found its one-button mouse intuitive to use.

Sujata Gupta, reporter

Another oil leak, unrelated to the Deepwater Horizon blowout, hit Louisiana's coastal waters yesterday when a dredge barge being towed by a tugboat hit a shallow well. Photos show oil gushing more than 6 metres into the air.

The accident occurred some about a 100 kilometres south of New Orleans in the already hard-hit Barataria bay. Deepwater clean-up vessels were dispatched to the site and responders laid out some 1800 metres of boom to contain the spill.

It's not clear how much oil actually spilled into the Gulf of Mexico, but unlike its big brother out to sea this spill appears to have petered out by midday.

On the bright side, said Thad Allen, the retired coastguard admiral tasked with coordinating the government's response to the Deepwater spill, everybody was ready for action when the spill occurred. "One of the positive things, I suppose, about having this response going on is we have a significant amount of resources... there's skimming equipment close by and booming equipment," he said.

It all makes one wonder just how many little leaks - both natural and unnatural - regularly go unnoticed. Just over a week ago, Allen had to explain that leaks appearing 5 kilometres from the Deepwater well head were also unrelated to the blowout.

This is a digest of the stories posted to NewScientist.com from 6pm yesterday until 6pm today.

Climategate data sets to be made public

Researchers at the centre of the climategate controversy plan to release three major temperature data sets and details of how they are processed

Biodiesel from algae may not be as green as it seems

The search is on for better ways of growing algae for fuel - current methods use more carbon emissions than the biofuel saves

How Wikileaks became a whistleblowers' haven

The release of tens of thousands of secret documents about the war in Afghanistan relied on a network of servers that cover a leaker's online tracks

Mapping the mountain of human DNA

Veteran science writer Victor McElheny recounts the fascinating story of how our genome came to be mapped in Drawing the Map of Life

Not-so-secret seven hold keys to the internet

In times of crisis, systems that power the web must be rebooted - a responsibility that now rests with seven key holders scattered around the world

Laughter's secrets: Faking it - the results

Can a computer produce a realistic laugh? We asked you to judge - and here is your verdict

Anti-vaccination website poses public health risk

Australian public health watchdog says campaigners' claims about vaccines are misleading, inaccurate and may be dangerous to public health

Master stroke: A formula for record-breaking rowing?

There are many ways to row a boat, but it took a physicist to figure out which should work best

Why IVF pioneers were denied public money

The UK Medical Research Council saw test-tube baby researchers Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards as "publicity hounds" and their work as irrelevant

Quark discoverer: Decoherence, language and complexes

Murray Gell-Mann won a Nobel prize for physics and still is working on quantum mechanics, but at 80 he has returned to his first passion - linguistics

Locked-in people could control wheelchairs by sniffing

A device that picks up a person's sniffs could help those with locked-in syndrome control wheelchairs or surf the web

Green machine: Aircon that doesn't warm the planet

The refrigerants and power used in air conditioning add a lot to greenhouse gas emissions. Alternative technologies could offer us all a cooler future

Ageing spacecraft makes best-ever map of Mars

The images come from NASA's Odyssey spacecraft, which is set to smash the longevity record for a Martian probe

We humans can mind-meld too

There's now scientific backing - in the form of brain scans - for the old adage that when two people 'click' in conversation, they have a meeting of minds

What comes after the Large Hadron Collider?

Physicists will soon have to decide what kind of particle smasher they want built after the LHC - they discussed it at a major conference today

Gareth Morgan, technology editor

It's like something out of a Templar's mystical ritual: seven key holders are each assigned to guard a part of a key, and in times of great crisis, five of them must come together for the key's power to be unleashed and save the day. But this is no fantasy tale; it's the latest attempt to safeguard the internet.

The plan was drawn up by the internet domain name watchdog ICANN as a means to protect the internet in the event of a major attack on its infrastructure. The complete key can be used to reboot the systems at the heart of the internet which direct users to the genuine websites.

Maggie McKee, physical sciences news editor

Chalk one up for the graybeards. The oldest spacecraft now operating around Mars has produced the best ever map of the Red Planet (if the map does not load, heavy traffic may have temporarily crashed the site).

NASA's Mars Odyssey reached the planet in 2001 and researchers have now stitched together 21,000 of its images into a global map. When seen as a whole, the gray-scale map isn't much to look at, but its power snaps into focus when viewers zoom in on particular features, whose details can be seen at scales as small as 100 metres across - see a 140-km-wide image of Mars's "Grand Canyon" below. (Cameras such as HiRISE on the newer Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter can spot things about 1 metre wide, but have covered only small portions of the planet.)


"The map lays the framework for global studies of properties such as the mineral composition and physical nature of the surface materials," says Odyssey scientist Jeffrey Plaut of JPL in a statement.

The new map was released just days after NASA announced that Odyssey had gone into 'standby' mode on 14 July after an electronic component responsible for moving its solar array suffered a glitch. The probe switched to a backup component and returned to work on Friday, but it was not the first sign of trouble for the ageing spacecraft, which was temporarily sidelined due to memory problems in late 2009. If the craft can hang on for another five months or so, it will smash the longevity record for a Martian spacecraft, set by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor. That probe orbited the Red Planet for a little over nine years, from September 1997 until November 2006.

(Valles Marineris canyon system image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Arizona State University)

This is a digest of the stories posted to NewScientist.com from 6pm on Friday until 6pm today.

Hire out your spare brainpower, says internet optimist

If you spend your time online rather than watching TV, your grey matter can make the world a better place, says Clay Shirky

Art on a chip: Accidental beauty at the nanoscale

Spend enough time with your eyes glued to a microscope and you will see some beautiful structure, cell or circuit - here are a few of our favourites

Perfecting synthetic sounds for animated worlds

Computers make marvellous animations, but someone still has to record the sound effects. When software be able to handle that job too?

All power to the wind - it cuts your electricity bills

Why is wind power derided as subsidised, inefficient and uncompetitive when the opposite is true, ask Jérôme Guillet and John Evans

Bellyflopping frogs shed light on evolution

Looks like frogs learned to leap before mastering landing, according to a video study of jumping frogs

Social networks: The great tipping point test

Your online traces are helping fuel a revolution in the understanding of human behaviour - one that's revealing the mathematical laws of our lives

Ways to snoop 'private' web sessions identified

All major web browsers now offer private modes to hide a user's web history - but the systems aren't foolproof

Sneaky dogs take food quietly to avoid getting caught

If their owner isn't watching, dogs go into stealth mode to steal food. It is more evidence that they can tell what others are thinking

Camera app puts you in the footsteps of history

Superimposing a historic photo on an up-to-date snap of the same scene brings history to life - a new tool can make sure the pictures line up

Heart problem no problem for fliers

It's OK to fly even if you have serious heart problems, according to this week's advice from the British Cardiovascular Society

Innovation: A real live Grand Prix in your living room

Two systems now on the starter's grid will allow gamers to compete against real-world professional drivers in real time

This is a digest of the stories posted to NewScientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today.

'Sleep control' cells allow blind mice to see

Mice lacking rod and cone cells can still navigate mazes. They must be using a third light receptor previously thought to have no role in vision

Single gene could be key to a baby's first breath

Mouse studies show the Teashirt 3 gene helps newborns breathe and might explain why some fail to

Every black hole may hold a hidden universe

Our own universe could be inside a black hole - if an analysis based on a modified version of Einstein's general relativity proves to be correct

Too soon to blame Toyota drivers for throttle problems

Early investigations into Toyota cars that accelerated out of control points the finger at driver error. But the electronic throttle is not foolproof

Fishing skews sex ratios in fish

Population crashes in many species of reef fish may be linked to an excess of males brought about by fishing - and quotas won't help

Dinosaur clawprints are all over hunt site

An ancient "crime scene" in Utah reveals rare evidence of a dinosaur in the act of preying on a small mammal

Laughter's secrets: How to make a computer laugh

Take our test to help acoustician Trevor Cox crack the secret of synthetic laughter

'Buckyballs' spotted in interstellar space

The largest molecules yet identified in space are geodesic spheres of carbon atoms

Triple-slit experiment confirms reality is quantum

An upgraded version of the classic double-slit experiment has been performed - it's only taken a century to do it

Record-breaking heat does not 'prove' global warming

Heatwaves around the world have complex causes, just like the cold snaps a few months ago - keep your eye on the big picture, says Michael Le Page

David Shiga, reporter

Chemists have been fascinated by the tiny balls of carbon known as buckyballs since they were first made in the laboratory in 1985.

But apparently nature knows how to make them, too – and in great abundance.

Previous studies of the debris around impact craters on Earth have suggested that buckyballs might be found in space, and spectral observations of star light have hinted that they may even nest together like Russian dolls, but their existence beyond Earth has never been confirmed.

Now, a team of astronomers has found that in the dusty environment around a white dwarf star lying about 6500 light years from Earth, a few per cent of the carbon is in the form of buckyballs.


The astronomers used the Spitzer Space Telescope to detect the distinctive infrared spectrum of buckyballs made of 60 and 70 carbon atoms in a dusty nebula around the white dwarf.

The team suspects that abundant carbon and a lack of hydrogen in the nebula created just the right environment to give rise to buckyballs. When hydrogen is present, it combines with carbon, preventing the pure-carbon spheres from forming.

The molecules are about three times larger than water molecules at about 1 nanometre across, reports Space.com:

Michael Le Page, biology features editor

"Snow chaos: and still they claim it's global warming." "Snowmageddon delivers another blow to global warming." "The mini ice age starts here."

A few months ago, these were the kind of headlines that were appearing in newspapers and blogs. After very cold winter weather in many parts of the northern hemisphere, the notion of global warming was ripe for mockery. The family of senator Jim Inhofe - who called global warming "a hoax", built an igloo in Washington DC, with a sign saying "Al Gore's new home".

And now? The winter weather has given way to a series of extraordinary heatwaves.

This is a digest of the stories posted to NewScientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today.

Teenage drivers: why whales smash into boats

Captain Ahab and Moby Dick have been invoked this week after a whale apparently attacked a yacht. How likely is an intentional whale attack?

Serotonin cell discoveries mean rethink of depression

Far from being caused by low levels of serotonin in the brain, some types of depression may in fact be the result of too much serotonin

Speeding star traced back to Milky Way's heart

The newly mapped path taken by a hypervelocity star suggests supermassive black holes can kick-start the movement of these objects

How does a bowhead whale smell? Quite well, actually

Bowhead whale brains have a fully developed olfactory system, questioning assumptions that the largest animals on Earth have a lousy sense of smell

BP can't fake photos - can it plug the oil leak?

BP has been found doctoring photos of its response to the Gulf oil spill, says Sujata Gupta

Die young, live fast: The evolution of an underclass

They're often branded as thoughtless and irresponsible, but teenage mothers and deadbeat dads may be making the best of their bad situations

BP Top Hat cap tests are inconclusive

Has the new cap on the wrecked Gulf well head finally got the better of the gushing oil?

Micro plane perches to feed on power lines

It's an air passenger's nightmare, but stalling has its uses if you're a micro aircraft that needs to recharge its batteries

Astronaut for hire: Space tourism will help science

Brian Shiro, president of Astronauts4Hire, explains how the commercial space race is changing what it means to be an astronaut

Laughter's secrets: Contagious chortling

Laughter is irresistibly and inexplicably catching
Sujata Gupta, reporter

BP learned a hard lesson this week: perfect corporate spin requires an artist's touch.

Everyone's favourite corporation has now been found doctoring photos of its response to the Gulf oil spill.

The news first hit earlier this week when blogger John Aravosis observed that a photo posted from BP's crisis response centre, home to monitors relaying images from unmanned underwater robots, had a problem: images from three screens had been cut and pasted in.


The news went viral. The general sentiment? If you're going to fake it, at least do it well. "I can do far better than this, and I tend to play with Photoshop for fun," posted Aravosis.

Paul Marks, senior technology correspondent


Beware stowaways (Image: Francis Dean/Rex Features)


For the original article, see below.

Further information posted on Dell's community forum reveals that the trojan in the affected motherboards is stored in onboard flash memory rather than firmware ROMs. And the malware at issue is called w32.spybot.worm, which normally spreads using file-sharing networks and an internet chat client.

"The worm was discovered in flash storage on the motherboard during Dell testing. The malware does not reside in the firmware," says a Dell technician on the forum.

Because the trojan executes under Windows, infections can be cleaned out by antivirus software. Whether such software can clean up the motherboard flash infection is unclear, as such software usually scrubs only hard drives and - optionally - USB memory sticks. But Dell is replacing all affected boards in any case.

Overnight, Forrest Norrod, vice president and general manager of server platforms at Dell, emailed this update on the affair:

Dell is aware of the issue and is contacting affected customers. The issue affects a limited number of replacement motherboards in four servers - PowerEdge R310, PowerEdge R410, PowerEdge R510 and PowerEdge T410 - and only potentially manifests itself when a customer has a specific configuration and is not running current antivirus software. This issue does not affect systems as shipped from our factory and is limited to replacement parts only. Dell has removed all impacted motherboards from its service supply chain and new shipping replacement stock does not contain the malware.

Original article (21 July)

Computer maker Dell is warning, according to The Register, that some of its server motherboards have been delivered to customers carrying an unwanted extra: computer malware. It could be confirmation that the "hardware trojans" long posited by some security experts are indeed a real threat.

Unlike hard-drive-based computer viruses which can be disabled by antivirus software, a hardware trojan lives out of reach of such defences. It comprises some kind of alteration - by sabotage or accident - to the very heart of a computer: its microprocessors, memory chips or circuit boards.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today.

Baby boomer marmots fatten up with climate change

Colorado's baby-boomer marmots have been getting fatter and their population has been swelling - the changes seem to be caused by the warming climate

Old faithful Tevatron collider leads race to Higgs

The Tevatron collider is poised to beat the Large Hadron Collider in the race to detect the Higgs boson

Gulf of Mexico becomes an accidental laboratory

An army of ecologists is gearing up for an arduous campaign to document the damage caused by the Gulf oil spill and chart the eventual recovery

Stingy aliens may call us on cheap rates only

We could be missing alien communications because we are not taking into account the fiscal constraints on sending out intergalactic messages

An evil atmosphere is forming around geoengineering

Right-wing think tanks that deny climate change is even happening are advocating climate engineering to fix it. Don't heed them, warns Clive Hamilton

The discovery of energy

Jennifer Coopersmith explains the concept of energy through the history of its discovery in Energy, the Subtle Concept

Vaginal gel could slow spread of HIV

In a South African trial, women using an anti-retroviral gel halved their risk of HIV infection - suggesting use of the gel could slow the epidemic

O2h no! Is our oxygen running out?

The evidence is in: the gas we breathe is becoming scarcer - and we're to blame. What does that mean for life on Earth?

Zoologger: Secret to long life found... in a baby dragon

The mysterious olm was once believed to be a juvenile dragon - now it is providing valuable clues in the quest for the elixir of life

International AIDS meeting: reports of success

It's not just the HIV-killing gel that is having success in battling the AIDS pandemic, says Ewen Callaway

PC giant warns of hardware trojan

Computer maker Dell says some of the motherboards in its consumer PCs carry malware that's beyond the reach of any antivirus software

Biggest star ever found may be ticking antimatter bomb

The most massive star known to humans has been identified - and one day it may die in an exotic antimatter explosion

Twitter mood maps reveal emotional states of America

How is the US feeling right now? The emotional words contained in hundreds of millions of tweets may hold the answers

Laughter's secrets: The best medicine?

Laughing may be good for you, but good cheer only goes so far

Business, science and art meet in consciousness doc

A sculptor, an entrepreneur and two scientists dig into consciousness in the documentary Just Trial and Error, says Sandrine Ceurstemont

Skull tells tale of the lost primates of the Caribbean

A primate skull found in an underwater cave on Hispaniola is evidence of the primitive and strange fauna that the Caribbean has lost

Ewen Callaway, reporter

Read more: Click here to read our story about how a vaginal gel could slow the spread of HIV

A report that a microbicidal gel nearly halved infection rates among several hundred South African women has dominated news coverage of this week's International AIDS meeting in Vienna, Austria.

The study is the first solid proof that HIV-killing gels can reduce transmission of the virus, and it could offer women a powerful tool to protect themselves from infection. "It's a game changer," Bruce Walker, an AIDS expert at Harvard Medical School who wasn't involved in the study, told the New York Times.

More quietly, though, other successes in battling the AIDS pandemic have come out of Vienna.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today.

Senate to NASA: Build massive rocket now!

A key Senate committee has approved a bill that would require NASA to start building a hefty new rocket earlier than President Barack Obama wanted

How a changing diet rules a growing baby's guts

A baby's first peas are a life-changing event, at least as far as the microbes in its gut are concerned

Laughter's secrets: GSOH not required

Why do women laugh at men's jokes?

Fascinating frogs hopping to extinction

Thirty species of frog have been wiped out from the El Copé National Park in Panama. We look at the some of the weirdest

A psychologist inside the mind of suicide bombers

Ariel Merari has talked to suicide bombers and those who organise their attacks, and found they are very different kinds of people

Inception: peering into the science of dreams

The movie Inception draws on many themes explored by researchers who study sleep and consciousness, says Rowan Hooper

Male fetuses ignore their stressed-out mothers

The reaction of a fetus to an expectant mother's stress hormones depends on its sex

Blood spatter model to help crime scene investigation

Software could improve the speed and accuracy of blood ballistics interpretation at a crime scene

Killer worms and the musical sun: best of web video

Our pick of science videos, including roundworms with teeth, a star musician, X Prize autos and more

Laughter's secrets: The sound of a happy ape

Animal laughter is very different to ours - if it even exists

Enlist malaria-resistant mosquitoes to stop its spread

An novel gene that cranks up a mosquito's immune system helps it stay malaria-free, despite drinking infected blood

Veggieworld: Why eating greens won't save the planet

Stop eating meat, save the environment - so the argument goes. But what would really happen if we all went cold turkey?

Ecstasy may help trauma victims

A small trial suggests that ecstasy could help sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder, says Arran Frood, but might it be a placebo response?

Ecstasy may help trauma victims

Arran Frood, contributor

MDMA, the drug commonly known as ecstasy, can help treat people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when used in conjunction with psychotherapy, according to a study published today in the Journal of Psychopharmacology.

The finding, if replicated, will be historic: the first time that MDMA has been shown to offer therapeutic benefits to patients when used in clinical practice.

MDMA was used as a therapy drug from the late 1970s despite there being little scientific evidence for its effectiveness. In what was called the second summer of love in the late 1980s, it escaped to the dance floor and was banned before any clinical human trials could be performed.

To better understand potential benefits of the drug, Michael Mithoefer, a psychiatrist and clinical researcher practising privately in South Carolina, and colleagues gave either MDMA or a placebo to 20 patients with PTSD, mostly female victims of sexual abuse, who had not responded to conventional drugs.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm on Friday until 6 pm today.

Laughter's secrets: No funny business

We don't laugh at jokes, but at other people

Briefing: New ways to diagnose Alzheimer's earlier

With few treatments available, will new criteria for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease help people who are still healthy but at risk?

Malaria, the killer that won't go away

The Fever: How malaria has ruled humankind for 500,000 years by Sonia Shah is a diverse survey of the past and present career of a formidable killer

Navy laser roasts incoming drones in mid-air

A remote-piloted military aircraft meets a new enemy - a ship-mounted laser that can shoot it down

Out with pink and blue: Don't foster the gender divide

In a world that needs nimble brains and sophisticated thinking, we must junk stereotypes about boys and girls once and for all, says Lise Eliot

Green machine: A salty solution for power generation

Put seawater and fresh water together and electricity flows - now schemes to do it on an industrial scale are beginning to show promise

SpaceShipTwo makes first crewed flight

Virgin Galactic's VSS Enterprise carries its first crew but remains safely attached to the mothership

Artificial gut frees sewage-eating robot from humans

A biomass-powered robot with a digestive system shows it can operate for a week without human help, by feeding, watering and cleansing itself

Why we listen to sad music when we're sad

There may be plenty of proof that music moves us emotionally - but can science tell us why, asks Kat Austen

The secrets of laughter

We all enjoy a good laugh. But why? New Scientist reveals how laughter makes you friendlier, healthier, safer and sexier

Geoengineering fix won't suit everyone

Pumping aerosols into the atmosphere could help offset climate change, but everyone will want to use different amounts

Fish certification scheme shows its true colours

When you see a blue label at the fishmonger, you needn't worry about whether the "sustainable Alaska salmon" really came from depleted Atlantic stocks

Depression makes the world look dull

Nerve signals from the eye show people with depression are less able to perceive contrast. The finding could be used to help diagnose the condition

Cholesterol screening for US children could save lives

A third of children in the US who are at risk of heart disease later in life due to high cholesterol will be missed under current screening guidelines

Brain implants evolved to use less energy

A genetic algorithm has reduced the power demands of brain implants, and thus the need for operations to replace their batteries

Kate McAlpine, reporter

Virgin Galactic's VSS Enterprise, which shares a name with the famous ship from Star Trek, has reached the stratosphere with a crew onboard.

One day, the rocket will be released from the mothership and fly in an arc that reaches space for a few minutes - not high enough for orbit. But it's not yet ready to leave the nest: this time, the VSS Enterprise remained attached to its carrier, VMS Eve. The crew performed system tests on the rocket ship and reported "objectives achieved."

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today.

Single star count ups odds of ET

Solitary suns like ours are not as rare as we once thought, boosting the likelihood that there are other life-friendly solar systems in the universe

Parasite parade: Meet nature's intimate aliens

They get a bad press, but parasites are beautiful under the microscope

Deep space X-ray flash is most powerful ever recorded

An unknown event in a distant galaxy has blasted our solar system with an intense burst of X-rays, temporarily blinding an astronomical satellite

Innovation: Google may know your desires before you do

In the future, search engines could know what you want before you do - if you're willing to trust them with the details of your private life

Want to get off to sleep? Ask your astrocytes nicely

Cells previously dismissed as minor players in the brain may actually regulate when we fall asleep

Comet tail confirmed on alien planet

The first known planet with comet-like tail has been discovered as it is frazzled alive by its host star

Can you take eggs from a dying woman?

Doctors deny a husband's request to harvest his dying wife's eggs for posthumous reproduction

Silicon chip speed record broken on a lead-coated track

An atom-thick coating of lead allows electrons to travel around a silicon chip 20 times faster than usual

For insects, press print

With a 3D printer it's easy to fashion insect-like wings, the prelude to building the robotic spy that's high on the Pentagon's wish list

Chew on this: thank cooking for your big brain

The amount of time our ancestors spent chewing our food lends support to the possibility that cooked meals made us human

'Cuddle chemical' eases symptoms of schizophrenia

Nasal sprays containing the hormone oxytocin have helped people with schizophrenia

TED Global: Where ideas get it on

A stellar line-up of speakers promote optimism at the TED Global conference in Oxford, UK

Super goby helps salvage ocean dead zone

A goby that can survive with low oxygen in toxic water is the key to resuscitating a jellyfish-infested dead zone off Africa's south-west coast

Grow-your-own approach to wiring 3D chips

"Flat" computer chips are getting too crowded, so an approach to building tiny wires in three dimensions is timely

Caitlin Stier, intern

Doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston faced tough decisions when a family requested they harvest eggs from a 36-year-old woman, after she suffered a pulmonary embolism and was put on life support.

The case, reported this week in the New England Journal of Medicine, raises important questions about the reproductive rights of patients and families in an age where posthumous reproduction is possible.

Fertility clinics have reportedly honoured requests to retrieve sperm from a recently deceased partner, but there are no documented cases of doctors harvesting eggs in the same situation.

David Greer, one of the specialists who treated the woman, told Boston.com that the request "made [the doctors] very uncomfortable":

"It forced us to think about what is the right thing to do here, what is the ethical thing."

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today.

Air pollution could increase risk of suicide

Clear association found between suicide and spikes in pollution in seven cities in Korea

NASA seeks rover that goes all night

$1.5 million awaits the winners of a new NASA competition for a solar-powered rover that can drive through an alien night

Bit of a crybaby? Blame your serotonin levels

People with low serotonin levels are more prone to crying. The finding may explain why people on antidepressants sometimes report "emotional blunting"

Cheap drones could replace search-and-rescue choppers

Uncrewed craft are best known as search-and-destroy weapons, but the technology could also help people who get into trouble in hard-to-reach places

Timber piracy down - but we're not out of the woods

Illegal logging in deforestation hotspots has fallen by 50 to 75 per cent in the past decade, but that may not equal trees saved on the ground

Russian spooks could claim web chat for themselves

ICQ, the instant messaging service, has been purchased by a Russian investment company - now its logs are legally open to the Russian secret service

Quantum entanglement holds together life's blueprint

The double helix shape of DNA may be down to the quantum entanglement of its base pairs

Gulf turtle evacuees could get lost at sea

Turtles are being relocated from the US Gulf coast to save them from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill - but this may scramble their navigating skills

Fluorescent felines meet pre-plucked chickens

Genetically modified animals are with us, and an awful lot of them glow under UV. See them in our gallery

Final ruling on controversial diabetes drug

US regulators have decided not to withdraw the popular diabetes drug Avandia from the market over concerns over risks of heart problems

Let there be night, for wildlife's sake

Light pollution subtly interferes with the growth, behaviour and survival of many nocturnal species - not just those that hit the headlines

Why Facebook friends are worth keeping

Tired of status updates from people you hardly know? Pay attention and you might find those weak ties more useful than you think
Jim Giles, consultant

Should the ability of governments to eavesdrop be a factor in deciding where a communications company is based? Apparently so, at least according to US law enforcement officials.

The issue came up after ICQ, an instant messaging service, was purchased for $187.5 million by the Russia investment company Digital Sky Technologies. ICQ may no longer be fashionable in US and Britain, but it remains popular in eastern Europe and Russia.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today.

Heart of darkness could explain sun mysteries

The centre of our star may be made of dark matter, which could be cooling down the core

Gorillas learn to play fair by playing tag

For the first time, great apes have been seen recognising unfair behaviour in their everyday lives

Smoke-detector isotope to power space probes

The European Space Agency wants a radioactive isotope commonly used in smoke alarms to power its robotic spacecraft to the outer solar system

Artificial lungs breathe new hope for transplants

Lungs grown from stem cells are successfully transplanted into animals

Will BP's new cap fit?

BP has swapped the cap on its Deepwater Horizon well - but tests to judge the success of the new device have been delayed

Climate scientists respond to 'climategate' report

It's time to abandon the black-and-white fiction that human-induced climate change is fact or conspiracy, they say

Pope's astronomer: 'Science helps me be a priest'

Religious belief and scientific truths are all part of the same ultimate truth, says José Funes, head of the Vatican Observatory

Drivers to blame for out-of-control Toyotas?

Toyota has come under intense scrutiny because of problems with its cars. But new tests suggest the problem may lie with driver error

Picture puzzles separate human from machine

A tool for hiding images within larger pictures could provide a neat way of distinguishing between people and bots online

Zoologger: Eggs with an 'eat me' sign

It lives on the ground in forests rife with predators, so why does the great tinamou lay bright turquoise eggs?

Altered animals: Creatures with bonus features

First came the supermice that could run all day or stand up to cats. Now here come cows that fight terror and pollution-busting pigs

Higgs discovery rumour unfounded

Rumours of a Higgs boson at the Tevatron collider seem baseless, and may have emerged following an altogether different discovery, says Kate McAlpine

Will BP's new cap fit?

Sujata Gupta, reporter

BP may have installed a brand new containment cap on top of its broken Deepwater Horizon well, but tests to see whether the new cap will work have been delayed.

The tests should have begun yesterday and no clear reason was given for the delay. On its website, BP stated that they postponed the test after meeting with US Secretary of Energy Stephen Chu.

Gareth Morgan, technology news editor

Driver error and not technology glitches were the root cause of accidents in which Toyota cars accelerated out of control. That's according to the Wall Street Journal, which has spoken to people involved in US Department of Transportation tests.

Those tests involved analysing dozens of data recorders from cars involved in crashes. And the initial results show that in an unspecified number of cases throttles were wide open and brakes were not engaged - consistent with the driver inadvertently stepping on the gas when they intended to slam on the brakes.

Kate McAlpine, reporter, Turin

Exciting data coming out of the DZero experiment - but no Higgs (Image: Peter Ginter/Fermilab)
Rumours of a discovery of the Higgs boson at Fermilab's Tevatron collider appear to be unfounded.

Last week, the blogger and physicist Tommaso Dorigo sparked speculation over an imminent announcement of a "three-sigma" signal of the elusive Higgs particle. Three-sigma refers to the statistical certainty of the result - a 99.7 per cent likelihood that the measurement is accurate. However, the errors and fluctuations in particle collisions are high enough that a five-sigma signal is necessary to claim a discovery.

At the International Workshop on the Interconnection between Particle Physics and Cosmology 2010 meeting in Turin, Italy, physicist Simona Rolli told New Scientist that she and colleagues on Tevatron experiments were puzzled at where Dorigo's rumour came from - they haven't heard any talk about a Higgs signal.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today.

You can't fight violence with violence

The psychology of vengeance explains much about the state of the world and suggests the "war on terror" can never succeed, says Metin BaÅŸoÄŸlu

Deepwater wellhead gets new top hat

The US Gulf coast is on tenterhooks to find out if the Deepwater Horizon oil leak had finally been halted, says Michael Marshall

Huge undersea volcano found off Indonesia

A volcano that towers 3000 metres above the sea floor, yet remains hidden beneath the waves, has been found off the coast of Indonesia

Reconstructed: Archimedes's flaming steam cannon

Archimedes may have built a cannon powered by sun-reflecting mirrors to hurl flaming projectiles at invading Roman forces

Bumpology: Men go through pregnancy too

The changes in me are obvious, but are the hormones kicking in for the dad-to-be?

The madness and love that built the periodic table

In The Disappearing Spoon, Sam Kean brings to life the idiosyncrasies of the chemical elements - and their discoverers

Alternative nuclear fuel is surprisingly reactive

Uranium nitride, tipped as the nuclear fuel of the future, can break very inert bonds, with implications for its storage and disposal

Obama announces plan to fight HIV

Obama's HIV/AIDS plan calls for reducing infection and redirecting money to groups at most risk, reports Helen Thomson

Rule out nothing in the investigation of cancer

The US is right to include mathematicians, physicists and engineers in its effort to fight cancer

Crunching cancer with numbers

Can a former Disney engineer, a hurricane modeller and a cosmologist really help oncologists make the breakthrough they've sought for 50 years?

Mummies of the world gather in Los Angeles

Pictures from a new exhibition show that ancient Egypt didn't have a monopoly on the elaborate preservation of the dead

Carbon heritage comes to coal-mining dynasty's pile

A new artwork reveals levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide - but will it make us think differently about climate change, asks Julian Richards

Michael Marshall, environment reporter

Update 14 July 2010: At the last minute, BP's engineers were forced to delay their testing of the new cap. The Financial Times reports that the US energy secretary Steven Chu "stepped in to force BP to delay these integrity tests" until additional analyses had been performed. BP hopes that these analyses will be completed today.

The US Gulf coast is waiting on tenterhooks to find out if the Deepwater Horizon oil leak has finally been halted.

At 7 pm local time on Monday, BP fitted a new cap known as Top Hat 10 to its notorious well. It hopes that this cap will be strong enough to seal the leak, at least until the relief wells that are being drilled start working next month.

The new cap's design has never been used at such depths and pressures before. BP began testing it today to see if it could contain the oil, a process that could take up to 48 hours. As oil builds up under the cap the pressure should rise; if it does not, that will suggest oil is still leaking. In a statement BP said that "its efficiency and ability to contain the oil and gas cannot be assured".

Meanwhile the US government has renewed a moratorium on deep-sea drilling in the Gulf of Mexico until 30 November - but it may not last. A similar moratorium, adopted on 27 May, was quickly contested in court by oil and gas companies operating in the gulf. It was thrown out by a district judge in New Orleans, Louisiana, on 22 June.

Michael Marshall, environment reporter

A volcano that towers 3000 metres above the sea floor, yet remains hidden beneath the waves, has been found off the coast of Indonesia by a US-Indonesia joint expedition.

The volcano was found off the island of Sulawesi and has been named Kawio Barat. It is unclear whether it is active.

"This is a huge undersea volcano, taller than all but three or four mountains in Indonesia," the expedition's US chief Jim Holden said in an official statement.

Debora MacKenzie, consultant

What rich country has the most people with HIV? The US, with 1.1 million infected. And later today US President Obama will announce his long-awaited programme to fight the deadly disease.

Early leaks say spending won't increase beyond the current $19 billion a year; instead the President will re-target existing funds toward states and groups with the greatest need. The plan recognises that many Americans with HIV are not diagnosed, and many are delayed in receiving anti-HIV drugs despite evidence that earlier treatment is better. The result? One new US infection every ten minutes.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm on Friday until 6 pm today.

Invisible weapons to fight fake drugs

Faced with a burgeoning market in counterfeit medicine, pharmaceutical firms are planning to add smart security features to the tablets we take

A backstage pass to the circus of super-long life

Jonathan Weiner's Long for This World and The Youth Pill by David Stipp offer contrasting, but equally compelling, takes on the hunt for longevity

Mongooses who can, teach

Mongoose pups learn how to break bird eggs by watching their teenage elders - the first evidence that young animals learn the ropes by imitation

Can you teach yourself synaesthesia?

A form of synaesthesia in which people experience letters or numbers in colour may be trainable, which could shed new light on how such traits develop

Warning sounded over British dogfighting drone

The UK government has entered the uncrewed autonomous vehicle market - and faces questions from concerned experts

Pioneer aquanaut: How not to clean up an oil spill

Seabed explorer and former top government scientist Sylvia Earle is angry at events in the Gulf - but still hopeful about the planet's prospects

Green machine: A new push for pond scum power

Interest in biofuel from algae has reignited, with billions of dollars being poured into research. Can today's efforts succeed where others failed?

Geo-tags reveal celeb secrets

People may inadvertently be broadcasting their whereabouts through photo and video-sharing sites that show material with location data embedded

Alpha, beta, gamma: The language of brainwaves

These neural rhythms knit together everything you experience. But what happens when your mind goes out of sync?

Law of hurricane power discovered

The intensity of hurricanes follows a simple mathematical law - a finding that could help us predict how they will respond to climate change

Ad system that can spot an online shopper

Fed up of sponsored links cluttering up online searches? A new system promises to reduce frustration by only serving up ads to shoppers

Smart TV remote could censor shows for kids

A remote fitted with sensors can identify individual family members, offering personalised viewing options - and restrictions

Animated 3D models extracted from single-camera video

People in video footage can be transformed into 3D computer animations, opening up the prospect of cheap motion capture

Oxygen therapy slows mouse wrinkles

Mice placed in an oxygen chamber show fewer signs of the skin damage caused by exposure to UVB radiation

Ultimate eclipse photo: Scoping out Easter Island

Eclipse-chaser Dan Falk continues in his quest to shoot the ultimate photograph. Follow his journey on Easter Island.

Higgs boson: is a result imminent?

What to make of the rumour about a fresh Higgs boson result isn't clear, but if true, it would be an immense discovery, says Rachel Courtland
Rachel Courtland, reporter


Could the unexpected results point to Higgs? (Image: Fermilab)

Could the elusive Higgs boson finally be in sight? On his blog, physicist Tommaso Dorigo of the University of Padua writes about talk of a tentative hint of the Higgs at the Tevatron, a particle accelerator at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois.

"It reached my ear, from two different, possibly independent sources, that an experiment at the Tevatron is about to release some evidence of a light Higgs boson signal. Some say a three-sigma effect, others do not make explicit claims but talk of a unexpected result,"  writes Dorigo.

The blog post is low on detail but if the "three-sigma" signature  - a reference to the statistical certainty of the rumoured result - turns out to be real, it will be an immense discovery.

The Higgs, sometimes called the "God particle", was proposed to explain why particles have mass. It is the only particle in the standard model of particle physics that hasn't been found. Spotting it would confirm the theory, while ruling it out would point the way to more exotic, new theories.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today.

Innovation: Shrewd search engines know what you want

The next generation of search engines will pay more attention to users to help everyone get what they're after - except for computer hackers

Stabilisers will let deep-sea wind turbines stand tall

Objections to offshore wind farms will disappear if the turbines can be built to float far out at sea

Nanoparticle bandages could detect and treat infection

A new kind of medical dressing uses bacteria's own toxins to trigger defence against infection

Google should answer some searching questions

The search engine's claims that its results are impartial are not supported by research, argues John M. Simpson

UK science minister: research must be saved‎ from cuts

David Willetts is making the right noises about science funding in the UK - but is that enough to save it from cuts, asks Roger Highfield

Gene switches sexual desires of female mice

Female mice lacking a vital enzyme reject the advances of males and attempt to mate with other females instead

Soaring Arctic temperatures - a warning from history

With carbon dioxide levels near our own, the Pliocene Arctic may have warmed much more than we thought - and today's Arctic could go the same way

Signs of hope in the Gulf: the final fix?

News suggests it could be sooner rather than later that the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico is stopped - but there potential pitfalls to navigate

The long quest for the origins of mass

While hunt may end with the discovery of the Higgs particle, Ian Sample's Massive shows there's a lot more to it than that

Dolphins make their last stand in the Mediterranean

How safe is the dolphin stronghold in the Amvrakikos gulf? Rowan Hooper goes dolphin-chasing to find out

Antibody cuts brain damage in strokes

An antibody that binds to certain brain receptors could reduce the side effects of a common stroke drug and buy additional time in which to use it

Fireflies' flashy mates have to be in sync

The precise timing of synchronised firefly flashing helps females see through the "noise" to find a compatible mate

Sujata Gupta, reporter

Nearly three months since the Deepwater Horizon rig started to spew oil in to the Gulf of Mexico, is BP about to finally seal the well?

The drilling of relief wells is ahead of schedule, says BP. Originally slated for completion around mid-August, officials are now saying that one of the wells could intercept the busted well in as little as seven to ten days. Government officials warn, though, that plugging the well with mud and cement, a process known as "bottom kill," via the relief well could take several days or more to complete.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm on yesterday until 6 pm today.

Wanted: little levers to probe the quantum divide

We could probe the boundaries of the divide between the quantum and everyday-scale worlds by "entangling" two simple, tiny levers

Tyrannosaurs: history's most fearsome... scavengers?

The terrible lizards were happy to scavenge easy meat if it came their way, tooth marks on a Mongolian fossil reveal

First piloted solar-powered night flight

Solar Impulse's first plane flies for 26 hours straight, circling over Switzerland through the night on nothing but sunshine

Football results influence voters

If your local team wins prior to an election, you're more likely to re-elect incumbent candidates

Debate over gender disorder drug

A drug for preventing "abnormal" genitalia in girls has raised ethical issues in the US

Ban mephedrone-like legal high, says UK drug advisor

Chairman of the UK government's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs says naphyrone - also known as NRG-1 - should be illegal

Darwinian algorithm cuts the need for surgery

A genetic algorithm has reduced the power use of brain implants and thus the need for operations to replace their batteries

Glooped-up desk toy probes weird wet collisions

An oil-soaked version of Newton's cradle could help improve air filtration technology and medicine production

The ancients got it right - sometimes

How To Mellify A Corpse by Vicki León catalogues the scientific ideas, both prescient and bizarre, of the ancient Greeks and Romans

Can a gene test tell you whether you'll live to 100?

Genetic markers found in people who lived to be 100 years old raise the possibility of predicting longevity from a genome scan

US cellphone expansion could deafen radio astronomers

A plan to expand the wireless spectrum could pull the curtains further over radio astronomers' window on the sky

'Brain recycling' puts kids' writing in a twist

Children learning to read and write use an area of the brain that responds to mirror images

Hard-to-see fruit fly embryos brought to life in 3D

New imaging technique creates 3D animation of developing fly embryos that can't be seen under a microscope

Sea otters worth $700 million in carbon credits

If North American sea otters were restored to historical population levels, they could help lock up carbon worth a fortune on the European carbon-trading market

Humungous bubbles blown from small black hole

A black hole has been seen blowing gas bubbles up to 1500 light-years across - much bigger than thought possible

Warning: NASA game may encourage bad behaviour

Ever fancied being an astronaut? A new game from NASA may help you live out your fantasy, explains David Shiga

The evolution of life, on a wall

Street artist Blu has created a 10-minute animation of the history of life: see it here

Kate McAlpine, reporter

It may sound as useful as a solar-powered torch, but an aircraft fuelled by the sun has accomplished its first ever manned night flight.

The aircraft, built by Swiss company Solar Impulse, also broke the records for highest altitude and longest duration for a piloted solar flight.

The craft took off at 6:51 local time yesterday morning from the Payerne airbase in Switzerland. André Borschberg, one of the cofounders of the project and the craft's sole pilot, guided its gradual ascent during the day.

Its power was collected by 12,000 solar panels built into its 63-metre wingspan. During the hours of bright sun, batteries siphoned off some energy to power the plane through the night.


(Image: L.Calçada/ESO)

Kate McAlpine, reporter

A relatively small black hole has been spotted blowing bubbles with diameters of more than 300-1500 light years.

Robert Soria of the University College London and colleagues pored over images and data from the European Southern Observatory and Chandra X-ray Observatory, zeroing in on an unusually large remnant from a supernova explosion. Its host galaxy appears in the Sculptor constellation of Earth's southern sky, around 12.7 million light years away.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm on Tuesay until 6 pm today.

Incredible shrinking proton raises eyebrows

The most accurate measurement ever suggests the proton is smaller than we thought, which could hint at exotic new particle physics

Star wars: a new hope for arms control in space

The regulation of space weapons and satellite interceptors is back on the US agenda, but will everyone agree before Earth is caged in orbiting junk?

How Planck's pain could be the LHC's gain

Failure for the Planck satellite could bring hope for success at the Large Hadron Collider

Bird's eye views of what industry does to land

The environmental organisation SkyTruth uses satellite images to monitor mining, drilling, logging and pollution - here is some of what it's seen

SkyTruth founder: Remote sensing for the people

John Amos explains how satellite imagery is helping us find and monitor environmental damage as never before

Climategate inquiry: no deceit, too little cooperation

The official UK inquiry into the climategate affair confirms the "rigour and honesty of the scientists involved" but tells them to be more open

Trains, planes and ships: smuggling nukes into the US

Nuclear smugglers still have plenty of ways to enter the US - so says the government's watchdog

Apocalypse, but not right now

In How It Ends Chris Impey looks ahead to what will happen when the sun dies and the Milky Way fades away

On the origin of species - by means of pheromones

The discovery of a mutation that could lead to two new species of moth provides a much-needed example of a specific genetic change leading to speciation

Prehistoric humans may have pushed climate change

Humans were fiddling with climate thousands of years even before we started farming - if we had a hand in the extinction of woolly mammoths

Climate change could drive crocs out of the water

Warming waters could mean crocodiles will struggle to find food and protection

Search engines learn how to watch and listen to video

Could search engines do better with video by analysing sounds and images rather than relying on keywords?

Solid-state systems could sequence a genome for $100

A chip that can read DNA sequences in a fraction of the time promises to slash the cost of genome sequencing

Prawns on Prozac, whatever next? Crabs on cocaine?

People have paid little attention to the effects of drugs in waste water - but they could be affecting our wildlife, says Caitlin Stier

Secrets of backboned life found on undersea mountains

After sending a diving robot down to the great mountain range under the Atlantic Ocean, researchers have found a host of new species

Zoologger: How did the giraffe get its long neck?

The tallest land animal alive, giraffes grew their necks to feed off high trees, didn't they? Maybe not - it could all be down to sex

Zodiacal light: zombie comets to blame

The source of an ethereal glow in the pre-dawn sky has been a mystery for centuries - but it has just been cleared up

Right whales yell over the ocean din

To cope with the blitzing level of noise in today's oceans, North Atlantic right whales are learning to shout

Caitlin Stier, reporter

Second-hand Prozac in waste water could be sending shrimps' swimming patterns haywire, making them easy targets for predators.

Alex Ford and Yasmin Guler at the University of Portsmouth in the UK collected local shrimp, Echinogammarus marinus, and observed their behaviour in the lab. The shrimp were exposed to different levels of the antidepressant fluoextine - or Prozac - to test whether the presence of the drug would affect the way the shrimp respond to light.

In humans, Prozac acts as a mood enhancer by prolonging the effect of serotonin at nerve terminals. The shrimp, on the other hand, responded to increased serotonin levels by swimming towards the light (Aquatic Toxicology DOI:10.1016/j/aquatox.2010.05.019).

The pair found that shrimps exposed to the same Prozac levels present in waste water that flows to rivers and estuaries are five times more likely to swim toward the light instead of away from it. This behaviour could make the shrimp easy prey for fish and birds.

''Crustaceans are crucial to the food chain and if shrimps' natural behaviour is being changed because of antidepressant levels in the sea this could seriously upset the natural balance of the ecosystem," Ford is reported as saying in The Telegraph.

"It's no surprise that what we get from a pharmacy will be contaminating the waterways," Ford told The Sun, who helpfully illustrated what a prawn on Prozac might look like.

Though prescriptions for antidepressants are on the increase, the environmental effects of drugs in waste water have received little attention, say the researchers. What's more, the problem could extend beyond antidepressants: between 30 and 90 per cent of ingested drugs remain active after excretion.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm on Monday until 6 pm today.

Why people indulge in cannibalism and love modern art

In How Pleasure Works, Paul Bloom tries to solve the evolutionary puzzle posed by the many things from which we take pleasure

Bumpology: What you can teach a fetus

How long does memory last in fetuses - and will playing Mozart make them smarter?

Virtual prisons: how e-maps are curtailing our freedom

Almost unnoticed, electronic maps and sensors are limiting what we do and where we do it - the question now is, how far will we let them go?

Innovation: The tech refresher Russia's spies needed

The Russian spy ring recently arrested in the US might have got away with it if they'd had New Scientist - and some everyday technology - to help them

Climate change report is 'reliable but flawed'

An assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's report found a tendency to highlight worst-case scenarios

Curious liaisons: Nature's weirdest sex lives

Meet monkeys that father their siblings' kids, insects that embrace sexual diseases - and the chaste beasts that haven't done it for 80 million years

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm last Friday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Winning on home turf drives desire for future fights

Mice that win fights in familiar terrain cause brain changes that increase aggression and the ability to win subsequent battles

Warm climates boost bird beak size

Native temperatures can be added to diet and mate attraction in explaining why tropical birds often have larger bills

Microwave universe: Planck's first hi-res image

The Planck telescope gives us a view of the oldest light in the universe, with a tenfold increase in resolution over the last telescope, says Kate McAlpine

The climate scandal that never was

The Climate Files by Fred Pearce covers the revelations in last year's "climategate" scandal in minute detail - and that's where its problem lies

Rio hopes of conservation cash were never met

A huge new database of international aid finance reveals that donor nations have not honoured 1992 Earth Summit declarations

If you've got great genes, it pays to be extrovert

Extroverts are born not made, they say. But what if we tailor our personalities to our surroundings to make the most of our genes?

It's too late to worry that the aliens will find us

A ban on messages to possible extraterrestrial societies smacks of paranoia. The fact is, we've already blown our cover, says Seth Shostak

Decoding the ancient Egyptians' stone sky map

Why did the Egyptians create the Zodiac of Dendera, and what was it intended to represent? asks Jo Marchant

iPads go live, hydrogen hits the road and CSI: Pig

In this month's New Scientist TV, see how a smoking pig is a forensic telltale, watch the first iPad concert and peer into motoring's hydrogen future

From sea to sky: Submarines that fly

The Pentagon wants a vehicle that can soar like an eagle and swim like a stingray - and engineers are rising to its challenge

Sense of touch influences our decisions

Tactile sensations remind us of metaphors we use to describe our lives, and so influence our decision-making process

Gamma rays may betray clumps of dark matter

Solar-system-sized remnants of dark matter that formed in the early universe could be littering our galaxy and emitting gamma rays

Natural killer cells are at root of hair-loss disease

An autoimmune condition in which people lose their hair may result from mistaken attacks on hair follicles by "natural killer" white blood cells

'Giant hand' pushed up coast of Scotland

Hot rock moving beneath the Earth's crust may have led to Scotland rising and falling by hundreds of metres about 55 million years ago

DNA tests to reveal ancestral villages

It's not just our country of ancestral origin that our DNA can show - the villages our ancestors lived in may also be determined

Half-eaten dwarf planet reveals chemical secrets

The half-digested remains of a dwarf planet could provide the best window yet into the chemical make-up of alien solar systems

Image: ESA,HFI and LFI consortia

Kate McAlpine, reporter

Researchers on the Planck telescope, the biggest cosmology experiment in nearly a decade, have released their first full sky map of the cosmic microwave background.

The image shows the Milky Way as a bright, horizontal band through the centre with "streamers" of cold dust extending above and below. But the interesting part to researchers is the scattering of yellow flecks in the red background. These oldest photons in the universe are thought to have been generated about 380,000 years after the Big Bang, when matter was finally cool enough to start forming atoms.

To view the map in other wavelengths of light, such as X-ray or radio, check out the University of Cardiff's interactive "Chromoscope". And the European Space Agency has annotated the map with astronomical features.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Russian spy ring hid secret messages on the web

The spies recently apprehended by US authorities used a digital twist on the ancient technique of steganography for covert communications

How the moon got its whiskers

Slender wisps of an exotic form of carbon have turned up in a sample of lunar sand collected by Apollo 17

Injured brains speak through art

You can't miss the intense emotion behind a small but potent exhibit of artworks by brain-damaged patients at a London hospital, says Kat Austen

Supernovae don't make the biggest atoms

They may be the brightest stars, but a new model of the winds that rush from the cores of supernovae suggests they don't forge the heaviest elements

Why men are attracted to women with small feet

Men shown composite images of women are attracted to small feet, narrow hips and long thighs, while women would like to meet men with small wrists

Classical music moves the heart in vegetative patients

Music affects the heart rate of people in a vegetative state in the same way it does for healthy listeners

To protect plants, replace conservation parks

Selling off "inefficient" national parks to buy more cost-effective land could protect a wider range of threatened plants

Unknown war veterans identified and laid to rest

A combination of genetics and archaeology has helped scientists identify 94 of 250 soldiers buried in a mass grave in France

How plants get by when pollinators vanish

When plants are deprived of their usual pollinators, evolution may rapidly step in to rescue them - up to a point

Ancient African lake fertilises the Amazon

Dust blown from the Bodélé depression in Chad provides natural fertiliser for the Amazon and the Atlantic

Casimir effect put to work as a nano-switch

A quantum force that gums up nanomachines could be tamed to create low-power switches for nanoscale devices

Make every animal experiment count

If we do research on animals, it must be top quality, says Vicky Robinson

New animal experiment guidelines issued for UK

The 20-point checklist should help researchers work without needlessly and unethically wasting live animals

Reclusive mathematician turns down $1 million prize

Grigori Perelman has turned down a prestigious prize for solving one of the most difficult problems in mathematics. It's not the first time, says Rachel Courtland

USB coffee-cup warmer could be stealing your data

Data can be stolen with modified or specially built USB peripherals as long as they identify themselves as a familiar device

Dear diary, I am sick to death... David Livingstone

The explorer's terrible health and vehement opposition to slavery are clear in letters enhanced by multispectral imaging

Tibetans adapted to high life at record-breaking rate

People in Tibet have genetically adapted to life at altitude in the past 3000 years - the fastest genetic change known to have occurred in humans

Rachel Courtland, reporter

The reclusive Russian mathematician Grigori Perelman has turned down a million-dollar prize for solving one of the most difficult problems in mathematics. 

Perelman is known for his proof of the Poincaré conjecture, a topological claim governing the properties of three-dimensional spheres. In 2000, the Clay Mathematics Institute named the conjecture as one of seven great, unsolved problems in mathematics. It offered a $1 million prize for the resolution of each of these "Millennium" problems.

It didn't take long in the case of the Poincaré conjecture. In 2002, Perelman, then a mathematician at the Steklov Institute of Mathematics in St Petersburg, Russia, published the first in a series of papers that solved the hundred-year-old puzzle.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Home birth increases risk of baby's death - by a small amount

Having your baby at home increases mortality risk by almost a third, reports Helen Thomson

X-games in space: Record-smashing probes

From the fastest to the farthest, meet the space missions that have set records for extreme achievement

Water droplets create multilayered display

Projecting images onto a series of parallel "waterfalls" creates the illusion of a 3D display

Plant nurseries in clover after finding four-leaf gene

Gene finds could give us all the four-leaf clovers we want, as well as other rare coloured and patterned varieties, and new ornamental hybrids

Cosmic bubble made cold spot in big bang afterglow

Such bubbles might have formed just fractions of a second after the universe came into existence, when it grew dramatically in size

Gulf oil spill: Are dispersants not so bad after all?

The dispersants being used to clean up the Deepwater Horizon oil spill may be less toxic than initially thought

Turbo-boosting plants won't save us from climate change

A slew of new studies suggest that plants will not start storing extra carbon dioxide and slow down global warming, says Michael Marshall

When Egyptian plunder made Enlightenment propaganda

Catholic doctrine meets Egyptian astronomy in The Zodiac of Paris by Jed Z. Buchwald and Diane Greco Josefowicz

Fossilised cell blobs could be oldest multicellular life

At 2.1 billion years old, the 12-centimetre-long fossils from Gabon are 200 million years older than the previous record-holder

Evolvability: How to cash in on the genetic lottery

When the going gets tough, the tough get evolving - and some organisms have ways to stack the odds in their favour

Ultimate eclipse photo: Easter Island, here I come

On 11 July 2010, a solar eclipse will be visible from Easter Island. Dan Falk plans to be there to take the ultimate photograph.

Artificial life: let the people decide

Public dialogues on contentious technologies like synthetic biology need teeth, say Tom Wakeford and Jackie Haq - otherwise there's no point

Nicotine and pigs' trotters: the latest CSI toolkit

Smokers decompose slower than non-smokers - just one of the findings that may help forensic scientists estimate time of death
Helen Thomson, biomedical news editor

Update: Since this blog was published, Nigel Hawkes of Straight Statistics criticised this research at the UK Conference of Science Journalists, for emphasising findings based on a small number of births. In a review of the data, he says that the authors "might as easily have concluded that home births have no effect on the mortality rate at all".

Although women who plan home births recover more rapidly from childbirth, there is an increased risk of child death, an international study suggests. 

The research, to be published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, studied over 500,000 births in North America and Europe, and found that the average mortality rate of babies born at home was almost triple the rate of those born at hospital.

Although the death rate of home births was 0.2 per cent compared to 0.09 per cent of those born in hospital, the risk is still low, say experts.

Crucially, the study looked at where the woman had planned to give birth, rather than the actual birthplace. 

Michael Marshall, environment reporter

Humans are pumping extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but isn't that just plant food?

After all, plants take in CO2 and use it to make sugar, so any extra CO2 ought to be good news for plants - and as a bonus they should take the stuff out of the atmosphere for us.

This is one of those ideas that looks good at first glance, but doesn't quite work in the real world. The main problem is that plants do not live by CO2 alone: they need other nutrients, like water and nitrogen, and if they don't have them in abundance they won't take in any more CO2.

But what if we gave them a helping hand, by making sure they had plenty of nitrogen-rich fertiliser?

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