
Congratulations and kudos to each one of the Journal’s photographers.
How can City of Edmonton Chief Financial Officer Lorna Rosen possibly suggest with a straight face that...
Re: “Probert’s brain paid price; Evidence of degenerative disease in former NHL heavyweight,” The Journal...
The In Situ Oil Sands Alliance (IOSA) represents entrepreneurial Alberta-based companies who develop...
Michael Stock and Mrinal Das accuse science journalists who reported on the interesting findings of ...
I’m not in favour of the status quo either, but a solution of “more competition” runs completely counter...
Re: Mural at LRT station offensive, rider says
Edmonton is growing up to become a big city. As such, it must cast away its dowdy image and build structures...
Since the Second World War, the control of the Middle East has been a major plank of U.S. foreign policy...
There is widespread alarm in the world today over the tragic events occurring in Egypt.
Our neighbourhood, like many others in the city, has been waiting for weeks to be plowed. Like other...
Lorne Gunter’s article on Harper’s “solution” to political party financing brings us into the landscape...
It is a sad, a disturbing thing to see the disrespectful and negative “spin” The Journal put on the ...
A little information can be a dangerous thing in some peoples’ minds. It is important to place little...
It’s sad to see how the city tries to clear the streets here in Edmonton.
Jay Smith and other annoyed Albertans of his ideological bent really must do more to clarify their terms...
Edmonton city councillors said they were economizing when they began contracting out jobs, equipment...
Bill Tufts’s letter deserves some comment. Before I begin, let me state for the record that I am not...

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Graham Thomson

This dirty water won't wash off easily

Vindication is probably a dish best served hot -but for David Schindler it's just as delicious cold.