Nuclear offers a powerful career option


Keith Falconer, 28, poses for a photo outside the Pickering Nuclear Generating station in Pickering, Ont. Falconer is the Health Physics instructor at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station.

Keith Falconer, 28, poses for a photo outside the Pickering Nuclear Generating station in Pickering, Ont. Falconer is the Health Physics instructor at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station.

Photograph by: Peter Redman, Postmedia News

If you were raised in Pickering, Ont., a career at a nuclear power plant seems a natural choice.

That was certainly true for Keith Falconer, a health physics instructor at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station who says he’s now on his fourth “career” at the facility.

After graduating from Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology’s highly specialized non-destructive inspection and testing program, he began doing general labour at the plant. Over time, he moved on to radiation protection, then inspections before taking on his current role.

That’s the beauty of a career in nuclear, he says. “You can go from job to job depending on the path you want to take. You don’t have to stick to what you were schooled in. There are lots of chances to get trained.”

The nuclear industry is a significant employer in Canada. According to the Canadian Nuclear Association, the sector employs over 70,000 people, representing 150 firms.

Dave Shier, president of the Canadian Nuclear Workers Council, says there is a wide range of opportunities for anyone entering the field. There are numerous potential opportunities in the industry across Canada beyond power generation plants – from mining and fuel fabrication to research and facility design. There are also indirect employment opportunities in areas such as supply, construction and supply chain, among others. “With the nuclear industry there’s a whole spectrum of jobs.”

Within a nuclear power plant itself, Cheryl Cottrill at Bruce Power in Tiverton, Ont., and executive director for Women in Nuclear, says career choices are plentiful. “The big thing about a nuclear site is that it’s like a small town. So any job you would find in a town – whether it’s engineering, security, water treatment, secretarial for example – would all be needed on a nuclear power plant site. The depth and breadth of careers available is exceptional.”

As in many industries demanding specific skills and expertise, nuclear is also a sector that will be facing labour challenges in the years to come in all sorts of areas. This is despite the fact that hiring had come to a near standstill in the 1990s and the first years of this decade, says Brian Robinson, communications officer with the Society of Energy Professionals Toronto.

“In the last while, we’ve seen positions opening up at a number of facilities. Right now the biggest demand is for skilled engineers,” he says.

According to Cottrill, 40 per cent of the people working in the industry will retire within the next five to 10 years. On the skilled trades side, 52 per cent of the workforce will be retiring. “There are huge opportunities for everyone, especially women. Right now they only represent 20 per cent of the industry in Canada.”

Shier notes that the University of Ontario Institute of Technology in Oshawa has programs specifically dedicated to the nuclear industry. Depending on the type of skilled trade, training might also include an apprenticeship.

Getting the right skills can pay off, Shier says. “People coming in after two or three years in trades make upwards of $100,000.”

Meanwhile, international work is available with organizations such as Atomic Energy Canada Ltd. Members of its workforce end up in Asia or Europe refurbishing CANDU reactors.

Robinson says both national and international job prospects are bright. “We’re seeing a number of projects in Canada. A lot of countries are also going full bore on theirs. I’d say anyone with five years experience can get a job anywhere in the world right now.”

Overall Shier believes that the nuclear industry has a lot to offer. “As you can imagine, operating a facility can be a highly complex business. But that also means you can acquire strong skills through lots of training. The pay is good, there is no shortage of opportunities for advancement and the work can be quite rewarding.”

Keith Falconer, 28, poses for a photo outside the Pickering Nuclear Generating station in Pickering, Ont. Falconer is the Health Physics instructor at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station.

Keith Falconer, 28, poses for a photo outside the Pickering Nuclear Generating station in Pickering, Ont. Falconer is the Health Physics instructor at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station.

Photograph by: Peter Redman, Postmedia News