Gallery: Reader photos


Check out the pics sent in by our readers.

This pair of pigeons were photographed in tight quarters as they fed on small black sunflower seeds in the cold of winter.

This pair of pigeons were photographed in tight quarters as they fed on small black sunflower seeds in the cold of winter.

Photograph by: Jim Brohman,

This pair of pigeons were photographed in tight quarters as they fed on small black sunflower seeds in the cold of winter.
This hare is showing optimistic signs that spring may finally be on the way.
A group snowshoes at the Strathcona Wilderness Area on Family Day.
Massive piles of snow show just how long this winter has been.
A cross-country skier on Family Day
Lacey Giasson gets ready to slide down the ice slide with her grampa, Stephen Luck, at the Silver Skate Festival on Saturday, February 20th.
Wildlife in Edmonton's river valley in Feburary 2011.
Wildlife in Edmonton's river valley in Feburary 2011.
Wildlife in Edmonton's river valley in Feburary 2011.
Firefighters battling a garage fire in northeast Edmonton on Feb. 15, 2011.
Bob and Skyler find a good use for all the snow that had accumulated on their roof in the month of January.
Sat. Feb. 12, 2011 - While on the treadmill last Saturday morning, Sue Browning was somewhat startled by an unexpected visitor who took a VERY close look. Husband Lee was quick with the camera.
Sat. Feb. 12, 2011 - While on the treadmill last Saturday morning, Sue Browning was somewhat startled by an unexpected visitor who took a VERY close look. Husband Lee was quick with the camera.
In conjunction with Ice on Whyte and the celebration of the Chinese New Year, I thought I’d forward on to you a picture of something my two kids (16 & 19 years old) did on Jan 26, 2011, to avoid shoveling snow/chipping ice off our sidewalk.
Commercial lighting evokes aurora borealis as it shines into a cold evening sky above Fort Road on January 11, 2011.
On a snowy, cold early afternoon of Saturday January 8, 2011, a flock of Bohemian Waxwing visited the Meadowlark Community of west Edmonton.
A different kind of sun dog - December, 30th, 2010 at Whitemud Park.
The dome at West Edmonton Mall's Ice Palace is covered in drifted snow on January 9, 2011, after two days of heavy snow fell throughout the province. The darkened glass reflects young Leduc hockey players preparing for their early-morning game.
I decided to snap a couple of pictures of my Wheaten Terrier named "Seamus" as he dashed through the wonderful Edmonton snow!
This gentleman dressed in spring attire January 6 in the Southgate area was spotted shovelling the walks!
A sundog on the last day of 2010.
Sunset time.
"This shimmering ornament which every year adorns our family's Christmas tree symbolizes a universal hope for peace and prosperity."
Good Samaritans stop to help after a driver lost control of his car and ended up completely stuck in the deep snow of the boulevard on Dec. 16, 2010.
The sunset is seen from this reader's patio.
Someone has decided an umbrella is the way to go in the snowfall on Dec. 15, 2010.
A rare December rainbow after the freezing rain in Edmonton on Dec. 8, 2010.
"Frosty but healthy, this large bull plains Bison continues to feed in the winter air!"
The three- and four-year-old’s of Little Aspen Playschool in Edmonton hold up toys they brought in during "Show and Tell" to donate to Santa's Anonymous. During “Show and Tell,” the children bring a special item from home to share with their friends, and as well, bring a special toy for Santa’s Anonymous. This has opened a line of communication between parent and child about giving to others who need a little help and has provided a sense of pride for the child in that they too can help and make a difference.
The Snowbirds fly over Commonwealth Stadium during the Grey Cup in Edmonton on Nov. 28, 2010.
Fireworks go off at Commonwealth Stadium just prior to the Snowbird flypast during the Grey Cup in Edmonton on Nov. 28, 2010.
Edmonton Eskimos quarterback legends Tracy Ham, Damon Allen, Warren Moon and Tom Wilkinson reunite late Friday, Nov. 26, 2010, to share stories and laughs with the crowd at the Night of Champions. The event, organized by Allen, was held to raise funds for minor football, but it also gave fans a chance to mingle with their sports heroes.
Although it may have felt this cold, the sign in front of Fort St. John's pool shows an error in the local temperature. Yikes!
This is a sundog photographed from a downtown Edmonton office on Nov. 19, 2010.
The sunset is shown from this reader's patio.
The moon is photographed at dusk from this reader's patio.
The sunset is shown from this reader's patio.
This wary coyote decided to cross highway 16 east near Elk Island Park despite the prompt on the road sign. He crossed successfully.
Kevin Kossowan holds a wild shaggy parasol mushroom that grew in his backyard in 2010.
This reader captured a photo of a bull jumping the fence into the crowd at the Canadian Finals Rodeo on Nov. 12, 2010.

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