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Gender pay gap

Gender pay gap

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The average difference between men's and women's hourly earnings is known as the gender pay gap.

The gender pay gap reflects ongoing discrimination and inequalities in the labour market which, in practice, mainly affect women. Its causes are complex and interrelated. Visit these pages to understand why the gap exists and learn more about the EU's work to close it.

Boy or girl, equal opportunities?

Boy or girl, equal opportunities?These babies are born with equal opportunities, but the educational and career expectations for boys and girls are different. By the time they grow up, the boy will be earning on average 17.5% more than the girl.

Is our work valued the same?

Is our work valued the same?Women have as good or better qualifications than men, but often their skills are not as valued as men's and their career progression is slower. This results in an average gender pay gap of 17.5% in the EU.

Will having a child harm my career?

Will having a child harm my career?Family responsibilities are not equally shared. As a result, women have more frequent career breaks and often do not go back to a full time job. As a result, women earn on average 17.5% less than men.

Same job, same pension?

Same job, same pension?Women's earnings over a lifetime are on average 17.5% lower than men's. When women retire these lower earnings result in lower pensions. This leads to more women than men experiencing poverty in old age.

Please find here all the documents related to the gender pay gap.