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Short Sharp Science: A New Scientist Blog

Today on New Scientist: 17 September 2010

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New pi record exploits Yahoo's computers

A new calculation of pi and a separate result involving Rubik's cube both exploit the computational power of networks belonging to search engines

Cousin virus suggests HIV may be deadly for millennia

Simian immunodeficiency virus, which does not cause AIDS but gave us HIV, seems far older than we thought - dashing hopes that HIV might weaken soon

Zeros to heroes: Rogue brain-killing proteins

Before winning his Nobel prize, Stanley Prusiner was ridiculed for suggesting that something he called a prion caused spongiform brain diseases

Hello stranger, your driving stinks

A smartphone app that recognises vehicle number plates allows drivers who have never met to communicate, says Duncan Graham-Rowe

What caused San Francisco's gas pipeline explosion?

Last week's explosion of a high-pressure gas pipeline in San Bruno, California, raises troubling questions about ageing US infrastructure, says Jeff Hecht

It ain't over till the fat Klingon sings

Trekkies-cum-opera enthusiasts, your day has finally arrived: Klingon opera has come to Earth, says David Shiga

Antibiotics play hell with gut flora

Each round of antibiotics may be a roll of the dice that could lead to lasting changes in a person's gut microbes

Did Jupiter and Saturn play pinball with Uranus?

Uranus may have been batted back and forth between Jupiter and Saturn before being flung out to its present location, new simulations suggest

Revolutionary medical images now coming in the mail

A new series of stamps issued by the British Royal Mail celebrates some of the most important medical discoveries in the country since the late 19th century

California's dolphins suffer mystery skin lesions

Bottlenose dolphins in Monterey Bay, California, are in the throes of an epidemic of disfiguring skin diseases, and nobody knows why

Light trapped on curved surfaces

Laser light has been made to flow across the surface of curved objects - the feat could help model how light travels in the curved fabric of space

Zeros to heroes: Tall tales or the truth of tiny life?

When a 17th-century Dutch draper told London's finest minds he had seen "animalcules" through his home-made microscope, they took some convincing

Real spray-on clothes to hit the catwalk

Forget weaving and stitching clothes. A new material could be sprayed directly onto your body and have you ready to go out in minutes

Crater map rekindles debate over moon impacts

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has mapped more than 5000 large craters on the moon, providing clues to the origin of the moon's biggest scars

US assessment of terrorist threats poor, says panel

The US Department of Homeland Security needs better models to assess the risks posed by terrorists, an expert panel concludes

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