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  1. Caller trying to help disaabled clients access newspaper was amazed to hear u can get a read-out e-dition from LFP. Great for sight-impaired
  2. Edmonton did it, so did Ottawa and others. Is it time for London to scrap its 40-y-o city hall? http://bit.ly/el0wFa
  3. London's ex-mayor could be headed back to school — to work, not study. http://bit.ly/et06Hq
  4. RT @JamesatLFPress: Yep, they knew about that "backwoods" business called Groundhog Day back in cool London of 1891 http://is.gd/57Zd8S
  5. RT @JamesatLFPress: Comments rawk JBNBlog in a nice way as I urge you not to vote for me in the London Music Awards http://is.gd/U7KBwu
  6. The White Stripes have faded to black. http://bit.ly/fXBbet
  7. Make sledding safety a priority: Sleds can reach speeds of up to 32-40 km/h and head trauma is a big concern. http://bit.ly/h90gB3
  8. Kingergarten student barred from a contest for having a Ziploc bag in his lunchbox, due to a school's green policy. http://bit.ly/ieOFEb
  9. A Catholic high school student in Toronto says she was banned from her math class for sporting a lip piercing. http://bit.ly/gc8rRC
  10. Poll: Should Canadians be allowed to compete on Survivor? Vote at http://www.lfpress.com/
  11. RT @JoeBatLFPress: Fontana says london going to kick ass and the world is going to take notice
  12. A London business has bought three Toronto-area competitors, making it Ontario's largest independent packaging firm. http://bit.ly/dU7drI
  13. London Knights goalie, Michael Houser, has improved his team's performance and playoff prospects. http://bit.ly/hnKZaU
  14. RT @johnatLFPress: Health unit says flu activity remains high, no sign of fading.
  15. Mark Mandich is the persistant person who brought down fraudster teacher Wes McConnell. http://www.lfpress.com/schoolfrauds/
  16. Add your London snowstorm photos to our map http://bit.ly/gmtaZX or upload them to http://bit.ly/dZxvMu #LDNstorm
  17. Environment Canada has ended a blizzard warning for London. #LDNstorm
  18. Follow @JoeBatLFPress, who is at the Mayor's Breakfast. RT @JoeBatLFPress: Full house at mayor's breakfast at convention centre
  19. Ontario govt. is establishing 13 regional tourism promotion teams & wants hotels to levy new room tax to pay for them. http://bit.ly/dQFsWk
  20. Blood thinner shows promise for dialysis patients http://bit.ly/eO0rKZ