Tried and true slow cooker soup hits the spot


Italian bean dish satisfies the kids, makes life easier for parents

A bowl of Janet Young's slow cooker Italian bean soup, from the Atco Blue Flame Kitchen

A bowl of Janet Young's slow cooker Italian bean soup, from the Atco Blue Flame Kitchen

Photograph by: Larry Wong,

EDMONTON — Janet Young is a professional home economist, full-time employee at the Atco Blue Flame Kitchen and mother of four, including a set of twins. So when she says a particular soup is perfect for that flying-out-the-door-to-gymnastics night, you know you can believe her.

But here’s the thing: If all Young cared about was convenience, a cheese sandwich with a bit of iceberg lettuce would do. But what she and many other busy working parents struggle with is how to fit in the lessons and the sports, and still provide the comfort and food quality associated with a family meal.

Hence, soup. While it’s quick and easy, it’s also full of flavour and nutritious ingredients. In fact, Young says that her children like soup as much as any meal she makes, even the fancy ones with a protein and a side dish, plus salad and veggies.

“They love simple, comfort foods. The most thank-yous come from soup-and-sandwich night,” says Young.

This is an important lesson for working parents. With all the fussing we do over meals, it’s good to know that a tried and true slow-cooker soup can sometimes be as welcome as a roasted chicken. Young says her kids enjoy a hearty hamburger and barley soup, or a homemade turkey or chicken soup.

The nice thing about the Italian Bean Soup she offers for our Soup Series is that the veggies can all can be prepped the night before, or even in the morning if you’ve got 45 minutes while the children are tearing about the kitchen in search of yogurt and permission slips. And the small investment of time is amply rewarded after work, when the fragrance of a simmering soup greets each member of the cold, tired and hungry family at the end of their workdays.

“There’s nothing like having that smell hit you when you come in the door,” says Young, who suggests pairing this soup with whole wheat buns.

Plus, the children can also take this to school heated up and poured into a Thermos (previously warmed with boiling water) for lunch a day or two later.

For a few more working-parent meal tips from Young, go to my blog, Eat My Words, where there is a link to the weekly meal planner put out by the Blue Flame Kitchen, and ideas on how to make eating during the week a little less stressful.

Atco Blue Flame Kitchen Slow Cooker Italian Bean Soup

This recipe calls for two cups of diced ham, but I substituted a Provencal-style sausage made by O Sol’ Meatos, the Kitscoty producer of sausage, cheese and fine charcuterie (I love its air-cured salami). You can order O Sol’ Meatos products, handcrafted by Rhonda and Brian Headon, through the Good Food Box. Make sure to use red potatoes in this recipe, because they remain firm even after hours in the slow cooker, and the colour of the peel is attractive.

Serves 6

4 cups (1 L) canned chicken broth

3 cups (750 mL) cubed red potatoes

2 cups (500 mL) sliced carrots

2 cups (500 mL) diced ham

1 cup (250 mL) sliced celery

1 cup (250 mL) chopped onion

2 cloves garlic, crushed

2 cans (19 oz/540 mL each) Romano beans, rinsed and drained

1/2 teaspoon (2 mL) each basil and oregano, crumbled

1/4 teaspoon (1 mL) rosemary, crumbled

1/4 teaspoon (1 mL) red pepper flakes

1/4 teaspoon (1 mL) each salt and freshly ground pepper

2 tablespoons (25 mL) chopped fresh parsley

Freshly grated Parmesan cheese

Combine all ingredients except parsley and cheese in a 4-1/2- or 5-quart (4 or 5-L) slow cooker. Cover and cook on low heat for 8 to 9 hours. Stir parsley into soup. Ladle into bowls and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.


We’re going to get each other through the worst of the winter with this series, Soup Stories.

If you’ve got a favourite soup, and a story about why it’s the perfect food for this winter, we’d love to share it with all Food readers.

Please send your recipes and tales to

A bowl of Janet Young's slow cooker Italian bean soup, from the Atco Blue Flame Kitchen

A bowl of Janet Young's slow cooker Italian bean soup, from the Atco Blue Flame Kitchen

Photograph by: Larry Wong,

A bowl of Janet Young's slow cooker Italian bean soup, from the Atco Blue Flame Kitchen
Janet Young made a hearty Italian bean soup for this week's Soup Stories.

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