Leduc #1 Oil Derrick at the Gateway Visitor Information Centre


Leduc #1 Oil Derrick at the Gateway Visitor Information Centre.

Leduc #1 Oil Derrick at the Gateway Visitor Information Centre.

Photograph by: Tony Baller, edmontonjournal.com

EDMONTON - The early morning light was so beautiful, Tony Baller couldn’t resist stopping for a quick photo. The result was this brilliantly coloured image, shot through the Leduc #1 Oil Derrick at the Gateway Visitor Information Centre at the southern limits of Edmonton.

“It was just at sunrise and I was heading out to run a karate class in Devon. The light was great, and I had a camera with me,” says Baller, a sales manager for a pharmaceutical company, who counts photography, as well as karate, among his hobbies.

His choice of perspective on the oil derrick was inspired by the vibrant sky. “I just wanted to look at it differently, rather than head-on, and I really wanted to catch the sky — the blue was just brilliant as the sun was coming up.”

Baller often carries his Canon 40D camera with him, particularly when he’s out at the lake “or if I know we’re going to be anywhere where the light’s interesting,” he says. “Mornings and evenings are phenomenal.”

When he shot this photo in February, 2009, he was particularly intrigued by “iconic, Alberta imagery.” Certainly the landmark oil derrick, where oil was first discovered in Alberta in 1947, fits that bill. The tourism centre opened in February 1987 and was renovated in 2008. It’s the busiest information centre in Alberta, seeing up to 60,000 visitors a year.


Edmonton, like most cities, is full of iconic buildings familiar to people who live here, whether for their location (the Shaw Conference Centre, built into the side of the river valley), their shape (the Flat Iron building) or their grandeur (the Hotel Macdonald, the Magrath Mansion on Ada Boulevard).

Then there are the less familiar, but no less interesting spots, perhaps known only to those who live or work nearby. Every second week in Style, we feature Sense of Place, a photo series celebrating these buildings, either by capturing a well-known exterior from a unique perspective, or by featuring an interesting-looking place unknown to most of us.

For an archive of spots we’ve featured in past issues, and to locate them on an interactive Google map, go to click here. For even more trivia, be sure to check into each place on Foursquare.

To share some of your own favourite city shots, upload them to The Journal’s Flickr group at flickr.com/groups/ejsenseofplace.

You can also send us photos of interesting structures, or familiar spots captured in unusual ways. via e-mail or livingwell@edmontonjournal.com

Please put Sense of Place in the subject line, and include your name, phone number and e-mail address, as well as some information abou the photo’s subject and when it was shot. We’ll include a selection in future instalments of Sense of Place.

Get a sneak peek of our next spot in two Thursdays on our Facebook page.




Leduc #1 Oil Derrick at the Gateway Visitor Information Centre.

Leduc #1 Oil Derrick at the Gateway Visitor Information Centre.

Photograph by: Tony Baller, edmontonjournal.com

Leduc #1 Oil Derrick at the Gateway Visitor Information Centre.
Leduc #1 Oil Derrick at the Gateway Visitor Information Centre.

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