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News Poll »

Should Ireland alter its corporation tax rate in exchange for reform of EU-IMF bailout package?
Results so far
36% 64%
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  • No. And I think Ireland can resist this pressure. Particularly if it's from Sarkozy who I know for a fact is deep down a total believer in reducing all taxes. He HATES socialists, he cannot even stand senior civil servants. He gets his advice from self made men who've proven their inventiveness and resourcefulness in business. That's the real Sarkozy. But of course every politician has to navigate complex chess boards of private interests. There's obviously some other reason for this move in his part. Though I can't see it yet. I would put my money on this being pressure from a third party. A corporate lobby who wants to pinch Ireland's foreign corps. Fear not folks, Ireland can win this argument. Though it'd be a lot better if someone like Richard Bruton were doing it. Can't see Enda and Gilmore being very convincing. And if we could convince Ireland's richest men to stop their annoying panto routines to foreign journos (O'Leary, Bono, Geldoff, etc.) it might help Ireland's standing.
    Oscar France, Metropolitan
  • Lets just roll the bones and devil take the hindmost. Tell the EU to change the terms or face the consequences. We have a hell of a lot less to lose than our so called partners, we're fairly close to bottom as it is. This was never a bailout to begin with ... it was usury. I said while the deal was being negotiated that in order to be a bailout the interest rate had to be in the order of 1.5% and that is what we should be pressing for now. We should put nothing on the table except the survival of the Euro and the ball is in their court.
    James Not Answered
  • We should increase our corporation taxm but not in exchange for the "strings attached" IMF / EU deal which is purely designed to save the banks. Ireland should renege on the IMF deal and put its people first.
    Seanie Ireland

Business Poll »

Is it appropriate for Moody's to comment on Irish political matters ahead of the General Election?
Results so far
41% 59%
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  • their comments show how other countries view us and if it were not for moodys we in ireland would not know what is going on. as we know if it was left to the government we would not have a clue about what is going on
    kris bell Ireland
  • NEGARINO - MOODYS HAVE NO PLACE IN MAKING SUCH COMMENTS! Given the somewhat below-par performance of these credit rating 'gods' over the last decade, I find it very worrying that people still pay heed to their ramblings. The Irish people must stand up for themselves and be counted!
    jonny - the pacifier Ireland
  • Yeah, why not; its not like we are a serious country. Anyway, what are we going to do about it if they do? Write them an angry letter and then bend over just like we have for every other woebegotten financial company on the planet.
    Shimrod Ireland

Sport Poll »

Do you think Ireland will improve enough to beat France in Dublin on Sunday?
Results so far
49% 51%
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  • I completly agree with Chateaueuf on p2. and dont forget Ferris can come in to your back row if needed during the game. I like that team you picked. Court has to start, it is as simple as that.
    Julian Assain, at her majesty care United Kingdom
  • No chance.......No debate....
    Shane Irish Ireland
  • Very uncharacteristic mistakes from D'arcy and O'Driscoll in the midfield probably cost us 2 tries at the weekend, which, had they been scored, would have led to a very different discussion this week. A few key changes at the same time are required, Leamy & McFadden out in favour of, Ferris & Trimble if they pass their fitness tests. Neil Francis is also spot on in his assertion that Mike Ross should be replaced by Tony Buckley who offers so much more.
    Rob Argentina

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