In this day of celebrity entourages and PR protection, it's rare for a star to make a false statement. But Hollywood is nowhere near perfect, and every so often its peeps will make an off-color comment or reveal more than they intended to. We keep you informed of the most noteworthy Tinseltown talk with our weekly installment of Quips & Quotes.

Ugh. Celebrities. Always playing the, "I am who I say I am" game. Like Justin Bieber trying to convince us he's a man in the latest issue of 'Rolling Stone.' Or Charlie Sheen striving to show us he's sober. (We don't think Lindsay Lohan wants or needs your "sage" advice, dude.)

So thank goodness for those in Hollywood whose character we honestly believe -- like Victoria Beckham as a shopaholic and Liam Neeson as a super nice guy.

Add to all of that a dash of robots-taking-over-the-world fear, and you've got this week's random compilation of Quips & Quotes.