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  1. @MarleeMatlin Hey, Ninja Woman! I'll keep boxing. You P90X-it. We'll have an ab-off (after I work off these Thanksgiving pies...)!
  2. @Fred_Willard (or his life-size cardboard cut-out, anyway) jo... on Twitpic http://t.co/f7NJer2 via @AddThis
  3. @MelissaRycroft I've always thought of you as a Burgess Meredith type. Altho,' you're not so much a punching coach. I'm your punching bag!!
  4. Just back from boxing lesson. Not quite Rocky caliber. I'm more Rickety Balboa.
  5. Just finished 1st serious, post Turkey Day workout. 3 mile run followed by a training session. Actually heard a love handle whimper.
  6. Shark? Tastes like chicken. http://bit.ly/gT52sa
  7. Finished 3 Day Turkey, Stuffing & Pie Triathlon. Received bronze medal. Color reminded me of gravy. Need to snap out of it.
  8. The dramatic #DWTS Season 11 winner reveal. With a banana & a puppet. http://bit.ly/gAPkX2
  9. Happy Thanksgiving, all! We filled one of those mini-mirror balls with stuffing and basted the bird with spray tan! Yummy!
  10. The Burdens of Being Bergeron http://bit.ly/ikgxwX
  11. @SaraYu07 Happy Birthday, Sally! Don't let Sara get you into too much trouble!!
  12. From@JimmyKimmel: Charo, Springer & Dick chase me thru Hollywood! #DWTS http://bit.ly/ikgxwX
  13. I give TV Guide my 2 cents about the DWTS season. http://bit.ly/aoQWGg
  14. Flying Tuesday night after DWTS' Finale. @MaksimC has prepared me for TSA's potentially improper hand placements. #DWTS
  15. @scottsimpson "I'd never go to a live taping of AFV bc what if Tom Bergeron turns out to be not that cool in real life?" Trust me. I'm not.
  16. @jbowen55 Good point!
  17. Nice article about AFV (that's the OTHER show I host. The one without shotgun-blasting viewers). http://bit.ly/9Niylv
  18. @MelindaCamp "Hanging Chads" sounds like a porn music act.