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Gov 2.0 Events :  Gov 2.0 Expo  •  Gov 2.0 Summit

Gov 2.0 News and Coverage

Army Awards $1.2 Billion NSA Data Center Contract
by Elizabeth Montalbano  Sep. 30, 2010
Indeed, as described by NSA Director General Keith Alexander at the Gov 2.0 Summit recently, federal networks are in need of more protection. 250,000 probes trying to find their way into Department of Defense networks every hour and cyber attacks on federal agencies have increased 150% since 2008, he said...… read more
Alexander Howard: Telling a Gov 2.0 Story with Storify, a Social Curation Tool
[Huffington Post]
by Alexander Howard  Sep. 21, 2010
So, yesterday I wondered about the online conversation the had cropped up after the Gov 2.0 Summit regarding technology and governnment. Is Gov 2.0 - which I report on for Radar - all about citizens? Is it all about technology? Or should it be measured in outcomes?... read more
Gov 2.0 and Responsible Data Use
by Charlie Tansill   Sep. 21, 2010
The rise of the internet over the last fifteen years has resulted in remarkable new possibilities for government and citizen engagement. Leaders inside and outside government are using social media tools to realize the principles of participation, collaboration, transparency and efficiency to address the challenges facing our country. This movement,… read more
Great time for journalism innovation
by David Herzog   Sep. 16, 2010
Many news organizations and journalists have been playing catchup with technology, which is dangerous when you consider the relentless pace of change in the Web 2.0 world. But the good news coming from the Gov 2.0 Summit last week in Washington, D.C., is that we can innovate on the web… read more
2010 is the year of participatory platforms - Counting Gov 2.0 milestones and millstones with US CTO Aneesh Chopra.
[O'Reilly News]
by Alex Howard  Sep. 17, 2010
In an exclusive interview last week at Gov 2.0 Summit, US CTO Aneesh Chopra answered questions about the challenges of implementing open government, reaching an increasingly mobile citizenry, addressing the digital divide and stimulating innovation... read more
FCC to Developers: Push Us Forward
by Justin Houk  Sep. 15, 2010
The United States Federal Communications Commission is calling on web developers to help push the agency forward. The FCC Chairman spoke at the O'Reilly Gov 2.0 Summit in Washington D.C., as the organization announced four new RESTful APIs and a new website aimed at fostering a developer community around FCC… read more
New Online Searchable Database From the Federal Communications Commission: FCC License View
Sep. 15, 2010
The launch of FCC License View comes after the recent release of the FCC License View API, part of a package of developer community tools announced by Chairman Julius Genachowski and and Managing Director Steven VanRoekel at the Gov 2.0 Summit in Washington, D.C. on September 7... read more
Gov 2.0 + Enterprise 2.0 - closing technology gaps
by Susan  Sep. 14, 2010
September's Gov 2.0 event in Washington, DC featured a variety of presenters from host Tim O'Reilly to IBM, President Obama's CTO and CIO, Rockefeller Foundation, Amazon and VMware. This BasicGov blog posts highlights a few of the presentations about technology and innovation... read more
Gov 2.0 Summit: Lessons from TED
by Kelly Ferraro  Sep. 15, 2010
Transparency, access, engagement, participation, and collaboration are the common themes that tied together the nine different presentations during today's Gov 2.0 Summit session "Fueling the Innovation Economy"... read more
Clare Lockhart and Ory Okolloh on "Making States Work Better"
by Daniel Maree  Sep. 14, 2010
Last Tuesday (Sept. 7), the Grand Hyatt Washington was abuzz with the Gov 2.0 Summit, which brought together innovators from government and the private sector to highlight technology and ideas that can be applied to "the nation's great challenges... read more
Thoughts from the 2010 Gov 2.0 Summit
[NASA Web Dude]
by JJ Toothman  Sep. 15, 2010
I wasn't at last week's Gov 2.0 Summit in Washington, D.C., but I've spoken with a few people that were, read many a blog post, and watched a few talks on YouTube which have sparked a few thoughts. By the way…as is becoming typical of ... read more
CIO Tips From The Gov2.0 Summit
by Nigel Fenwick  Sep. 14, 2010
As I reflect back on the highlights from the Gov2.0 Summit last week (and read back through my Tweets), it's easy to identify the underlying theme that seemed to resonate throughout the event: Governments need to open up access to data to allow nongovernment groups (private enterprise) to develop citizen-friendly… read more
US Government to Launch New Video Platform
by Katy Saulpaugh  Sep. 13, 2010
The U.S. government will launch a new Video.gov platform, said White House Deputy Chief Technology Officer Andrew McLaughlin at a Gov 2.0 Summit last week... read more
An Online Marketplace Serving Those Who Serve
by Michael Russell  Sep. 13, 2010
Blake Hall is a man on a mission: to help U.S. military personnel use "Web 2.0" Internet technologies to help one another and themselves. Hall's no stranger to demanding missions. A decorated former U.S. Army Captain and Airborne Ranger who led a scout platoon in Iraq, he relates how the… read more
Gov 2.0 Enters Next Phase: Opportunities and Action
Sep. 09, 2010
The 2010 Gov 2.0 Summit in Washington, DC, brought together a high-caliber collection of thought leaders from the federal government, tech industry, SIs, the business community and others... read more
Saving Cities Millions: Introducing CivicCommons.com
by David Eaves  Sep. 13, 2010
Last week at the Gov 2.0 Summit in Washington, DC my friends over at OpenPlans, with who I've exchanged many thoughts about this idea, along with the City of Washington DC brought this idea to life with the launch of Civic Commons... read more
Governments need to use open data as a strategic asset, expert says
by Jeffery Smith   Sep. 14, 2010
During last week's Gov 2.0 Summit, Open Government Expert David Eaves sat down with CivSource to discuss open data initiatives at the state and local levels of government. Mr. Eaves suggests that significant strides need to be made in both government culture and strategy before the widespread benefits of open… read more
FCC seeks to remake its .gov self
[Federal News Radio]
by Max Cacas   Sep. 14, 2010
Along with trying to reshape the way much of the nation's telecommunication infrastructure is regulated, Federal Communications Commission chairman Julius Genachowski says he is also trying to change the way his agency uses technology to better serve citizens... read more
Government's Sociotechnological Revolution Leaves Little Place for Legal "Wet Blanketry"
[The Huffington Post]
by Christina Gagnier   Sep. 14, 2010
It was opportune that in searching for how to convey frustration over how some lawyers are approaching the use of social media and related technologies in government, pop culture, via the hit series Mad Men, delivered. In Sunday night's episode, the show's resident rule-abiding character, Peggy Olson, was called out… read more
We're in open government's beta period
[O'Reilly Radar]
by Alex Howard   Sep. 14, 2010
As Congress returns to Washington after this weekend's somber anniversary, the conversation on Capitol will inevitably shift to the midterm elections. The White House is faced with high unemployment, the long war abroad and domestic priorities that range from education to energy policy to immigration to cybersecurity... read more
We're in open government's beta period - Extending and analyzing the conversations from Gov 2.0 Summit.
[O'Reilly Radar]
by Alex Howard  Sep. 14, 2010
As citizens look ahead to the 21st century, can the technology and policy that enables open government be married with a shift in culture, perception and civic action? A series of speakers and analysis at the Gov 2.0 Summit in Washington consider that future... read more
Gov 2.0: 10 Learnings for India - Part 1
by rajesh  Sep. 14, 2010
I attended the Gov 2.0 Summit in Washington DC last week. It was a fascinating experience - both in terms of learning, and in how to conduct a conference rich with content and filled with diversity of ideas without the boring... read more
Civic Commons Helps Municipalities Share Code
by Curt Hopkins  Sep. 08, 2010
At the Government 2.0 Summit today, Code for America, DC's OCTO and OpenPlans introduced a new code-sharing project, Civic Commons. ... read more
Sunlight Foundation taking heat for USASpending.gov critique
[Washington Technology]
by Alice Lipowicz  Sep. 13, 2010
One of the most forceful critiques delivered at the Gov 2.0 Summit last week was from Ellen Miller, executive director of the Sunlight Foundation, who ripped USASpending.gov for alleged gross inaccuracies in its data.... read more
GSA official spells it out at Gov 2.0 Summit
[Federal Computer Week]
by Alice Lipowicz  Sep. 09, 2010
When Elizabeth Hochberg, assistant general counsel at the General Services Administration, took the stage at the Gov 2.0 Summit, she made a comment about the conference's setting: the Independence Ballroom at the Grand Hyatt in Washington.... read more
USASpending.gov "Completely Useless"
[FedTech BisNow]
by admin  Sep. 08, 2010
Strong words yesterday from the Sunlight Foundation's Ellen Miller, who says USASpending.gov, a four-year-old government site that tracks each government award made, includes more than $1.3 trillion (yes, trillion) in broken reporting in '09 alone, according to a just released project by her organization.... read more
Rough Guide to Gov 2.0 Expo: Open Source Edition
by Gunnar Hellekson  May. 25, 2010
Gov 2.0 Expo is coming to Washington, DC next week. It's the latest offering from the O'Reilly event machine, which is unmatched in its ability to generate buzz and get everyone excited about topics that they've never heard of.... read more
Will I See You at the Gov 2.0 Expo?
by Steve Radick  May. 24, 2010
I'll be at the Gov 2.0 Expo this week and I'm hoping that I'll see you either there, or at one of the happy hours/tweet-ups that will surely be occurring. If you're the least bit interested in social media or the future of our government, I'd highly encourage you to… read more
A message to the Gov 2.0 Expo and call to action for local government
by Kristy Fifelski,  May. 24, 2010
I am extremely jealous of the lucky chaps who get to participate in the Gov 2.0 Expo 2010, co-produced by O'Reilly Media and TechWeb in Washington, D.C. this week. My request for conference organizers and participants is to better understand the challenges facing local government in our adoption of Gov… read more
Gov 2.0 Expo: Health Geek Guide
by Susannah Fox  May. 24, 2010
The cross-disciplinary smorgasbord that is Gov 2.0 Expo will be held this week in DC. The agenda is packed with nerdy temptations (danah boyd! Anil Dash! Tim Berners-Lee!) but here are my can't-miss sessions... read more
Live Blog from Gov 2.0 Expo - Introduction to Government Social Publishing with Drupal
by Ryan Kamauff  May. 25, 2010
Kieran Lal of Acquia led a great talk (adventure) on the use of government Social Publishing and Drupal. Kieran is the Drupal community adventure guide for Acquia, which provides commercial subscriptions for Drupal... read more
Gov 2.0: Army Competition Spurs App Development
[InformationWeek ]
by J. Nicholas Hoover  May. 25, 2010
The Apps for Army application development challenge has sparked development of 53 applications in only 75 days, more than half of them for mobile operating systems... read more
Gov 2.0: Aspiring For Greatness In Open Government
[InformationWeek ]
by John Foley  May. 24, 2010
Tim O'Reilly is raising the bar on what he envisions for the open government movement. At this week's Gov 2.0 Expo in Washington, D.C., O'Reilly won't be talking merely about government serving as "a platform" -- that was last year's idea -- but about government as "a platform for greatness."...… read more
Live from Gov 2.0 Expo in Washington, DC - Join our live broadcasts from the conference
[O'Reilly News]
by O'Reilly Media  May. 24, 2010
Gov 2.0 Expo is the IT event for 21st century government. If you can't make it to the Expo in person, join our live broadcasts from the conference and take part in the conversation. We'll discuss the buzz, analyze announcements, interview special guests, and take your questions from our live… read more
Jack Dangermond to Showcase Community Maps at Gov 2.0 Expo
May. 24, 2010
REDLANDS, Calif., May 24 /PRNewswire/ -- On Thursday, May 27, 2010, at 2:20 p.m., ESRI president Jack Dangermond will speak to government and technology enthusiasts at the Gov 2.0 Expo in Washington, D.C., about using the power of geographic information system (GIS) technology to transform government... read more
The Open Gov Initiative: Enabling Techies to Solve Government Problems
by Vivek Wadhwa  May. 22, 2010
While grandma flips through photo albums on her sleek iPad, government agencies (and most corporations) process mission-critical transactions on cumbersome web-based front ends that function by tricking mainframes into thinking that they are connected to CRT terminals... read more
What does Government 2.0 look like? - Mark Drapeau offers a visual breakdown of the Gov 2.0 components.
[O'Reilly News]
by Mark Drapeau  May. 24, 2010
The most important thing I learned in grad school was very simple: "Draw the picture." (Thanks Tony.) By that my advisor meant that it's often hard or impossible to describe a complex system in words alone. And consequently, if you can't draw a picture of what you're trying to explain,… read more
Gov 2.0 Week in Review - Data.gov 2.0, Law.gov, cloud computing at Apps.gov, open data, Facebook Communities and government, and the future of the Internet and democracy.
[O'Reilly News]
by Alex Howard  May. 21, 2010
Bernard Kouchner may have written that the "universal spirit of the Enlightenment should run through the new media" but this week, the zeitgeist of the government information revolution online was powered by open data. read more
Win Gov 2.0 Passes!
by Tom Bridge  May. 24, 2010
One of the great things I love about DC is that it's an intersection of theory and practice; it's a place where people take technologies and policy ideas and work them into rules and laws and systems... read more
What to Watch: Key Events This Week (May 24-28, 2010)
[Washington Post]
May. 24, 2010
An impressive lineup of technology mavens is on tap to talk about the intersection of technology and government at the Gov 2.0 Expo at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center running Tuesday through Thursday... read more
The (Tim) O'Reilly Factor
[Publisher's Weekly]
by Andrew Richard Albanese   May. 24, 2010
In the May issue of Inc. magazine, Tim O'Reilly was asked his greatest extravagance. "Books. I have about 10,000," he replied, comparing his collection to "a gentleman's library in the era of Thomas Jefferson." read more
New Podcast: Gov as Platform is Here to Stay
[Gov 2 Radio]
by Adriel Hampton  May. 23, 2010
A discussion of the O'Reilly/TechWeb Gov 2.0 Expo, with Laurel Ruma and Alex Howard... read more
Gov 2.0 Expo Event Preview
by Paul D. Shinkman  May. 22, 2010
Can government be cool? Federal agencies, contractors, online developers and policy wonks will find out this week at the Gov 2.0 Expo -- a forum for 21st century advocates across the spectrum to learn about government interaction with technology, the Internet and social media... read more
The changing role of Gov 2.0 at your agency
[Federal News Radio]
by Laurel Ruma  May. 21, 2010
Gov 2.0 - that term has been around for a few years now. What's changed since the whole 2.0 movement started? Next week marks the start of the second annual Gov 2.0 Expo, a two-day conference that will focus on the latest and greatest in cloud computing, cybersecurity, social media and open… read more
Cloud, Collaboration, Social Media in Government @ Gov 2.0 Expo Preview
[Focus Washington]
by Don Goldberg  May. 21, 2010
Supporting President Obama's initiatives promoting transparency, participation and collaboration, Gov 2.0 Expo's co-chair and Microsoft's Mark Drapeau talks with Focus Washington TechView shares... read more
Tim O'Reilly talks about Gov 2.0
by David Gewirtz  May. 20, 2010
Tim O'Reilly has some very interesting thoughts on how technology and government can play together... read more
10+ "hidden gems" not to miss at Gov 2.0 Expo
by Steve Lunceford  May. 21, 2010
I'm sure I'm not the only one anxiously waiting for the start of O'Reilly & TechWeb's Gov 2.0 Expo next week. With such an expansive list of interesting sessions over three days, I thought it would be interesting to get program co-chairs Laurel Ruma and Dr. Mark Drapeau to share what… read more
Come see Google at Gov 2.0 Expo!
by Dan Israel  May. 12, 2010
We appreciate all the interest in the Google for Gov group on GovLoop & the good discussions that have been going on here. We'd like to invite you to continue this discussion with us in person!... read more
New Government Agencies and Top Industry Firms Join the Bench of Innovators at Gov 2.0 Expo
May. 21, 2010
Patent and Trademark Office, Office of Personnel Management, Veterans Affairs, National Institute of Standards and Technology, State of California, Cisco, IBM, Inc. Magazine, The Economist Among New Names... read more
Law.gov - Open Sourcing U.S. Legal Documents
[Gov Loop]
by Adriel Hampton  May. 13, 2010
In a webinar about Gov 2.0 on Tuesday, publisher and conference convener Tim O'Reilly referred to Carl Malamud as the father of the Gov 2.0 movement. Wednesday, Malamud was in San Francisco at the Mitchell Kapor Foundation offices for the 10th in a series of 15 workshops he's hosting around… read more
Gov 2.0 Innovators Pavilion to Feature 15 Next-Gen Companies
[Linux Pro Magazine]
May. 13, 2010
Pavilion to highlight transparency, outreach. read more
Gov 2.0 week in review
[O'Reilly Radar]
by Alex Howard   May. 14, 2010
So what is Gov 2.0? This past week saw wide-ranging discussion about the meaning, substance and relevance of the term, along with plenty of other news related to social media in government, open data, improved crisis response through technology and a move to the cloud... read more
Web 2.0 helps digital diplomacy at the State Department
[Federal News Radio]
by Christopher Drobek  May. 19, 2010
How do you move from a culture of :need to know: to a culture of "need to share?" Alex Howard, Government 2.0 Correspondent for O'Reilly Media, examines that issue today with a preview of one of next week's Gov 2.0 Expo speakers. Read all about Richard Boly director of the… read more
Government Technology Leaders Preview Announcements to be Made at Gov 2.0 Expo
May. 18, 2010
Exhibitors and Sponsors Select Event as Center Stage for Federal, State, Local Government Innovation News... read more
Cyber Self Defense: Reduce Your Attack Surface
by Jeffrey Carr   May. 18, 2010
In anticipation of my panel at the Gov 2.0 Expo "Cyber Self Defense: Who's targeting your department and what you can do about it", I thought it might be helpful to cover one or two key tactics that you can institute right away. When I give presentations on this subject,… read more
Call put out for Gov 2.0 showcase
[ComputerWorld ]
by Trevor Clarke  May. 14, 2010
The Federal Government has put a call out for case studies on the use of web 2.0 technologies in the government space with a view to setting up a gallery to help the edification of others... read more
Gov 2.0 Expo 2010: Washington, DC
by Shaunna Villarea  May. 12, 2010
Come visit Telligent at Gov 2.0 Expo 2010 on May 25-27 at Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC. Learn how the rise of Government 2.0 signals the emergence of IT innovation and the web as a platform for fostering efficiencies within government and citizen participation... read more
Mark Drapeau on Cloud, Collaboration, Social Media in Government @ Gov 2.0 Expo Preview
[AOL Video]
May. 13, 2010
Video with Mark Drapeau... read more
Gov 2.0 Expo Announces First Ever Innovators Pavilion
May. 13, 2010
Pavilion to Stage Forthcoming Government and Industry Technology Innovations... read more
Laurel Ruma on a Sneak Preview of Gov 2.0 Expo, inc. Cloud Computing in City of Los Angeles
May. 12, 2010
Check out the video... read more
Get ready for the Gov 2.0 Expo
[Federal Cloud blog]
May. 10, 2010
Get ready for Gov 2.0 Expo later this month. The event is being held on May 25 - 27, 2010 at the Washington Convention Center. Registration is still open, if you haven't already signed up... read more
DorobekINSIDER: The Gov 2.0 status report - where are we now?
[Federal News Radio]
by Christopher Drobek  May. 12, 2010
What is gov 2.0, what does it mean, and is it still a relevant term? Those were the questions that were being bandied about at a dinner last week of gov 2.0 luminaries in preparation for the Gov 2.0 Expo... read more
Get Ready for the Gov 2.0 Expo
[Federal News Radio]
by Fed Cloud Blog  May. 10, 2010
Get ready for Gov 2.0 Expo later this month. The event is being held on May 25-27, 2010 at the Washington Convention Center. Registration is still open, if you haven't already signed up. Laurel Ruma is co-chair of Gov 2.0 Expo and O'Reilly Media's Gov 2.0 evangelist. She sat down… read more
What is Gov 2.0? Come find out this afternoon
[O'Reilly Radar]
by Mac Slocum  May. 11, 2010
Tim O'Reilly will host a free webcast to examine the concept of Gov 2.0 and how technologists can play key roles in government's transformation. He'll also field questions from the audience. Registration is free but slots are limited, so be sure to sign up here. read more
5 Ways Government Works Better with Social Media
by Alex Howard  May. 10, 2010
What is government 2.0? Tim O'Reilly describes it as government working as a platform. Others might describe it as applying the technologies that make up Web 2.0 to the practice of government, including blogs, wikis, social networking and crowdsourcing. The simplest way of describing government 2.0 may be any technology… read more
The three phases of Government 2.0 - How surprise, experimentation and solutions have defined Gov 2.0.
[O'Reilly News]
by Mark Drapeau  May. 10, 2010
As the program co-chair for the upcoming Gov 2.0 Expo, I've had a lot of time to learn about what's happening at the edges of the space. And through my experience working on the topic with the Department of Defense, and now through a different lens at Microsoft's public sector… read more
Big Winners! Gov 2.0 Radio Sending Two to Gov 2.0 Expo
by Adriel Hampton  May. 09, 2010
Thanks for listening! Related posts: Listen to Gov 2.0 Radio, Win Free Gov 2.0 Expo Conference+Workshop Passes; Win Free #g2e Conference+Workshop Passes from Gov 2.0 Radio; Talking Web 2.0 Expo and Gov 2.0 Summit with Tim O'Reilly. read more
Open Government Innovations to be Recognized at Gov 2.0 Expo
May. 07, 2010
Sunlight Lab's Director Discusses 'Design for America' Contest with Focus Washington TechView... read more
Public Sector Leaders in Open Government, Collaboration, and Social Networking to Gather Under One Roof at Gov 2.0 Expo
May. 05, 2010
The White House, State Department, NASA, Defense, Navy, CIA, Health and Human Services, Government of Ontario, Canada to Take the Stage... read more
Gov 2.0 Week in Review - Open 311, OGI, open government, open source, revisiting net neutrality and disaster response 2.0
[O'Reilly News]
by Alex Howard  May. 07, 2010
Topics in this week Gov 2.0 Week in Review include: Open 311, OGI, open government, open source, revisiting net neutrality and disaster response 2.0. If you have news and tips about the government 2.0 space, please let me know at alex@oreilly.com or @digiphile on Twitter. read more
Tim O'Reilly, on the cover of Inc. - "Silicon Valley's leading intellectual"
[O'Reilly News]
by O'Reilly Media  May. 03, 2010
The Oracle of Silicon Valley, Tim O'Reilly has been ahead of early every important technology innovation of the past 30 years writes reporter Max Chafin in his cover story for this month's issue of Inc. magazine. "And today the future is something O'Reilly is calling Gov 2.0." Read more.... read more
The spy who came in from the code - Carmen Medina talks about tech, the CIA, and why government agencies don't play well with others
[O'Reilly News]
by James Turner  May. 03, 2010
If you were going to pick an adjective to describe the Central Intelligence Agency, "open" wouldn't immediately spring to mind. But according to Carmen Medina, who recently retired from the CIA and will speak at next month's Gov 2.0 Expo, openness is just what the agency needs.... read more
Listen to Gov 2.0 Radio, Win Free Gov 2.0 Expo Conference+Workshop ...
[Gov 2.0 Summit news (via Google blog search)]
by Adriel Hampton  May. 02, 2010
Tune in to Gov 2.0 Radio tonight, May 2 (starts at 9 p.m. ET) for a special call-in trivia contest to win a conference-plus-workshops pass Gov 2.0 Expo (our media partner) in DC later this month. And, if you're not into contests but plan to go, check out Gov20Radio.com for our… read more
Australia Leading the World in Gov 2.0
by Tom Worthington   Apr. 30, 2010
Senator Kate Lundy (ACT) will be talking on Lessons from Down Under: How Australia is Leading the World in Gov 2.0 in Washington DC on 25-27 May 2010 at the Gov 2.0 Expo. Other speakers include Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Tim O'Reilly... read more
Finalists Announced For 2010 Nextgov Awards
Apr. 30, 2010
Government Executive Media Group today announced nineteen finalists for its 2010 Nextgov Awards, a new program designed to recognize federal professionals who have created innovative programs, policies or management practices that rely on technology to improve government operations... read more
Government Leaders to Share Cyber Security and Security in the Cloud Insights at Gov 2.0 Expo
Apr. 29, 2010
Progress in the Intelligence Community since the Worst Cyber Terrorism Plot Ever in 2006 Among Sessions Taking the Stage at Nation's Capital Event... read more
First-Hand Cloud Computing Government Success Stories and Lessons Learned to be Showcased at Gov 2.0 Expo
Apr. 27, 2010
NASA, State of California, City of Los Angeles, U.S. Army Among Featured Government Speakers... read more
Government and Industry Leaders to Share Latest Innovations in Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Collaboration, Web 2.0
Apr. 23, 2010
Gov 2.0 Expo to Showcase Experts and Technologies Shaping the 21st Century Government... read more
Gov 2.0 Week in Review
[O'Reilly Radar]
by Alex Howard  Apr. 30, 2010
In this week's round-up of Gov 2.0 news: Open government assessed, web managers meet, Britain's social media election and Internet Policy 3.0.... read more
Gov 2.0 week in review
[O'Reilly Radar]
by Alex Howard  Apr. 24, 2010
The pace of innovation and policy in the government 2.0 world hasn't slackened. Here's a round-up of gov 2.0-related news from the last week.... read more
Citizens as public sensors - The co-founder of SeeClickFix on how crowdsourcing can help local government
[O'Reilly News]
by James Turner  Apr. 12, 2010
Gov 2.0 discussions tend to center on transparency and making data available to the general public. But information can flow in both directions. SeeClickFix believes citizens can offer as much to local government as government can offer to the people. SeeClickFix co-founder Jeff Blasius discusses the service in this Q&A.; read more
The military goes social
[O'Reilly Radar]
by James Turner  Apr. 27, 2010
For most of the 20th century, a soldier in the field could only communicate with his/her family and friends via letters that might take weeks or months to make their way to the recipient. But as the battlefield goes high tech, so has the ways soldiers can talk to the… read more
Where's the Gov 2.0 epicenter?
by Jeffery Smith   Apr. 28, 2010
One year following the groundbreaking Apps for Democracy contest, the Gov 2.0 world turns its gaze once again to the District of Columbia for Gov 2.0 Expo this May. In a conversation with Gov 2.0 Expo Co-chair, Laurel Ruma told CivSource that social media and open data initiatives in government… read more
Gov 2.0 week in review
[O'Reilly Radar]
by Alex Howard  Apr. 24, 2010
Taking a page straight from Mark Coddington's excellent week in review at the Nieman Journalism Lab, my inaugural Radar post looks at government 2.0 news from the past week. If you have news and tips about the government 2.0 space, please let me know at alex@oreilly.com or @digiphile on Twitter... read more
First-Hand Cloud Computing Government Success Stories and Lessons Learned to be Showcased at Gov 2.0 Expo
by UBM TechWeb  Apr 27, 2010  

NASA, State of California, City of Los Angeles, U.S. Army Among Featured Government Speakers

WASHINGTON, April 27 - Highlights/Key Facts: * With cloud computing playing a big role in the Obama Administration's new FY2011 budget and federal CIO Vivek Kundra contending the U.S. government can acquire technology faster and at lower cost through cloud computing, leaders in the public and private sectors are more than ever working closely to use cloud computing as a strategic IT tool to help transform government and make them more effective and efficient... read more
The GOOD Guide to Better Neighborhoods: Go Local 2.0
by Laurel Ruma  Apr. 22, 2010
Written by Laurel Ruma, Co-chair of Gov 2.0 Expo- If the web of the 2000s was social, the web of this next decade will be civic. Every time you "like" something on Facebook, you're voting. And it only takes a click of a mouse to sign a petition on Twitter.… read more
Design for America contest from Sunlight Foundation
[THe Hill]
by Craig Newmark  Mar. 25, 2010
The Sunlight folks are all about making government accountable by making it transparent, stuff like showing where the money goes, how it's spent. This contest is about finding ways to present government data so that it makes sense... read more
A hotbed of techie agents of government transparency
[The Washington Post]
by Mike Musgrove  Apr. 04, 2010
But beyond Washington, there still seems to be confusion about what the word means. "My mom is like, 'What exactly do you do?' "said Laurel Ruma, whose business card describes her as a "Gov 2.0 evangelist" for the computer book publisher O'Reilly, where she is organizing an upcoming government and… read more
Gov 2.0 invades Harvard: A report from #gov20ne - Politicians, advocates, techies and citizens discuss open government
[O'Reilly Radar]
by James Turner  Mar. 10, 2010
Last Saturday, several hundred folks gathered at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government to spend the day discussing Open Government. I attended, and Laurel Ruma (O'Reilly's Gov 2.0 Evangelist) was one of the organizers... read more
Gov 2.0 Expo: Game on, baby
by realtweetthroat  Feb. 12, 2010
Gov 2.0 Expo registration is officially open, and I'm feeling much better since my last post. ... read more
O'Reilly Media and UBM TechWeb Launch Gov 2.0 Expo 2010: Announce Program and Keynotes
[O'Reilly News]
by Maureen Jennings  Mar 23, 2010  

Event Brings Together Government Leaders and Web 2.0 Innovators to Build a 21st Century Government

Sebastopol, CA, March 23, 2010 - Today Gov 2.0 Expo, co-produced by O'Reilly Media, Inc. and UBM TechWeb, provides a first glance at the key speakers, topics, and themes that apply technology best practices to improve transparency, efficiency, and cost containment in government programs. Gov 2.0 Expo will give government employees and contractors access to the practical tools, in-depth training, and new technologies needed to build a 21st century government. Gov 2.0 Expo will take place May 25-27, 2010 at the Washington Convention Center in Washington DC. For more information visit www.gov2expo.com "Government has an extraordinary responsibility to harness the best, most efficient systems for delivering citizen services and overcoming the barriers of complexity and bureaucracy," said Tim O'Reilly, CEO and founder of O'Reilly Media. "There has been a revolution in the private sector, with new technologies including cloud computing, web services, mobile devices, social media, and open data bringing unprecedented new services to individuals. The Government 2.0 Expo is the place to understand how these technologies can be applied to advance the mission of government agencies."... read more
NHIN Direct: Open Healthcare Records and Government as a Platform
[O'Reilly Radar]
by Tim O'Reilly  Mar. 11, 2010
In my advocacy around Government 2.0, I've been focused on the idea that government should act like a platform provider rather than a complete solution provider. That is, government should lay down rules of the road, create core functionality that others can build on, and then let the private sector… read more
Nominate a Colleague for an Award
by Allan Holmes  Feb. 19, 2010
Do you know a federal manager who recently took risks to push through a bold idea, policy or program that uses technology to make government work better or improve public services? If so, we'd like to hear your story by nominating your colleague for a Nextgov Award... read more
From Open Source to Open Government
[ComputerWorld UK]
by Glyn Moody  Feb. 04, 2010
One idea was that companies on the "outside" might play an important role. This is similar to the concept of "government as platform" outlined by Tim O'Reilly... read more
Information Technology and the Military
[The Kojo Show]
by Mark Drapeau, Charles "Jack" Holt, Linton Wells II  Jan. 12, 2010
The Defense Department, like every other wing of the federal government, is on a mission to keep pace with the technologies of the "Web 2.0" era. But social media, "wiki" documents, and information sharing portals pose unique challenges for the military, which is sitting on an ocean of sensitive data... read more
The Power of Government-as-Platform
by Steve Hamm  Dec. 01, 2009
Tim O'Reilly, the founder of O'Reilly Media and promoter of the Web 2.0 and Gov 2.0 phenomena, calls this the Obama administration's most important technology initiative. "The government is starting to think like a platform provider rather than an application provider," he wrote me in an e-mail... read more

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For information on exhibition and sponsorship opportunities at the conference, contact Rob Koziura at rkoziura@techweb.com or download the Gov 2.0 Expo Sponsor Prospectus

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For media partnerships, contact Jaimey Walking Bear (707) 827-7176 jaimey@oreilly.com

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For media-related inquiries, contact Maureen Jennings at maureen@oreilly.com or Natalia Wodecki at nwodecki@techweb.com.

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