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Gov 2.0 Events :  Gov 2.0 Expo  •  Gov 2.0 Summit

Tuesday, 05/25/2010


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Carolyn Lawson (State of California)
Jurisdictions are investigating new service models, such as cloud computing and SaaS, and social networking tools like Twitter and Facebook. However, government policies are often the biggest obstacles in implementing these new models and tools. This session will be a frank discussion on how government policies need to adapt to the world we live in. Read more.
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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Emerging Topics
Location: Room 202 A
Kieran Lal (Acquia), Jason Hoekstra (Department of Education), Kirsten Burgard (Department of Veterans Affairs), Dennis Sutch (US Department of Commerce), Tim Wood (Commerce.gov), Neil Sroka (Commerce.gov)
In this introductory session, we will quickly review the results from the How Americans Interact online with Government. We will explain what social publishing is, and how it can allow the conversation American's are having with and about government to be integrated into government websites. Read more.
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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Meghan Casey (Brain Traffic)
Creating online content for constituents has never been so complicated. The public sector is expected to create more content, for more communication channels, with fewer resources than ever before. In this seminar, you’ll learn how to create an effective, actionable content strategy for your public service organization – including 10 simple tips for getting (and keeping) your content in control. Read more.
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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Agile Government, Emerging Topics
Location: Room 207 B
Melissa Jordan (Bay Area Rapid Transit), Tony Coppoletta (Chicago Transit Authority), Joshua Robin (Massachusetts Department of Transportation)
The biggest hurdle to Gov 2.0 isn’t technology – it’s culture and people. This panel is for frontline government workers trying to innovate in workplace cultures typically involving more layers of approval, longer development cycles and different obligations for public scrutiny than in the private sector. Three agencies’ case studies will explore why public transit has been a Gov 2.0 leader. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Dan Zarrella (HubSpot)
This session will be an introduction to social media founded in science and data, presenting an easy to understand picture of how social media can become part of a PR and greater marketing strategy. This session will teach attendees how they can use real data to plan their social media strategies, and how they can use real statistics to measure the impact and value of their efforts. Read more.
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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Adam Blum (Rhomobile)
Driven by the phenomenal success of the iPhone and the App Store, smartphone app usage is finally taking off in the enterprise and it is time for it to do the same in Government organizations. Many developers are still uncertain about how to create a great user experience for data-intensive business apps on smartphones but attendees will learn how to mobilize resources such as data.gov. Read more.
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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Chris Johnson (U.S. Space & Rocket Center - GTAC)
Persuading people in different agencies to contribute their data to Virtual Alabama was a critical component of the program's success. How do you build consensus, which then turns into action? Hear about the behind-the-scenes negotiating that made this project successful. Read more.
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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Open Data and Web Services
Location: Room 207 B
Marc Schweigert (Microsoft Corporation)
This workshop will explore finding open geospatial data for mapping, understanding different file types, creating customized maps, adding social media features to maps, as well as augmented reality possibilities. Examples of building a back-end infrastructure as well as ways to collaborate with co-workers and clients is also featured. Read more.


Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Room 206
Lunch (1h)


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Armando Rayo (Cultural Strategies)
Latinos are now the largest minority in the United States. By 2050, 30% of the U.S. population will be of Latino descent, making them a significant economic force. Understanding Hispanic population trends, how diverse this community truly is and using effective engagement strategies will help you create advocates with this booming population. Read more.
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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Thalia Nierenberg (Google), Eric Obenzinger (Google)
Americans rely on search engines to find the critical information that they need every day. Government agencies must take advantage of this crucial opportunity to target their audience effectively through search. Read more.
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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Sandro Hawke (W3C), John L. Sheridan (Information Policy and Services Directorate of the UK’s National Archives)
Are you a government IT professional who thinks the process required to integrate and query diverse data formats resembles a "Mission Impossible" movie? Then you should attend this workshop! W3C’s experts on linked open data and semantic web technologies show you how to navigate the process, and select the right technologies, to accomplish the mission of putting government data on the Web. Read more.
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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Michael Bean (Forio Simulations)
Experience how collaborative games are becoming powerful analysis tools for local, state, and national policy makers in this hands-on workshop. You will see how policy makers experiment with energy, health, and transportation policies in a game environment and learn from each other by posting their best results, policies and assumptions on leaderboards. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Judith Freeman (New Organizing Institute), Cammie Croft (Department of Energy)
We will explore the ways government agencies can use new media tools to connect with citizens through online communities, providing better access and transparency to government services. By utilizing online tools to connect citizens with offline resources, government agencies can create lasting relationships with citizens, empowering Americans while providing information and transparency. Read more.
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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Anthony Franco (EffectiveUI)
Successful strategy and planning are essential as software users increasingly expect effortless, engaging interaction with desktop, Web and mobile applications. Franco will discuss how to create exceptional software that better connects with your workforce or citizen base, promotes agency collaboration, fosters transparency and increases brand strength. Read more.
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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Open Data and Web Services
Location: Room 202 B
Clay Johnson (InfoVegan.com)
Truly Open Data means going beyond putting a CSV file on the Internet. It means being responsible for what you put out in ways that government isn't used to doing - and it means developing new lines of communications with the public. This workshop will give examples of how to publish data, how to maintain it, and how to handle it when things go wrong. Read more.
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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Cloud Computing
Location: Room 207 B
Alistair Croll (Bitcurrent)
In this 90-minute workshop, we'll explore the technology and business changes that brought us to clouds; how to distinguish between different cloud computing models; and how organizations can capitalize on the opportunities they provide and avoid the risks they pose. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Bill Eggers (Deloitte)
William Eggers, who coined the term Government 2.0, will talk about how governments achieve great missions, like the proverbial "man on the moon." Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Lt. General Jeffery Sorenson, Army CIO/G6, will discuss the first-ever Apps for the Army contest. The winning web and mobile applications will be created by Army personnel to address everyday needs, as well as experiment with the endless possibilities of open data and cloud computing using the Army's own cloud platform--RACE. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Clay Johnson (InfoVegan.com)
Clay Johnson, Director of Sunlight Labs, will be announcing winners from the Sunlight Foundation's newest contest. Previous contests, Apps for America and Apps for America the Data.gov edition, have spurred a community of "hactivists" or civically-minded technologists to show off what they can do for their country. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Daniel O'Neil (EveryBlock)
After you've decided to open your data, the work has just begun. We'll cover specific data types, formats, and case studies spanning the sixteen EveryBlock cities. Everything from policy to technology to the ever-vexing file format. Twenty 15-second case studies that might spark something for you. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Zubin Wadia (CiviGuard, Inc.)
What if a smartphone could save your life? When a crisis occurs, where you are is just as important as what happened. This session focuses on how CiviGuard empowers emergency management agencies to redefine the government-to-civilian relationship during a crisis. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Ballroom A
André Blas (WebCitizen)
Vote on the web invites the Brazilian population to vote and discuss bills being analyzed by Congress, bringing the citizens closer to the congressional decisions that directly affect their lives, and creating a ground-breaking space for discussion, transparency and civic engagement. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Timothy Kephart (Graffiti Tracker Inc.)
Graffiti Tracker founder and CEO Timothy Kephart will discuss the opportunity to identify patterns in existing data in order to help government solve problems. By tracking graffiti data and sharing the information with various government agencies, Kephart was able to highlight patterns and trends in graffiti in order to help law enforcement more effectively combat the problem. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Kate Bladow (Pro Bono Net)
The courts are one of the most intimidating government agencies. But they can be made more accessible by using technology to enable self-help. Pro Bono Net and the N.Y. State Courts present a case study of New York’s adoption of LawHelp Interactive, a national online system that helps those without lawyers complete crucial legal documents. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Ballroom A
John Ohab (US Department of Defense, Public Web)
Armed with Science is the Defense Department's weekly science podcast highlighting the importance of science and technology to military operations and the public. The program features live interviews with scientists and uses social media to creatively engage citizens, promote public participation, and dissolve myths that may hinder those interested in science careers. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Michelle Chronister (U.S. General Services Administration)
Go.USA.gov is a URL shortener for government websites that creates short, trustworthy .gov URLs to use on Twitter and other online services with character restrictions. Learn about Go.USA.gov, how it was developed using open source software, the benefits of the data it gathers across government, and how it saves taxpayer dollars by allowing agencies to benefit from the USA.gov cloud. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Rita King (IBM Analytics Virtual Center)
Because the government has the capacity to spearhead new systems that benefit the most people in the most cost-effective manner, it must, to remain globally competitive. Gov 2.0 leadership during this transformation would create jobs, connections and focus for tackling planetary and local challenges. The failure to evolve quickly enough to participate meaningfully, however, would be disastrous. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Christopher Dufour (@Du4.llc)
People often think that it's impractical if not impossible to renovate the way our government works. Instead of administering and preserving the status quo, how can we change the tedium of Gov 1.0 to a new Gov 2.0 standard of AWESOME? Here's a case study on doing just that courtesy of the IED Task Force Tech Team, circa 2004-2006. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Elizabeth Losh (University of California, Irvine)
In the era of "gotcha" journalism and conspiracy hunters on the Internet, unintended information exposures can derail and discourage government transparency efforts. A little bit of damage control can go a long way. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Jose Vazquez (Department of Homeland Security)
Details coming soon. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Foyer
A one hour reception immediately following our Keynote Kickoff – join us to officially kick-off of the Gov 2.0 Expo networking experience. Mix and mingle over drinks and nibbles while you also preview the Sunlight Labs Design for America submissions. This is open to all attendees and is a can’t-miss stop in the Gov 2.0 Expo line-up. Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Wilson Room
Moderated by: Brand Niemann
First there was Put Your Desktop in the Cloud to Support the Open Government Directive and Data.gov/semantic, April 19, 2010. Then there was Build Your Own Data.gov and EPA Microsite with Semantics and Statistics in the Cloud, May 15, 2010. And now there is Build Your Community Health Information "Design for America" Using Mindtouch and Spotfire Analytics, May 17, 2010, http://healthitgov.wik.is/ Read more.


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Tuesday, 05/25/2010
Location: Wilson Room
Moderated by: Robert Greenberg
The Department of Homeland Security's Virtual USA has already proven to be a success in enabling collaboration in emergency management. While there is a strong technical componant, the key to its success has been its focus on creating a continuum of collaboration among the participants. This session will review the lessons learned Read more.

Wednesday, 05/26/2010


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Tim O'Reilly (O'Reilly Media, Inc.)
Tim O'Reilly will deliver a vision of "government as a platform," on which people coalesce and create better services as communities, for communities. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Linda Cureton (NASA)
The CIO of NASA Linda Cureton will discuss cloud computing and social media and how these tools are empowering the space organization to become more efficient, save money, get citizens excited about their agency, and ultimately accomplish more missions. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Tim O'Reilly (O'Reilly Media, Inc.), Dave Girouard (Google Enterprise), Randi Levin (City of Los Angeles)
The City of Los Angeles is leading one of the most exciting and potentially disruptive SaaS deployments within government. In choosing Google’s enterprise solution, CTO Randi Levin is embracing the next-generation of IT services. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Brad Smith (Microsoft)
Brad Smith, General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Legal and Corporate Affairs at Microsoft will discuss the new opportunities and responsibilities created by the advancement of cloud computing. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Ballroom A
David Eaves (Centre for Digital Media)
A quick talk about how open data transformed the sport and industry of baseball, and what that means for government. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Joshua Robin (Massachusetts Department of Transportation)
Josh's keynote will tell the story of MassDOT's award-winning Developers Initiative. The MassDOT Developers story provides a strong example of what is possible when public agencies change their approach and harness the power of open data. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Kate Lundy (ACT, Australian Goverment)
Details coming soon. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Tim Berners-Lee (World Wide Web Consortium)
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web, Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, and evangelist for Linked Open Data using semantic web technology standards, will discuss the impact people inside and outside of government are making when empowered by a Web of Data. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Ballroom A
danah boyd (Microsoft Research)
danah boyd will discuss the complexities of transparency in light of diverse populations' experiences with the Internet. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Kathy Sierra (Creating Passionate Users)
Details coming soon. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Gary Vaynerchuk (VaynerMedia)
Social media and the Internet as a platform have neutralized content gatekeepers, giving a voice to anyone with the motivation and desire to express themselves online. The democratization of content has great implications for entrepreneurs and businesses, but also for the government and the individuals that comprise it. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Open Data and Web Services
Location: Room 201
Nicholas Gruen (Government 2.0 Taskforce (Australia)), Mark Elliott (Collabforge), Patrick McCormick (Department of Justice, Victoria), Kate Lundy (ACT, Australian Goverment)
What can Australia teach the world about Gov2.0? Australia's unique politics, government, and culture affect the way Gov2.0 is implemented and the speed at which it is adopted. Our panelists, who represent federal and local levels of government and the private sector, will report on where Australia leads, where it lags, and how the Australian experience can inform global Gov2.0 practices. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Agile Government, Emerging Topics
Location: Room 202 A
David Hale (National Institutes of Health)
Victory doesn't come when your agency's data is downloadable as an XML file. Learn how to transform agency data into a platform for innovation that improves the lives of citizens. Real world examples from Pillbox, an HHS patient-safety initiative, will illustrate how these strategies create success. Become an Open Government Ninja! Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Agile Government, Cloud Computing
Location: Room 202 B
Randi Levin (City of Los Angeles), John Zeberlein (CSC), Deborah Hafford (Google Enterprise)
How will the city of angels work in the cloud? In this session, CTO Levin will provide more insight into the decision to move to the cloud, including the ways that the change in IT infrastructure model could potentially benefit city government and citizens. A Q&A session with CTO Levin, John Zeberlien of CSC, and Deborah Hafford of Google will follow the presentation. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Vish Sankaran (Federal Health Architecture, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, Department of Health and Human Services), David Riley (Federal Health Architecture, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, Department of Health and Human Services), Brian Behlendorf ((self-employed))
The CONNECT open source software and the CONNECT community are paving the way for secure health information exchange among organizations throughout the country in line with Nationwide Health Information Network standards and governance. Learn how this open source project is leveraging innovation in the private and public sectors to benefit the healthcare community and patients. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Sponsored Sessions
Location: Room 204 A
Dan O'Leary (ESRI)
Maps offer intuitive ways to discover and visualize information, enable efficient problem-solving, and communicate stories. This session will explore how open and interoperable geographic information systems enable web developers and designers to rapidly create next-generation web mapping solutions for data visualization, crowdsourcing, and business intelligence. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Sponsored Sessions
Location: Room 204 B
Rob Howard (Telligent)
Rob Howard, Founder and CTO of Telligent, will discuss how U.S. and International government organizations are utilizing community and collaboration technologies to more efficiently and securely augment the free flow of information to government personnel and other approved parties across the globe. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Open Data and Web Services
Location: Room 207 B
Evan Burfield (Synteractive), Rusty Talbot (Synteractive), Rob Groat (Smartronix)
The economic stimulus package represented $787 Billion in new government spending, grants, and tax cuts. As President Obama, Recovery.gov was established "so that every American can find out how and where their money is being spent." Learn from the team that developed and built the new Recovery.gov - how it organizes, visualizes, and opens vast, complex data streams to better engage citizens. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Tim O'Reilly (O'Reilly Media, Inc.), Jennifer Pahlka (Code for America), Matthew Burton (The Open Source ACH Project, competinghypotheses.org), Philip Ashlock (OpenPlans)
Govvies increasingly face technical problems without the right resource to help solve them. But sometimes all you need is a few geeks to give you some solid, practical advice and suggest some approaches. This non-traditional session format is not a lecture, but a venue for government folks to pitch their technical problems and ask advice from a cross-section of helpful technologists. Read more.


Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Hall D - Expo Hall
Lunch (1h 10m)


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Open Data and Web Services
Location: Room 201
Tim Berners-Lee (World Wide Web Consortium), John L. Sheridan (Information Policy and Services Directorate of the UK’s National Archives), Dominic Campbell (FutureGov), Chris Thorpe (The Guardian)
Just under a year ago, on June 10, 2009 the UK government announced its "Making Public Data Public" initiative and tapped Sir Tim Berners-Lee as an advisor for data.gov.uk. In this session you'll hear four fascinating perspectives on the development and impact of UK's Gov2.0 initiative. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Open Data and Web Services
Location: Room 202 A
Victoria Stodden (Yale Law School)
Open access to federally funded research, including not only published papers but also any supporting data and code, is important not just for public knowledge sharing but also for the integrity of the science itself. This is part of the larger conversation regarding transparency in government, and this talk discusses Policy and Technology barriers and solutions to scientific research sharing. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Maury Blackman (Accela, Inc.), Patrick Allen (State of Oregon, Dept. of Consumer & Business Services)
In Oregon, government transparency means usability for citizens and communities. The State has created a standardized, repeatable e-permitting portal across multiple jurisdictions. Via this "one-stop shop", building contractors apply for, purchase, and track the permits they need for dozens of Oregon communities, wherever and whenever they require. See how Oregon got there and the results so far. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Agile Government, Cloud Computing
Location: Room 207 A
Chris Kemp (NASA)
Nebula is an open-source Cloud Computing Platform developed by NASA to further innovation, promote transparency and enable Federal Agencies to engage with the public more efficiently. Using Microsoft Worldwide Telescope as an example, I will discuss how the Nebula Cloud Platform is helping people on Earth explore the universe and collaborate with their Government in ways never before possible. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Sponsored Sessions
Location: Room 204 A
Rob Pinkerton (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Come hear how agencies within the US and abroad are applying the principals of Open Government to reach citizens, improve operations and accelerate the discrete missions of public service. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Sponsored Sessions
Location: Room 204 B
Nicole O'Brien (GCE), Marianne Lucas (GCE Federal), David Lucas (GCE Federal), Pothiraj Selvaraj (GCE Federal)
Move beyond the hype and get real world lessons learned from a team that has implemented a cloud-based enterprise financial management solution for a cabinet-level department. GCE’s Chief Strategy Officer, will provide an informative discussion about key aspects of and lessons learned from tackling a large cloud-based federal implementation. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Open Data and Web Services
Location: Room 207 B
Alex Fishman (Palantir Technologies), Douglas Hassebrock (Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board)
The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board is using new technologies to harness the massive quantity of public data available about Stimulus spending to prevent fraud, waste and abuse. This presentation will discuss their approach which leverages the human mind to spot anomalies, their methodology, and demonstrate how an example case of fraud was found and investigated through data. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Tim O'Reilly (O'Reilly Media, Inc.), Jennifer Pahlka (Code for America), Matthew Burton (The Open Source ACH Project, competinghypotheses.org), Philip Ashlock (OpenPlans)
Govvies increasingly face technical problems without the right resource to help solve them. But sometimes all you need is a few geeks to give you some solid, practical advice and suggest some approaches. This non-traditional session format is not a lecture, but a venue for government folks to pitch their technical problems and ask advice from a cross-section of helpful technologists. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Social Networks and Collaboration
Location: Room 202 A
Miguel Gomez (AIDS.gov, Office of HIV/AIDS Policy, Office of the Secretary, HHS)
AIDS.gov works across the Federal government to extend the reach of HIV information and to foster dialogue in diverse online spaces where people are already spending time. This presentation will provide an overview of AIDS.gov’s collaborative approach to sharing Federal HIV information, and encouraging the use of new media tools in response to HIV among government and community partners. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Cloud Computing
Location: Room 207 A
Marc Mercuri (Microsoft), Michelle Viotti (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Michelle Viotti discusses how NASA/JPL is using the cloud to drive large-scale engagement with citizenry in the area of Citizen Science. Marc Mercuri will discuss the underlying technology and approach used for the solution. The session will contain an overview and lessons learned from the launch of the ‘Be A Martian’ website and Pathfinder Innovation Challenge. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Debra Louison Lavoy (Open Text), Michael Edson (Smithsonian Institution)
Transparency is one of the cornerstones of the Gov 2.0 movement. This panel examines a transparent project from the Smithsonian Institution to show you how it was done, why it was done, and what worked and what didn't. Panelists will discuss how to overcome obstacles, including internal resistance and beauracracy. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Agile Government
Location: Room 202 A
Clive Thompson (New York Times Magazine), Chris Rasmussen (U.S. Intelligence Community), Lewis Shepherd (Microsoft Institute for Advanced Technology in Governments), Matthew Burton (The Open Source ACH Project, competinghypotheses.org)
In 2006, Clive Thompson wrote in a watershed New York Times Magazine article "Billions of dollars’ worth of ultrasecret data networks couldn’t help spies piece together the clues to the worst terrorist plot ever. At the Gov 2.0 Expo, Clive Thompson will discuss the progress made in the Intelligence Community since that 2006 with Matthew Burton, Chris Rasmussen, and Lewis Shepherd. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
David Tallan (Government of Ontario [Canada])
Social media is all the rage for improving citizen engagement, but how can these technologies be used inside government? Through the experience of a small team in the Ontario government that built and manage an open, enterprise-wide social media platform attendees will learn about: getting by on a shoestring, overcoming organizational barriers, and demonstrating value to enable sustainable change. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Agile Government, Cloud Computing
Location: Room 207 A
Michael Krieger (U.S. Army), Carolyn Lawson (State of California), John Foley (InformationWeek), Darrell West (Brookings Institute)
How much could government agencies save by moving to the cloud? A recent report from the Brookings Institution suggests that federal agencies could save as much as 25% to 50% of IT costs. This panel will look at the research behind those numbers and real-world implementations within government. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Sponsored Sessions
Location: Room 204 A
Brent Phillips (Microsoft), Aaron Holzer (Microsoft), Frank Rego (Novell)
In this session, you will learn about Microsoft and Novell’s ground-breaking partnership to drive customer-centric interoperability, and how the companies’ solutions are enabling a private cloud architecture for heterogeneous environments. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Sponsored Sessions
Location: Room 204 B
Walton Smith (Booz Allen Hamilton), Grant McLaughlin (Booz Allen Hamilton)
Walton Smith and Grant McLaughlin, Principals with Booz Allen Hamilton, will discuss how technology can be used to advance the Gov 2.0 principles of openness, transparency, and participation to meet stakeholder collaboration needs. They will highlight best practices, lessons learned, and results delivered for clients from across the public sector. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Fred Dust (IDEO)
IDEO has worked behind the walls of Fortune 100 companies and large government agencies as they learn to innovate and embrace experimentalism. From these diverse experiences in the public and private sectors, as well as within our own walls, IDEO can share illustrative stories, lessons learned and best practices for creating a culture of experimentation in any context. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Dustin Haisler (City of Manor), Paul Pluschkell (Spigit)
The case study topic below will be presented by Dustin Haisler, Municipal Judge and CIO of the City of Manor, TX. He will discuss how technology and collaboration tools have been utilized by government entities to facilitate government/citizen interaction. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Richard Boly (U.S. Department of State)
Embracing openness and collaboration behind the government firewall is first necessary to achieve transparency with the public. The State Department, the oldest federal agency and steeped in Cold War secrecy, might appear an unlikely early adopter of internal web 2.0 tools. Find out how the culture is changing from need-to-know to need-to-share. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Carmen Medina (Central Intelligence Agency)
Hard-charging managers of organizations that must do really risky things reliability--airline industry, the military, intelligence organizations--sometimes dismiss the Point "O" evangelists as too soft. This talk, illustrated with specific examples, outlines why collaborative Net-Work is actually the key ingredient to performance improvement for high reliability-high risk organizations. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Jon Udell (Microsoft), Robert Greenberg (G&H International Services, Inc), Greg Whisenant (CrimeReports.com), John Crowley (Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and STAR-TIDES), Robert Davis (San Jose Police Department)
Public safety organizations at every level of government are looking at new ways to engage each other and the public. This session will focus on the importance of timely and actionable information, the role of the public, reputation systems and the critical importance of crowd sourcing to enable public safety to better to achieve its objectives. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Cloud Computing
Location: Room 207 A
Jesse Robbins (Opscode)
This session will offer unique insight into best practices and lessons learned from Amazon.com's former "Master of Disaster," Jessie Robbins. Robbins will share his experience in ensuring availability for Amazon.com's cloud services, including advice for IT managers tasked with hosting, managing and scaling applications. Read more.
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Sponsored Sessions
Location: Room 204 A
Jon Huang (Oracle)
Learn about new possibities for incorporating citizen interaction and self service data that integrates with existing enterprise systems. Read more.
Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Room 204 B
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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Thomas Erickson (Acquia), Andrew Hoppin (New York State Senate), Kirsten Burgard (Department of Veterans Affairs), Rob Klause (Siteworx, Inc.)
In this session, Thomas Erickson, CEO of Acquia, will discuss Drupal’s achievements within government over the past year. From there, Dries will introduce three “lightning talks” featuring representatives from government agencies who will share their stories of how Drupal changed the way their sites embraced community and collaboration to achieve transparency. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Hall D - Expo Hall
Join us for a party on the Expo Floor to check out the latest technologies from our sponsors and exhibitors. Read more.


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Wednesday, 05/26/2010
Location: Convention Center
Novell Microsoft
Join us after the Expo Hall Booth Crawl for libations and mingling with other attendees at the Official Gov 2.0 Expo Conference Attendee Party. Sponsored by Novell and Microsoft. Read more.

Thursday, 05/27/2010


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Agile Government
Location: Room 201
Bryan Sivak (Government of the District of Columbia)
Agile government involves making educated decisions to solve the problems that confront both government agencies and their constituents quickly. This session will show examples of agile government in action, discuss common problems and pitfalls, and illustrate how one city agency is embracing this new way of working. Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Emerging Topics
Location: Room 202 A
Jeffrey Carr (GreyLogic, Inc.), Andy Bonillo (US Secret Service, Cyber Intelligence Section )
The more information you know about the actors planning and executing attacks against your networks, the better you can defend against them. This session will enable you to assume an active defensive posture instead of a passive one by surveying who wants what you have, how they go about getting it, and how to defend against it. Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Agile Government, Emerging Topics
Location: Room 202 B
Tim O'Reilly (O'Reilly Media, Inc.), Danese Cooper (Wikimedia Foundation and Open Source Initiative)
When Apple rolled out the iPhone platform, they showed off cool third party applications at the launch. If government agencies are going to get serious about treating open data as a platform, they need to learn the secrets of developer evangelism: how to attract, retain, and promote people who are going to take what you do, and multiply your efforts a hundredfold. Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Emerging Topics
Location: Room 207 A
Ian Cross (I-SITE), Paolo Gaudiano (Icosystem), Patrick Meier (Ushahidi), Lukas Biewald (CrowdFlower)
How can technology platforms be used to improve communities? A mix of nonprofits, startup companies and established players will demonstrate their "tech for civic good" projects. Read more.
Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Room 204 A
Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Room 204 B
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Peter Levin (Department of Veterans Affairs), Dan Munz (U.S. General Services Administration)
Whether engaging citizens or helping solicit internal feedback, participation campaigns require the right tools and strategies. Hear directly from the GSA and Department of Veterans Affairs about two recent participation projects: the Open Government Directive for 24 cabinet-level agencies and the VA's Employee Innovation Challenge. Read more.


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
John Crupi (JackBe), Steve Willett (Defense Intelligence Agency)
Mashups hold great promise for establishing 'situational awareness' for commanders and analysts. Some agencies within the US Government have been employing mashups for analysis and decision-support for years. Two mashup architects will share anecdotes and lessons learned from some of the largest, most secure mashup efforts in the US government. Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Agile Government
Location: Room 202 A
Christopher Dorobek (Federal News Radio 1500 AM), Mary Davie (General Services Administration), Lisa Grant (FEDSIM), Chris Hamm (FEDSIM), Michael Carroll (FEDISM), Kevin Merritt (Socrata), Susan Turpyn (Unisys Corporation) Moderated by: Christopher Dorobek
Technology is changing every aspect of our lives including markedly improving our ability to communicate, collaborate and solve problems using a worldwide network. During this session, panel members will discuss individual perspectives on the challenges and results of applying the collaborative technologies to the process. Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Robbie Schingler (NASA Ames Research Center), Stuart Gill (World Bank), Patrick Svenburg (Microsoft Corporation), Todd Khozein (SecondMuse)
Random Hacks of Kindness is an emerging global community of programmers and subject experts dedicated to creating practical and innovative software solutions for sustainable development challenges. Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, NASA and the World Bank have teamed up to create this community to use IT solutions, data, and distribution to create timely tools to save lives and promote human prosperity. Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Open Data and Web Services
Location: Room 207 A
Jennifer Pahlka (Code for America), Nigel Jacob (Boston City Hall), Philip Ashlock (OpenPlans), Ben Berkowitz (SeeClickFix), Bryan Sivak (Government of the District of Columbia) Moderated by: Jennifer Pahlka
If the states are the laboratories of democracy, then cities may be the field studies. Cities currently provide one of the most fertile grounds for implementing Tim O'Reilly's vision of government as a platform. This panel looks at some key developments in cities happening right now, with a focus on the creative tensions between innovation and standards, and how standards can drive innovation. Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Sponsored Sessions
Location: Room 204 A
Scott Howley (Oracle Corporation)
Attend this session to learn: What does “Enterprise 2.0” really mean? What technologies and systems are involved and/or impacted? How are Enterprise 2.0 technologies being deployed by other organizations? What kinds of benefits might my organization see from Enterprise 2.0? What are the best practices and next steps informing an Enterprise 2.0 strategy? Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Sponsored Sessions
Location: Room 204 B
Alex Fishman (Palantir Technologies)
Government Agencies struggle to find relevant Fraud, Waste and Abuse before it becomes problematic. Practically this requires leveraging data systems where traces of malfeasance are captured. This session will show how government agencies are leveraging vast quantities of data to rapidly discover, investigate and prevent fraud waste and abuse. Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Emerging Topics
Location: Room 207 B
Andy Carvin (NPR), Noel Dickover (Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO), Commercial Technologies & Systems Directorate (contractor)), Patrick Meier (Ushahidi), John Crowley (Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and STAR-TIDES), Heather Blanchard (Crisis Commons), Walton Smith (Booz Allen Hamilton)
After a succession of catastrophic natural disasters, there has been a surge in interest, participation and technical innovation in the disaster response community. The Internet now exposes a global audience to the raw fury of disasters like the earthquake in Haiti. This session will examine what next-generation disaster response platform might look like. Read more.


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Agile Government, Emerging Topics
Location: Room 201
Kevin Curry (Bridgeborn, Inc.), Eric Hackathorn (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), Jeanne Holm (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA), Pam Broviak (City of Geneva, Illinois), Paulette Robinson (NDU/IRM College)
We'll bring together experts from NOAA, NASA, NDU and others in public and private sectors for a panel hosted simultaneously at the Expo and in a virtual world. The panel will be Q&A about how virtual worlds are being used by by government in practice; to examine what works, what doesn't, and what's next. Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Agile Government, Emerging Topics
Location: Room 202 A
Allan Holmes (nextgov.com), Max Chafkin (Inc. magazine), Danette Campbell (U.S. Patent & Trademark Office), Justin Johnson (US Office of Personnel Management) Moderated by: Allan Holmes
Teleworking is a complex subject touching on myriad issues, including performance management, trust, equipment acquisition, and culture change, but also greenhouse gas reduction, cost-savings, and continuity of service. This session will explore teleworking best practices and policies, examine its role in government and industry, and address the issues blocking wide-scale implementation. Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Agile Government
Location: Room 202 B
Elizabeth Hochberg (General Services Administration), Hope O'Keeffe (Library of Congress)
Legal roadblocks permeate Gov 2.0 acquisition and implementation. Bringing tech-friendly lawyers onto your team from the earliest planning stages will help you navigate through them. Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Emerging Topics
Location: Room 207 A
David Bray (Science and Technology Policy Institute, IDA), William (Bill) Balko (Defense Information Systems Agency), Joe Boutte (TASC ), Don Burke (Central Intelligence Agency ), Jack Holt (Department of Defense), Alex Voultepsis (Office of the Director of National Intelligence)
Is "knowledge management" (KM) the killer app for Gov 2.0? organizational and cultural challenges might influence government workers to share knowledge vs. protect knowledge and refrain from sharing with other government colleagues? Empirical research will be presented on roadblocks and possible strategies to encourage more knowledge sharing in government, to include an interactive discussion. Read more.
Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Room 204 A
Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Room 204 B
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Judy Brewer (W3C)
This session briefly reviews current requirements for accessibility of government websites, and the importance of accessible e-government services for people with disabilities and older users. It provides an in-depth orientation to the latest resources for accessible web development, and highlights successful strategies and best practices for transforming websites. Read more.


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Emerging Topics
Location: Room 201
Michael Reardon (Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), U.S. Department of Labor), Mary Martha Churchman (U.S. Department of Transportation), Bryna Helfer (National Academy of Public Administration), Danielle Germain (National Academy of Public Administration), Nadia Ibrahim (Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), U.S. Department of Labor)
Federal agencies and other national leaders are devising new and innovative ways to leverage the interactive Web and the benefits of collaborative technology to make policy and solve government's complex problems. This panel discussion will explore some effective examples of federal information-sharing initiatives that foster an open culture and framework for collaboration. Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Peter Corbett (iStrategyLabs)
The world has been buzzing with "Apps for" innovation contests of all kinds. Listen to Peter Corbett discuss the present and future possibilities of innovation contests, and how governments big and small should be looking beyond just contents to spur sustainability application development through community building efforts. Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Cloud Computing
Location: Room 202 B
Nick Hoover (InformationWeek), Peter Mell (National Institute of Standards and Technology), Christofer Hoff (Cisco Systems, Inc.)
This panel will explore the security implications of government agencies, businesses and other organizations adopting cloud computing models, including the complexities of regulatory compliance, data protection and online privacy. Read more.
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Open Data and Web Services
Location: Room 207 A
Gideon Lichfield (The Economist online), Susie Adams (Microsoft Corporation), David McQueeney (IBM Federal ), Rob Pinkerton (Adobe Systems Incorporated), Clay Johnson (InfoVegan.com)
What is the future of technology, open data, and citizen collaboration? How does enterprise view its role in the open government community and within government? Hear from IBM, Adobe, and Microsoft about how each company works with local and federal governments, building a sustainable network, as well as the business of facilitating open government. Read more.
Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Room 204 A
Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Room 204 B
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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Alistair Croll (Bitcurrent), Hart Rossman (SAIC), Jeff Jonas (IBM Entity Analytics)
The vetting of candidates, whether for security clearance or political office, involves forms, interviews, and background checks. This panel will look at how open online lifestyles and easy analytics will change the process of security clearance, from the initial vetting of candidates to the tracking of their behavior once cleared and the protection of their digital reputations. Read more.


Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Hall D - Expo Hall
Lunch (1h 25m)


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Carl Malamud (Public.Resource.Org)
Law.Gov is a national effort to make all primary legal materials in the United States freely available, so the raw materials of our democracy can be used by all. Carl will discuss how this effort grew out of the last Gov 2.0 Summit to become a movement involving top government officials, major law schools, the nation's law librarians, and a host of companies and researchers. Read more.


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Jeff Jonas (IBM Entity Analytics)
Every new piece of data an organization receives is something learned. With the overwhelming amount of data out there - particularly in an era of open government and open data - how can organizations bring diverse data sets together into context? And what happens when data so specific that opportunities are created for targeted fraud, or spear phishing? Read more.


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Ballroom A
The trend of GeoEnabling Government 2.0 is leading to a rich set of cloud computing tools, open API’s, and resource centers that offer the opportunity to create good government through geospatial knowledge. This expansion of geographic knowledge will result in strong place- based governance policies. Read more.


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Denice Ross (City of New Orleans)
How many people have returned to New Orleans? What is the current population of neighborhoods? Businesses, city planners, and neighborhood advocates need these answers to determine where grocery stores should be reopened, where schools should be placed, and where volunteers should be deployed. Ross outlines five generalizable lessons from this work about building a web app that people can trust. Read more.


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Jeffery Guin (NCPTT)
While content is king online, some audiences need extra convincing that social media is worth their time. The National Park Service's National Center for Preservation Technology and Training partnered to create independent online networks that help its audiences learn to use online media. These networks, supported by traditional media tactics, have helped NCPTT's audiences engage with its content. Read more.


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Virginia Hill (NIH Clinical Center)
Public affairs professionals know that teenagers and college students can be one of the hardest populations to reach, especially if the conversation you want to have is related to serious topics like health. The National Institutes of Health, part of the US Dept. of Health and Human Services is changing that with innovative approaches to reaching students through web 2.0 tools and techniques. Read more.


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Scott McIlnay (Department of the Navy)
The U.S. Navy used Facebook in the Horn of Africa to communicate with NGO personnel, who are typically hesitant to work with the military. The Facebook site established trust with NGOs because it shared images and text explaining the Navy’s mission and accomplishments in the region and established a safe, third party platform for communicating. Read more.


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Jay Parkinson (The Future Well)
Pediatrician and preventive medicine specialist and founder of Hello Health, Jay Parkinson will talk about his 21st model for healthcare. This talk will be about healthcare innovations and leveraging cloud computing to ultimately generate better health services for citizens. Read more.


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Todd Park (Health and Human Services)
Details comings soon. Read more.


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Mary Davie (General Services Administration)
Mary Davie, the key linchpin in the "Acquisition 2.0" movement that aims to reform government procurement will discuss her ongoing efforts at the General Services Administration and also the Better Buy Project partnership she forged with private sector groups. Read more.


Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Ballroom A


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Anil Dash (Activate)
Anil Dash will discuss innovation and how people who own small technology companies can become part of this technological civic wave of participation. Read more.


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Sonal Shah (Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation)
Sonal Shah will present her office's most recent efforts to promote non-profits, volunteerism, and innovation. Read more.


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Thursday, 05/27/2010
Location: Ballroom A
Alec Ross (State Department)
Alec Ross will speak about how traditional organizations can implement new ideas and interesting technologies to engage people around the globe in meaningful ways. Read more.
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For information on exhibition and sponsorship opportunities at the conference, contact Rob Koziura at rkoziura@techweb.com or download the Gov 2.0 Expo Sponsor Prospectus

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For media partnerships, contact Jaimey Walking Bear (707) 827-7176 jaimey@oreilly.com

Program Ideas

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