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UPDATE: Virginia peninsula tourists caught in Egyptian unrest

UPDATE: Virginia peninsula tourists caught in Egyptian unrest | VIDEO">UPDATE: Virginia peninsula tourists caught in Egyptian unrest | VIDEO

About 20 Virginia peninsula residents on a sightseeing trip in Cairo are stuck there after thousands of Egyptian residents flooded the streets this week in anti-government protests.  Read more...

Smithfield Foods will close small plant that employs 53

Smithfield Foods will close small plant that employs 53

SMITHFIELD — The Smithfield Packaging Company, a division of Smithfield Foods Inc., will close a small production facility in Smithfield in March that employs 53 workers, the company confirmed Friday.  Read more...

Hampton man charged in fatal crash

Hampton man charged in fatal crash

HAMPTON -- Police arrested a Hampton man Thursday in connection with a car crash last year that left a 19-year-old woman dead.  Read more...

Bill commends Kecoughtan High's anti-sagging pants campaign

Bill commends Kecoughtan High's anti-sagging pants campaign

HAMPTON — A bill commending Kecoughtan High School for a student-led campaign urging peers to pull their pants up last year is working its way through the General Assembly.  Read more...

Newport News Circuit Court judge to step down

Newport News Circuit Court judge to step down

NEWPORT NEWS — Newport News Circuit Court Judge Aundria D. Foster will step down from the bench to help her husband deal with significant health problems.  Read more...

Newport News woman shot to death; husband charged

Newport News woman shot to death; husband charged

A 9-year-old girl saw her mother shot to death Thursday in the Denbigh section of the city, according to police.  Read more...

Peak rate tolls considered in Hampton Roads

Peak rate tolls considered in Hampton Roads

Charging tolls at peak periods is being considered for important road links in Hampton Roads, such as the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, to help even out traffic flow and to raise money for future improvement work.  Read more...

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Today's Poll Question

POLL: Would a bridge toll, only charged during peak traffic hours, be useful at the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel?

A bridge toll is under consideration at major crossings, such as the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, to be charged only during peak traffic hours. This toll could help to reduce traffic congestion during rush hour and simultaneously raise money for much needed maintenance work. What do you think of the idea?

  • No way. I don't believe in socialism, and I will not accept any new taxes, tolls or mandated fees. Never.
  • Sure. I would be able to alter my schedule a little bit so that it wouldn't affect me that much, and spreading out the traffic patterns is the whole idea, right?
  • Yes. I would probably end up having to pay the charges quite a bit, but I'm willing to do that in order to help the traffic situation. We all have to do our parts.
  • What? It's not the money that bothers me - but won't a toll booth just slow things down even more at the tunnel during rush hour?
  • I don't care. I'm gephyrophobic and claustrophobic, so I won't go near a bridge or a tunnel anyway. You can charge those other people whatever you want.
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