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Gov 2.0 Events :  Gov 2.0 Expo  •  Gov 2.0 Summit

Schedule overview for 05/25/2010

Room 201
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9:00am Navigating the Maze Carolyn Lawson (State of California)
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1:15pm Hispanic Engagement Armando Rayo (Cultural Strategies)
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3:00pm Building Online Communities for Citizen Engagement Judith Freeman (New Organizing Institute), Cammie Croft (Department of Energy)
Room 202 A
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9:00am Introduction to Government Social Publishing with Drupal Kieran Lal (Acquia), Jason Hoekstra (Department of Education), Kirsten Burgard (Department of Veterans Affairs), Dennis Sutch (US Department of Commerce), Tim Wood (Commerce.gov), Neil Sroka (Commerce.gov)
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10:45am Best Practices in Smartphone App Development Adam Blum (Rhomobile)
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1:15pm Successfully Drive Traffic to Your Agency Website Thalia Nierenberg (Google), Eric Obenzinger (Google)
Room 202 B
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10:45am Getting to Yes: The Argument for Open Data Chris Johnson (U.S. Space & Rocket Center - GTAC)
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1:15pm Mission Possible: Putting Government Linked Open Data on the Web Sandro Hawke (W3C), John L. Sheridan (Information Policy and Services Directorate of the UK’s National Archives)
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3:00pm Truly Open Data Clay Johnson (InfoVegan.com)
Room 207 B
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9:00am Doing a 24/7 Job in a 9-to-5 Culture: A Balancing Act for Government Workers on the Web Melissa Jordan (Bay Area Rapid Transit), Tony Coppoletta (Chicago Transit Authority), Joshua Robin (Massachusetts Department of Transportation)
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10:45am Endless Possibilities: Mapping and Presenting Open Geospatial Data Marc Schweigert (Microsoft Corporation)
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1:15pm How Online Collaborative Games are Improving Policy Making Michael Bean (Forio Simulations)
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3:00pm Cloud 101 Alistair Croll (Bitcurrent)
12:15pm Lunch
Room: Room 206
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5:00pm Keynote Kickoff
Room: Ballroom A
Accepting the Mission for Greatness Bill Eggers (Deloitte)
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5:10pm Plenary
Room: Ballroom A
Apps for the Army Jeffrey A. Sorenson (U.S. Army)
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5:20pm Plenary
Room: Ballroom A
Sunlight Foundation Contest Winners Clay Johnson (InfoVegan.com)
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5:25pm Plenary
Room: Ballroom A
15-second Case Studies in Open Government Data Daniel O'Neil (EveryBlock)
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5:30pm Plenary
Room: Ballroom A
Crisis Communication 2.0: Real-time Civilian Protection Zubin Wadia (CiviGuard, Inc.)
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5:35pm Plenary
Room: Ballroom A
Vote on the Web: Transparency and Civic Engagement in Brazilian Politics André Blas (WebCitizen)
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5:40pm Plenary
Room: Ballroom A
Graffiti Tracker: Utilizing Data to Fight Crime Timothy Kephart (Graffiti Tracker Inc.)
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5:45pm Plenary
Room: Ballroom A
Opening the Courts – Using Technology to Empower the Unrepresented Kate Bladow (Pro Bono Net)
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5:50pm Plenary
Room: Ballroom A
You've Been Scienced: Communicating Military Science and Technology with Social Media John Ohab (US Department of Defense, Public Web)
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5:55pm Plenary
Room: Ballroom A
Go.USA.gov: Create short .gov URLs Michelle Chronister (U.S. General Services Administration)
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6:00pm Plenary
Room: Ballroom A
Technology is a Prism Held Up to the Imagination: A Vision of Reality for Gov 2.0 Looking Forward Rita King (IBM Analytics Virtual Center)
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6:05pm Plenary
Room: Ballroom A
Instituting a Culture of AWESOME in Government: The Case of the IED Task Force Tech Team Christopher Dufour (@Du4.llc)
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6:10pm Plenary
Room: Ballroom A
If You Can't Control the Data, Consider the Message Elizabeth Losh (University of California, Irvine)
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6:15pm Plenary
Room: Ballroom A
First Responder Communities of Practice Jose Vazquez (Department of Homeland Security)
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6:30pm Opening Reception
Room: Foyer
Opening Reception
9:00am-10:30am (1h 30m) Agile Government, Cloud Computing, Open Data and Web Services
Navigating the Maze
Carolyn Lawson (State of California)
Jurisdictions are investigating new service models, such as cloud computing and SaaS, and social networking tools like Twitter and Facebook. However, government policies are often the biggest obstacles in implementing these new models and tools. This session will be a frank discussion on how government policies need to adapt to the world we live in.
10:45am-12:15pm (1h 30m) Social Networks and Collaboration
Creating a Social Media Strategy: The Data Shows Why It's Important
Dan Zarrella (HubSpot)
This session will be an introduction to social media founded in science and data, presenting an easy to understand picture of how social media can become part of a PR and greater marketing strategy. This session will teach attendees how they can use real data to plan their social media strategies, and how they can use real statistics to measure the impact and value of their efforts.
1:15pm-2:45pm (1h 30m) Emerging Topics, Social Networks and Collaboration
Hispanic Engagement
Armando Rayo (Cultural Strategies)
Latinos are now the largest minority in the United States. By 2050, 30% of the U.S. population will be of Latino descent, making them a significant economic force. Understanding Hispanic population trends, how diverse this community truly is and using effective engagement strategies will help you create advocates with this booming population.
3:00pm-4:30pm (1h 30m) Agile Government, Social Networks and Collaboration
Building Online Communities for Citizen Engagement
Judith Freeman (New Organizing Institute) et al
We will explore the ways government agencies can use new media tools to connect with citizens through online communities, providing better access and transparency to government services. By utilizing online tools to connect citizens with offline resources, government agencies can create lasting relationships with citizens, empowering Americans while providing information and transparency.
9:00am-10:30am (1h 30m) Emerging Topics
Introduction to Government Social Publishing with Drupal
Kieran Lal (Acquia) et al
In this introductory session, we will quickly review the results from the How Americans Interact online with Government. We will explain what social publishing is, and how it can allow the conversation American's are having with and about government to be integrated into government websites.
10:45am-12:15pm (1h 30m) Agile Government, Open Data and Web Services
Best Practices in Smartphone App Development
Adam Blum (Rhomobile)
Driven by the phenomenal success of the iPhone and the App Store, smartphone app usage is finally taking off in the enterprise and it is time for it to do the same in Government organizations. Many developers are still uncertain about how to create a great user experience for data-intensive business apps on smartphones but attendees will learn how to mobilize resources such as data.gov.
1:15pm-2:45pm (1h 30m) Agile Government, Open Data and Web Services
Successfully Drive Traffic to Your Agency Website
Thalia Nierenberg (Google) et al
Americans rely on search engines to find the critical information that they need every day. Government agencies must take advantage of this crucial opportunity to target their audience effectively through search.
3:00pm-4:30pm (1h 30m) Agile Government, Open Data and Web Services
By the Book: How Great User Experiences in Software Can Impact Government and Citizens
Anthony Franco (EffectiveUI)
Successful strategy and planning are essential as software users increasingly expect effortless, engaging interaction with desktop, Web and mobile applications. Franco will discuss how to create exceptional software that better connects with your workforce or citizen base, promotes agency collaboration, fosters transparency and increases brand strength.
9:00am-10:30am (1h 30m) Agile Government, Open Data and Web Services
Get Your Online Content in Control: Content Strategy for the Public Sector
Meghan Casey (Brain Traffic)
Creating online content for constituents has never been so complicated. The public sector is expected to create more content, for more communication channels, with fewer resources than ever before. In this seminar, you’ll learn how to create an effective, actionable content strategy for your public service organization – including 10 simple tips for getting (and keeping) your content in control.
10:45am-12:15pm (1h 30m) Agile Government, Open Data and Web Services
Getting to Yes: The Argument for Open Data
Chris Johnson (U.S. Space & Rocket Center - GTAC)
Persuading people in different agencies to contribute their data to Virtual Alabama was a critical component of the program's success. How do you build consensus, which then turns into action? Hear about the behind-the-scenes negotiating that made this project successful.
1:15pm-2:45pm (1h 30m) Agile Government, Open Data and Web Services
Mission Possible: Putting Government Linked Open Data on the Web
Sandro Hawke (W3C) et al
Are you a government IT professional who thinks the process required to integrate and query diverse data formats resembles a "Mission Impossible" movie? Then you should attend this workshop! W3C’s experts on linked open data and semantic web technologies show you how to navigate the process, and select the right technologies, to accomplish the mission of putting government data on the Web.
3:00pm-4:30pm (1h 30m) Open Data and Web Services
Truly Open Data
Clay Johnson (InfoVegan.com)
Truly Open Data means going beyond putting a CSV file on the Internet. It means being responsible for what you put out in ways that government isn't used to doing - and it means developing new lines of communications with the public. This workshop will give examples of how to publish data, how to maintain it, and how to handle it when things go wrong.
9:00am-10:30am (1h 30m) Agile Government, Emerging Topics
Doing a 24/7 Job in a 9-to-5 Culture: A Balancing Act for Government Workers on the Web
Melissa Jordan (Bay Area Rapid Transit) et al
The biggest hurdle to Gov 2.0 isn’t technology – it’s culture and people. This panel is for frontline government workers trying to innovate in workplace cultures typically involving more layers of approval, longer development cycles and different obligations for public scrutiny than in the private sector. Three agencies’ case studies will explore why public transit has been a Gov 2.0 leader.
10:45am-12:15pm (1h 30m) Open Data and Web Services
Endless Possibilities: Mapping and Presenting Open Geospatial Data
Marc Schweigert (Microsoft Corporation)
This workshop will explore finding open geospatial data for mapping, understanding different file types, creating customized maps, adding social media features to maps, as well as augmented reality possibilities. Examples of building a back-end infrastructure as well as ways to collaborate with co-workers and clients is also featured.
1:15pm-2:45pm (1h 30m) Emerging Topics, Open Data and Web Services
How Online Collaborative Games are Improving Policy Making
Michael Bean (Forio Simulations)
Experience how collaborative games are becoming powerful analysis tools for local, state, and national policy makers in this hands-on workshop. You will see how policy makers experiment with energy, health, and transportation policies in a game environment and learn from each other by posting their best results, policies and assumptions on leaderboards.
3:00pm-4:30pm (1h 30m) Cloud Computing
Cloud 101
Alistair Croll (Bitcurrent)
In this 90-minute workshop, we'll explore the technology and business changes that brought us to clouds; how to distinguish between different cloud computing models; and how organizations can capitalize on the opportunities they provide and avoid the risks they pose.
12:15pm-1:15pm (1h)
Break: Lunch
5:00pm-5:10pm (10m) Agile Government, Keynote Kickoff
Accepting the Mission for Greatness
Bill Eggers (Deloitte)
William Eggers, who coined the term Government 2.0, will talk about how governments achieve great missions, like the proverbial "man on the moon."
5:10pm-5:20pm (10m) Keynote Kickoff
Apps for the Army
Jeffrey A. Sorenson (U.S. Army)
Lt. General Jeffery Sorenson, Army CIO/G6, will discuss the first-ever Apps for the Army contest. The winning web and mobile applications will be created by Army personnel to address everyday needs, as well as experiment with the endless possibilities of open data and cloud computing using the Army's own cloud platform--RACE.
5:20pm-5:25pm (5m) Emerging Topics, Keynote Kickoff, Open Data and Web Services
Sunlight Foundation Contest Winners
Clay Johnson (InfoVegan.com)
Clay Johnson, Director of Sunlight Labs, will be announcing winners from the Sunlight Foundation's newest contest. Previous contests, Apps for America and Apps for America the Data.gov edition, have spurred a community of "hactivists" or civically-minded technologists to show off what they can do for their country.
5:25pm-5:30pm (5m) Keynote Kickoff
15-second Case Studies in Open Government Data
Daniel O'Neil (EveryBlock)
After you've decided to open your data, the work has just begun. We'll cover specific data types, formats, and case studies spanning the sixteen EveryBlock cities. Everything from policy to technology to the ever-vexing file format. Twenty 15-second case studies that might spark something for you.
5:30pm-5:35pm (5m) Emerging Topics, Keynote Kickoff
Crisis Communication 2.0: Real-time Civilian Protection
Zubin Wadia (CiviGuard, Inc.)
What if a smartphone could save your life? When a crisis occurs, where you are is just as important as what happened. This session focuses on how CiviGuard empowers emergency management agencies to redefine the government-to-civilian relationship during a crisis.
5:35pm-5:40pm (5m) Emerging Topics, Keynote Kickoff, Social Networks and Collaboration
Vote on the Web: Transparency and Civic Engagement in Brazilian Politics
André Blas (WebCitizen)
Vote on the web invites the Brazilian population to vote and discuss bills being analyzed by Congress, bringing the citizens closer to the congressional decisions that directly affect their lives, and creating a ground-breaking space for discussion, transparency and civic engagement.
5:40pm-5:45pm (5m) Emerging Topics, Keynote Kickoff
Graffiti Tracker: Utilizing Data to Fight Crime
Timothy Kephart (Graffiti Tracker Inc.)
Graffiti Tracker founder and CEO Timothy Kephart will discuss the opportunity to identify patterns in existing data in order to help government solve problems. By tracking graffiti data and sharing the information with various government agencies, Kephart was able to highlight patterns and trends in graffiti in order to help law enforcement more effectively combat the problem.
5:45pm-5:50pm (5m) Emerging Topics, Keynote Kickoff
Opening the Courts – Using Technology to Empower the Unrepresented
Kate Bladow (Pro Bono Net)
The courts are one of the most intimidating government agencies. But they can be made more accessible by using technology to enable self-help. Pro Bono Net and the N.Y. State Courts present a case study of New York’s adoption of LawHelp Interactive, a national online system that helps those without lawyers complete crucial legal documents.
5:50pm-5:55pm (5m) Emerging Topics, Keynote Kickoff, Social Networks and Collaboration
You've Been Scienced: Communicating Military Science and Technology with Social Media
John Ohab (US Department of Defense, Public Web)
Armed with Science is the Defense Department's weekly science podcast highlighting the importance of science and technology to military operations and the public. The program features live interviews with scientists and uses social media to creatively engage citizens, promote public participation, and dissolve myths that may hinder those interested in science careers.
5:55pm-6:00pm (5m) Agile Government, Emerging Topics, Keynote Kickoff
Go.USA.gov: Create short .gov URLs
Michelle Chronister (U.S. General Services Administration)
Go.USA.gov is a URL shortener for government websites that creates short, trustworthy .gov URLs to use on Twitter and other online services with character restrictions. Learn about Go.USA.gov, how it was developed using open source software, the benefits of the data it gathers across government, and how it saves taxpayer dollars by allowing agencies to benefit from the USA.gov cloud.
6:00pm-6:05pm (5m) Emerging Topics, Keynote Kickoff, Social Networks and Collaboration
Technology is a Prism Held Up to the Imagination: A Vision of Reality for Gov 2.0 Looking Forward
Rita King (IBM Analytics Virtual Center)
Because the government has the capacity to spearhead new systems that benefit the most people in the most cost-effective manner, it must, to remain globally competitive. Gov 2.0 leadership during this transformation would create jobs, connections and focus for tackling planetary and local challenges. The failure to evolve quickly enough to participate meaningfully, however, would be disastrous.
6:05pm-6:10pm (5m) Agile Government, Emerging Topics, Keynote Kickoff
Instituting a Culture of AWESOME in Government: The Case of the IED Task Force Tech Team
Christopher Dufour (@Du4.llc)
People often think that it's impractical if not impossible to renovate the way our government works. Instead of administering and preserving the status quo, how can we change the tedium of Gov 1.0 to a new Gov 2.0 standard of AWESOME? Here's a case study on doing just that courtesy of the IED Task Force Tech Team, circa 2004-2006.
6:10pm-6:15pm (5m) Keynote Kickoff
If You Can't Control the Data, Consider the Message
Elizabeth Losh (University of California, Irvine)
In the era of "gotcha" journalism and conspiracy hunters on the Internet, unintended information exposures can derail and discourage government transparency efforts. A little bit of damage control can go a long way.
6:15pm-6:20pm (5m) Keynote Kickoff
First Responder Communities of Practice
Jose Vazquez (Department of Homeland Security)
Details coming soon.
6:30pm-7:30pm (1h)
Opening Reception
A one hour reception immediately following our Keynote Kickoff – join us to officially kick-off of the Gov 2.0 Expo networking experience. Mix and mingle over drinks and nibbles while you also preview the Sunlight Labs Design for America submissions. This is open to all attendees and is a can’t-miss stop in the Gov 2.0 Expo line-up.
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For information on exhibition and sponsorship opportunities at the conference, contact Rob Koziura at rkoziura@techweb.com or download the Gov 2.0 Expo Sponsor Prospectus

Media Partner Opportunities

For media partnerships, contact Jaimey Walking Bear (707) 827-7176 jaimey@oreilly.com

Program Ideas

Send an email to gov2-idea@oreilly.com.

Press and Media

For media-related inquiries, contact Maureen Jennings at maureen@oreilly.com or Natalia Wodecki at nwodecki@techweb.com.

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