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Vacuum of space no match for the mighty radish

THIS WEEK:  13:03 14 January 2011

Radish, lettuce and wheat plants can survive for at least half an hour in a near vacuum, showing a resilience known in only a few other forms of life

Crystal sieves could make oil sands greener

NEWS:  10:06 14 January 2011  | 1 comment

Naturally occurring crystals could help scrub greenhouse gases from fossil fuels

Online game helps predict how RNA folds

15:43 13 January 2011

EteRNA has already attracted the brain power of 5000 players, who aim to design useful synthetic molecules

Google unveils Conversation Mode for Translate app

15:45 13 January 2011

English-speaking Android owners can now converse in Spanish thanks to a new version of Google's Translate app

Glasses-free 3D TV tries to broaden out its appeal

NEWS:  17:12 12 January 2011  | 1 comment

Look forward to "autostereoscopic" displays, which aim separate images at the viewer's right and left eye, with no need for special glasses

Mimic-bots learn to do as we do

NEWS:  16:55 11 January 2011

A robot inspired by human mirror neurons can interpret human gestures to learn how it should behave

Why social networks are sucking up more of your time

14:18 11 January 2011

If you think social networking is already a drain on your time, a new study suggests it's only going to get worse

Game on: When work becomes play Movie Camera

FEATURE:  10:11 12 January 2011  | 5 comments

The realms of space invaders and spreadsheets are merging: are you ready to play your entire life as a game?

Metamorphosis key to creating stable walking robots Movie Camera

20:00 10 January 2011

Robots that mimic frogs by changing their body plan with time stand up to being pushed around

Social networks create their own regional dialects

17:54 10 January 2011

People "tweeting" mundane 140-character messages on Twitter are creating evolving regional dialects just like those of spoken language

Smart contact lenses for health and head-up displays

NEWS:  17:00 10 January 2011  | 4 comments

Lenses that monitor eye health are on the way, and in-eye 3D image displays are being developed too – welcome to the world of augmented vision

New laser to dazzle pirates on the high seas

00:01 09 January 2011  | 21 comments

The low-level beam can temporarily blind pirates and let sailors escape


Salty solar plant stores sun's heat

The plentiful sunshine of southern Spain is being harvested to generate electricity day and night


Wireless at the speed of plasma

Antennas that use plasma to focus beams of radio waves could bring us superfast wireless networks


Amazon servers used to crack Wi-Fi passwords

16:48 14 January 2011 - updated 17:37 14 January 2011

A computer security expert took advantage of Amazon's new servers to crack his neighbour's network in 20 minutes

Internet archaeology: Dig into Wikipedia's deep past

10:10 14 January 2011 - updated 11:34 14 January 2011

Wikipedia turns 10 tomorrow and the site's first edits have just been uncovered. Dive in and see what you can find

Google unveils Conversation Mode for Translate app

15:45 13 January 2011 - updated 15:48 13 January 2011

English-speaking Android owners can now converse in Spanish thanks to a new version of Google's Translate app

Metamorphosis key to creating stable walking robots

00:00 01 October 2011

Robots that mimic frogs by changing their body plan with time stand up to being pushed around



Innovation: Better hands may help robots grasp meaning

10:25 29 October 2010

Some fresh thinking is changing the way roboticists think about robot hands – and what they could mean for robot learning

Innovation: how to delete corporate logos from view

16:02 22 October 2010  | 1 comment

A number of artists are using augmented reality to allow you to subvert or remove the logos and adverts that are all around


Green machine: Bugs and sparks turn salty water fresh

15:35 29 November 2010

Bacteria could make seawater drinkable to quench the world's thirst without squandering the world's power

Green machine: Markets hint at 100-year energy gap

17:57 11 November 2010  | 6 comments

A study of share prices suggests investors don't expect alternative-energy technology to take off until 2140 – a century after we run out of oil


Info pirates seek an alternative internet

Document-leakers and anti-copyright activists want to go it alone with a shadow internet they hope will prevent website takedowns

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