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Top 10 Ways How Not To Socially Engage Me

Here are the Top 10 general rules to follow if you want to socially engage me in a completely unimpressive way:
(1) Work for a company I’ve never heard of. Tell me impressive yet non-specific things about it.
(2) Make a lunch reservation at an expensive restaurant. Offer to pay.
(3) Be sure to have a vague agenda that I cannot prepare for.
(4) Email me repeatedly to make sure we’re still on for lunch.
(5) Don’t show up. Definitely don’t call the restaurant, because that’ll be the best way to get in touch with me.
(6) Show up at the restaurant 30 minutes late and wonder where I am. Claim that you didn’t know how to get in touch.
(7) Visit my office and ask the receptionist to meet with me later in the afternoon.
(8) Get rejected.
(9) Email me and apologize and tell me you “owe me one.”
(10) Never hear from me again.
True story.

Posted via email from Mark’s Cheeky Posterous

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This post was written by:

Mark Drapeau - who has written 163 posts on Cheeky Fresh.

Contact the author

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Mark Aaron Murnahan Says:

    You know, Mark, this sounds extremely familiar to me. Same person? Should we start naming people? :-D

  2. Greg Whisenant Says:

    Wow! It kept getting funnier until it was suddenly not all that funny…

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