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 Anti Spam

Fake Microsoft "critical update" spam propagating trojan

Angela Moscaritolo June 22, 2009

A new outbreak of spam claims to be a critical update for Microsoft Outlook, but the message really aims to infect users with the information-stealing trojan ZBot, security firm Trend Micro warned Monday.

It's official: Microsoft to offer free anti-malware service

Greg Masters June 19, 2009

Next week, Microsoft will make available to consumers a new, free anti-malware service to replace its subscription model.

Google responds to call for more security

Chuck Miller June 17, 2009

In reaction to a letter from 37 respected names in the computer security field, Google is considering tighter security of its web applications.

Spam king Wallace could be jailed

Chuck Miller June 15, 2009

Sanford Wallace, the so-called spam king who has been sued on multiple occasions, may finally face prison time.

Twitter hit with rogue anti-virus scams

Greg Masters June 02, 2009

Users of popular blogging platform Twitter fell victim this past week to a scareware scam.

Another round of phishing hits Twitter

Chuck Miller May 27, 2009

After last week's phishing attacks on social networking sites, yet another round has struck Twitter.

Spam accounted for 90 percent of all email in May

Dan Kaplan May 26, 2009

Spam levels rose again in May -- and there is no sign of a slowdown, according to a new report.

Computer bot profusion swells dramatically

Chuck Miller May 06, 2009

In the past three months, twelve million new computers have joined botnets worldwide.

Image spam spikes

Chuck Miller May 05, 2009

Image spam is making a comeback, making up almost 22 percent of all unsolicited mail, according to IBM's X-Force research team. Much of the spam involves messages pushing pharmaceutical products, researchers Ralf Iffert and Holly Stewart said Monday. Two years ago, most image spam, in which the payload is carried in an embedded image, focused on stock trading, but that is no longer as lucrative. The focus on drugs is likely a way to prey on people who seek help in dismal economic times, the researchers said. — CAM

Accused adware purveyor Zango shuttered by bank foreclosure

Greg Masters April 27, 2009

A principal player in the spreading of adware -- software that silently loads advertising onto web users' computers -- has been forced to close down after a decade in business.

Rogue product ads on F-Secure, McAfee, Trend Micro searches

Angela Moscaritolo April 17, 2009

Google searches for a number of security products and vendors -- including F-Secure, Norton, McAfee and Trend Micro -- have yielded advertisements with links to rogue products.

Waledac kicks off new spam campaign

Chuck Miller April 16, 2009

A new campaign to lure users into downloading malware is running on the Waledac botnet, according to security researchers.

Phishing increased 40 percent in 2008

Angela Moscaritolo April 15, 2009

The percentage of people losing money to phishing attacks is higher than ever -- five million consumers in the United States fell victim during 2008, an increase of 40 percent over 2007, according to a new report from Gartner.

Spammers capitalize on Italy earthquake

Chuck Miller April 09, 2009

As the death toll from the earthquake in central Italy grows, spammers have moved to capitalize on the catastrophe.

Tax scam season has arrived

Angela Moscaritolo April 09, 2009

With the U.S. tax filing deadline looming, cybercriminals are putting fraud efforts into high gear with tax-related phishing emails and websites designed to lure users into handing over their personal information, security firms are warning.

"Nigerian scam" fraudsters go to jail

Chuck Miller April 03, 2009

After pleading guilty last year, two Nigerians and a French citizen were sentenced by a New York federal judge to jail Thursday for scamming $1.2 million through email.

Spam back up to pre-McColo levels

Angela Moscaritolo March 31, 2009

Following the highly publicized takedown of the McColo web-hosting company last November, worldwide spam levels dropped by around 70 percent. But four months later, spam is now back up to pre-McColo levels, according to the latest figures from Google's Postini.

Fatal attraction: Latest "delivery notice" trojan spews forth

Greg Masters March 27, 2009

A new torrent of spam, disguised as a message from package carrier DHL, is making its way into inboxes.

Spoofed Delta Airlines emails contain trojan

Angela Moscaritolo February 27, 2009

Emails spoofed to look like they are coming from Delta Airlines to confirm a ticket purchase are attempting to infect users with a trojan.

Waledac malware adds geolocation

Angela Moscaritolo February 26, 2009

A new variant of the Waledac malware campaign has been unleashed, taking advantage of the economic crisis by spoofing a legitimate coupon website and using IP address geolocation to appear to offer coupons for local stores.

Waledac worm sends no love to Valentine's Day spam victims

Angela Moscaritolo February 09, 2009

Cybercriminals behind the Waledac botnet are trying to capture more victims by using Valentine's Day-themed exploits, researchers from McAfee Avert Labs warned Monday.

Microsoft's IE8 released for final testing

Chuck Miller January 27, 2009

The Monday announcement of Internet Explorer (IE) Release Candidate 1 (RC1) will be the last public update of IE8 before the final product is released. RC1 is available for public download in 25 languages, and is billed as Microsoft's most secure browser ever.

Spam grows as senders use slicker ways to trick users

Angela Moscaritolo January 26, 2009

The amount of spam is nearing pre-McColo numbers, and junk mailers are using crafty new methods to infect computers, two spam reports released on Monday conclude.

New worm claiming to be Christmas e-card makes rounds

Dan Kaplan December 25, 2008

A new email worm has replaced Storm in an attempt to trick end-users into opening malware-laden holiday e-cards.

International spammer fined $100,000 in New Zealand

Angela Moscaritolo December 22, 2008

Lance Atkinson, a member of the Herbal King spam gang, also faces additional charges in the United States.

SC World Congress: Anatomy of a spam business

Chuck Miller December 10, 2008

In less than nine months in 2007, a botnet-driven junk email network earned $7.5 million for its operators -- just one example of the polished, modern-day spam operation, a panelist said Wednesday at the SC World Congress.

Apple advises Mac users to install anti-virus software

Dan Kaplan December 02, 2008

For possibly the first time ever, Apple is recommending Mac OS X users deploy anti-virus solutions -- but it remains unclear exactly why.

Spam climbing back up after botnets return online

Dan Kaplan November 26, 2008

Spam levels are returning to normal levels after a number of potent botnets have regained life.

Spam levels remain down following McColo shutdown

Chuck Miller November 20, 2008

Though worldwide spam levels are still diminished in the wake of the McColo hosting-company shutdown, it may only be a matter of time before they come roaring back.

Keylogger spyware ordered off the market

Chuck Miller November 17, 2008

In a victory for privacy advocates, an Orlando, Fla.-based company has been ordered not to sell keylogger spyware.