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Community Safety

Safer communities

Various teams and departments in Medway Council, together with external partners address enforcement issues and provide services that make Medway a safe and secure place to live, work and visit. Some of these are:

Together they work towards realising the core values of the council and addressing the key themes of community safety and anti-social behaviour laid out in the Community Safety Plan and corporate enforcement policy.

If you need help urgently, dial 999. If it is not an emergency, call the Police on 01634 891055 or contact Kent Crime Stoppers anonymously with information about crime on 0800 555111 (www.crimestoppers-uk.org/).

Further information about the work of the Police and Kent Fire and Rescue Service can be found at:

Other services that protect residents, enhance security and provide piece of mind include:

Community links

Various community groups and associations across Medway work towards fostering community involvement and providing a safe Medway:

Safer Communities handbook

Read the 2009 edition of Medway Council's Safer Communities handbook (pdf 984KB).

Find out more about Medway Community Safety Partnership (http://sites.medway.gov.uk/mcsp/).


For more information contact us by telephone: 01634 306000 or by email: info@medway.gov.uk

Write to: Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TR

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