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Preliminary Analysis of Rivlin-Ryan Health Care Proposal
November 17, 2010 pdf
Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan

Unemployment Insurance Benefits and Family Income of the Unemployed
November 17, 2010 pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Jim McDermott

The Effect of the March Health Legislation on Prescription Drug Prices
November 4, 2010pdf
Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan

The Budgetary Impact of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
September 16, 2010pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Barney Frank

Deficit Impact of Certain Health Care Proposals Considered by the Congress
August 24, 2010pdf
Letter to the Honorable Mike Crapo

Original and Revised Projections of Crowding-Out Effects in The Long-Term Budget Outlook, 2010
August 3, 2010pdf
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad


Analysis of a Proposal to Offer a Public Plan Through the New Health Insurance Exchanges
July 22, 2010pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Fortney Pete Stark

Discussion Draft of the American Power Act
July 7, 2010pdf
Letter to the Honorable John F. Kerry

A Comparison of OMB's and CBO's Technical Assumptions Used in Estimating Defense Spending
June 29, 2010pdf
Letter to the Honorable Nancy Pelosi

Additional Information About High-Risk Insurance Pools Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
June 21, 2010pdf
Letter to the Honorable Michael B. Enzi

Budgetary Impact of Specified Tax and Spending Actions
May 11, 2010pdf
Letter to the Honorable Maurice D. Hinchey

H.R. 3590, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
May 11, 2010pdfblog post
Additional information about potential effects on discretionary spending, letter to the Honorable Jerry Lewis


Life-Cycle Costs of Selected Navy Ships
April 28, 2010pdf
Letter to the Honorable Jeff Sessions

Annual Estimates of the Loss in Households' Purchasing Power Under H.R. 2454
April 20, 2010pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Christopher H. Smith

Information on CBO's Cost Estimate for the President's Proposal to Settle Cobell v. Salazar
March 29, 2010pdf
Letter to the Honorable Doc Hastings

Responses to Questions About CBO's Preliminary Estimate of the Direct Spending and Revenue Effects of H.R. 4872, the Reconciliation Act of 2010
March 19, 2010pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan


Budgetary Impact of the President's Proposal to Alter Federal Student Loan Programs
March 15, 2010pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Judd Gregg

Preliminary Analysis of the President's Budget Request for 2011
March 5, 2010htmlpdfadditional infoblog post
Letter to the Honorable Daniel K. Inouye

Information on the President's Proposal for a Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee
March 4, 2010pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Charles E. Grassley

Budgetary Effects of an Alternative Policy Scenario Specified by Ranking Member Ryan
February 24, 2010pdf
Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan

Information on Reducing Payroll Taxes to Encourage Employment
February 3, 2010pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Robert P. Casey Jr.

An Analysis of the Roadmap for America's Future Act of 2010
January 27, 2010pdfadditional infoblog post
Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan

Additional Information on the Effect of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund
January 22, 2010pdf
Letter to the Honorable Jeff Sessions

CBO's Analysis of Scenarios for Funding the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
January 21, 2010pdf
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

Estimated Premiums for "Bronze" Coverage Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
January 11, 2010pdf
Letter to the Honorable Olympia Snowe



Responses to Questions on the Effects of Tort Reform
December 29, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Bruce L. Braley

Correction Regarding the Longer-Term Effects of the Manager's Amendment to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
December 20, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Harry Reid


Responses to Questions About CBO's Analysis of H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009
December 11, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Henry A. Waxman

Additional Information on the Effects of Tort Reform
December 10, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable John D. Rockefeller IV

An Analysis of Health Insurance Premiums Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
November 30, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Evan Bayh

Additional Information on CLASS Program Proposals
November 25, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable George Miller


Additional Information on CLASS Program Proposals
November 25, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Tom Harkin


Analysis of Subsidies and Payments at Different Income Levels
November 20, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Harry Reid


Information on Medicare's Payments to Physicians and the Budgetary Effects of H.R. 3961, the Medicare Physicians Payment Reform Act of 2009
November 19, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan

Analysis of Subsidies to and Payments by Enrollees in Insurance Exchanges Under the Affordable Health Care for America Act
November 2, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Charles B. Rangel

Different Measures for Analyzing Current Proposals to Reform Health Care
October 30, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Max Baucus

CBO's Analysis of the Effects of Proposals to Limit Costs Related to Medical Malpractice ("Tort Reform")
October 9, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Orrin G. Hatch

Analysis of Subsidies to and Payments by Enrollees in Insurance Exchanges Under the America's Healthy Future Act
October 9, 2009additional info

Withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Iraq: Possible Timelines and Estimated Costs
October 7, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable John F. Tierney

Information on Changes in Federal Revenues and Tax Rates on Capital Gains
September 25, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Brian P. Bilbray

An Analysis of Premiums Under the Chairman's Mark of the America's Healthy Future Act
September 22, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Max Baucus

Additional Information on Insurance Coverage for Unauthorized Immigrants Under Proposed Health Care Legislation
September 22, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Chuck Grassley

The Effects of Two Specified Policy Options for Health Care on the Federal Budget Deficit
September 21, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan

Review of the Student Loan Community Proposal
September 11, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable George Miller

Supplemental Information on Potential Effects of the Affordable Health Choices Act
September 10, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Michael B. Enzi

The Estimated Cost of H.R. 3221, the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, Based on CBO's August Baseline
September 9, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable John Kline

The Estimated Change in Medicare Part D Premiums from Provisions in H.R. 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009
August 28, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Dave Camp

The Budgetary Effects of Expanding Governmental Support for Preventive Care and Wellness Services
August 7, 2009htmlpdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Nathan Deal

Analysis of the Subsidy Costs of Direct and Guaranteed Student Loans
July 27, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Judd Gregg


Additional Information Regarding the Effects of Specifications in the America's Affordable Health Choices Act Pertaining to Health Insurance Coverage
July 26, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Dave Camp

Approaches for Giving the President Broad Authority to Change Medicare
July 25, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Steny H. Hoyer

An Analysis of H.R. 2920, the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2009
July 14, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan

Two Recent Studies of Regional Differences in the Effects of Policies That Would Price Carbon Dioxide Emissions
July 9, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable James M. Inhofe

Likely Effects of Substantially Expanding Eligibility for Medicaid
July 7, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Judd Gregg

Additional Information on CBO's Analysis of the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act
July 6, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Kay R. Hagan

Effect of Alternative Interest Rate Paths on CBO's Analysis of the President's Budget
June 30, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan

The Estimated Costs to Households From the Cap-and-Trade Provisions of H.R. 2454
June 19, 2009htmlpdfadditional infoblog post
Letter to the Honorable Dave Camp

Health Care Reform and the Federal Budget
June 16, 2009htmlpdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad and the Honorable Judd Gregg

Response to Questions About Health Care Industry Stakeholders' Proposals
June 16, 2009htmlpdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Dave Camp

Preliminary Analysis of Major Provisions Related to Health Insurance Coverage Under the Affordable Health Choices Act
June 15, 2009htmlpdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Edward M. Kennedy

Responses to Questions About the Cost of a Cap-and-Trade Program
June 12, 2009htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable John F. Kerry


Preliminary Information on the Budgetary Impact of Distributing Carbon Emission Allowances
May 21, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Joe Barton

Information on Options for the Medicare Advantage Program's Benchmarks for Federal Payments
May 18, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Mike Crapo

Assessment of Potential Budgetary Impacts from the Introduction of Carbon Dioxide Cap-and-Trade Policies
May 15, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Henry A. Waxman

An Assessment of the Potential Effects of the Reductions in Medicare's Payment Rates for Physicians Called for Under Current Law
March 27, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

Federal Assets That Could Be Sold or Leased to Raise Revenue
March 6, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Ron Kind

Estimated Macroeconomic Impacts of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
March 2, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Charles E. Grassley

The Department of Veterans Affairs' Pharmaceutical Prime Vendor Program
February 25, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad

Estimated Impact on the Deficit of Three Alternative Policy Scenarios Specified by Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Spratt
February 23, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Nancy Pelosi and the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

The Army's Wireless Communications Programs
February 12, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Neil Abercrombie

Estimated Macroeconomic Impacts of H.R. 1 as Passed by the House and by the Senate
February 11, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Judd Gregg

Estimated Number of People Who Would Receive Benefits Under Title III of H.R. 1
February 10, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Nancy Pelosi

Estimated Macroeconomic Effects of the Inouye-Baucus Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1
February 4, 2009pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Judd Gregg

An Assessment of How Spending from the Economic Stimulus Proposals Currently Before the Congress Could Be Accelerated
January 29, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad

Estimated Costs of Additional Debt Service That Would Result from Enacting H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
January 27, 2009pdf
Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan



Historical Effective Tax Rates, 1979 to 2005: Supplement with Additional Data on Sources of Income and High-Income Households
December 23, 2008pdfadditional info
Letter to the Honorable Max Baucus

An Analysis of NASA's Plans for Continuing Human Spaceflight After Retiring the Space Shuttle
November 3, 2008htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Dave Weldon, M.D.

Budgetary Issues Governing the Leasing of Oil and Gas Resources on the Outer Continental Shelf
September 10, 2008pdf
Letter to the Honorable Nick J. Rahall II

Information About Estimated Spending From the Highway Trust Fund Under Three Scenarios
July 29, 2008pdf
Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan

Impact on the Budget from Legislation Authorizing Future Appropriations but Not Affecting Direct Spending or Revenues
July 25, 2008pdf
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad

CBO's Estimate of Cost of the Administration's Proposal to Authorize Federal Financial Assistance for the Government-Sponsored Enterprises for Housing
July 22, 2008htmlpdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

Long-Term Effects of Indexing the Alternative Minimum Tax and Extending the Tax Reductions of 2001 and 2003
July 17, 2008pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad

Additional Information on CBO's Cost Estimates for S. 625 and H.R. 1108 Regarding Fees to Defray the Loss to the Treasury
July 10, 2008pdf
Letter to the Honorable Patrick T. McHenry

Veterans' Benefits Enhancement Act of 2007
June 26, 2008pdf
Letter to the Honorable Daniel K. Akaka

Calculations Regarding a Potential Adjustment in the Reserve Fund for Revenue Measures, as Specified in Section 220 of the Budget Resolution
June 17, 2008pdf
Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan

Options for Offsetting the Economic Impact on Low- and Moderate-Income Households of a Cap-and-Trade Program for Carbon Dioxide Emissions
June 17, 2008pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Jeff Bingaman

Resource Implications of the Navy's Fiscal Year 2009 Shipbuilding Plan
June 9, 2008pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Gene Taylor

The Long-Term Economic Effects of Some Alternative Budget Policies
May 19, 2008htmlpdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan

Preliminary Analysis of a Proposal for Comprehensive Health Insurance
May 1, 2008pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Ron Wyden and the Honorable Robert F. Bennett

A Review of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation's New Investment Strategy
April 24, 2008pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable George Miller

Assessment of Economic Stimulus from Increases in Federal Medicaid Assistance and Grants to States and in Funding for Infrastructure Projects
April 17, 2008pdf
Letter to the Honorable John D. Rockefeller IV

How CBO's Baseline for Agriculture Spending Would Change Without Further Congressional Action Before April 18
April 15, 2008pdf
Letter to the Honorable Collin C. Peterson

A Comparison of OMB's and CBO's Technical Assumptions Used in Estimating Defense Spending
April 1, 2008pdf
Letter to the Honorable Nancy Pelosi

The Long-Term Budgetary Effects of Three Specified Policy Scenarios
March 14, 2008htmlpdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

Preliminary Analysis of the President's Budget Request for 2009
March 3, 2008htmlpdfadditional infoblog post
Letter to the Honorable Robert C. Byrd

Update of CBO's Economic Forecast
February 15, 2008htmlpdfadditional infoblog post
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad

Analysis of the Growth in Funding for Operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Elsewhere in the War on Terrorism
February 11, 2008htmlpdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad

A Comparison of Science and Technology Funding for DOD's Space and Nonspace Programs
January 15, 2008htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Terry Everett



The Budgetary Impact of Section 651 of H.R. 3162, the Children's Health and Medicare Protection Act of 2007
December 20, 2007htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Jon Kyl

Information on Current Spending for Anti-Tuberculosis Programs and a Comparison of That Funding to the Authorization of Appropriations for Similar Activities Contained in H.R. 1567
November 2, 2007htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

Additional Information on the Budgetary Impact of H.R. 380, the Pharmaceutical Market Access and Drug Safety Act
October 26, 2007htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Rahm Emanuel

Additional Information on CBO's Estimate of the Budgetary Impact of Section 211 of H.R. 3963, the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007
October 25, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Nancy Pelosi

Response to Questions asked about the SCHIP Enrollment Table
October 18, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable John D. Dingell

Effects of Additional Funding for Supplemental Security Income Redeterminations
October 16, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Max Baucus

Additional Information on Medicare Advantage Provisions of the CHAMP Act
October 10, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Jim McCrery

Issues Regarding the Current and Future Use of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet
October 9, 2007htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Solomon Ortiz

The Possible Costs to the United States of Maintaining a Long-Term Military Presence in Iraq
September 20, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad

Review of the Sufficiency of Funds Authorized Under H.R. 811, the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007
September 7, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Vernon J. Ehlers

Estimate of Section 904 (Comparative Effectiveness Research) of H.R. 3162, the Children's Health and Medicare Protection Act of 2007
September 5, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Pete Stark

Information on Bids by Medicare Advantage Plans
August 17, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

Estimate of the Budgetary Impact of Section 651 of H.R. 3162, the Children's Health and Medicare Protection Act of 2007
August 17, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Sam Johnson

The Federal Government's Spending and Tax Actions in Response to the 2005 Gulf Coast Hurricanes
August 1, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt, Jr.

Effect of the Administration's Proposal for a Tax Deduction for Health Insurance on the Number of Uninsured Children
July 30, 2007htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Max Baucus

Preliminary Budgetary Estimates of the CHAMP Act Based on the Version of the Legislation Made Public on July 24, 2007
July 25, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Pete Stark

Estimates of the Number of Uninsured Children Who Are Eligible for Medicaid or SCHIP
July 24, 2007htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Max Baucus

The Budgetary Costs of EGTRRA and JGTRRA Compared with Projected Deficits
July 20, 2007htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt, Jr.

Supplemental Information About Trade-Offs in Allocating Allowances for CO2 Emissions
July 9, 2007htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Jeff Bingaman

Financing Projected Spending in the Long Run
July 9, 2007htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Judd Gregg

Authorizing the Rural Utilities Service to Guarantee Construction Loans to Electric Cooperatives
June 22, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable David R. Obey

Federal Tax Revenues from 2003 to 2006
May 18, 2007htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad

Preliminary Assessment of the Cost of Developing, Fielding, and Operating a Fleet of Airborne Lasers as Part of the Ballistic Missile Defense System
May 9, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Ellen O. Tauscher

How CBO Reflects Anticipated Administrative Actions in Its Baseline Projections
May 2, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

Trends in Earnings Variability Over the Past 20 Years
April 17, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Charles E. Schumer and the Honorable Jim Webb

Medicare Advantage Statistics by State
April 17, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Ron Wyden

Estimated Cost of the Administration's Proposal to Increase the Army's and the Marine Corps's Personnel Levels
April 16, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Carl Levin

Effects of Medicare's Drug Pricing on Other Purchasers
April 16, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Debbie Stabenow

Cost Estimate of Draft Legislation that Would Change Medicare's Prescription Drug Program
April 10, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Max Baucus

Issues Regarding Drug Price Negotiation in Medicare
April 10, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Ron Wyden

A Comparison of OMB's and CBO's Technical Assumptions Used in Estimating Defense Spending
March 30, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Nancy Pelosi

Resource Implications of the Navy's Fiscal Year 2008 Shipbuilding Plan
March 23, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Gene Taylor

Potential Effects of Disclosing Price Rebates on the Medicare Drug Benefit
March 12, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Joe Barton and the Honorable Jim McCrery

Long-Term Spending on Entitlement Programs
March 8, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Jeb Hensarling

Preliminary Analysis of the President's Budget Request for 2008
March 2, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Robert C. Byrd

Estimated Funding for Operations in Iraq and the War on Terrorism
February 7, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad

Estimated Costs of Increasing U.S. Forces in Iraq
February 1, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

Response to a Request by Senator Grassley About the Effects of Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage Versus Expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit
January 9, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Charles E. Grassley



Potential Effects on Government Revenues and Outlays from an Increase in the Federal Minimum Wage
December 29, 2006htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable William "Bill" M. Thomas

Paying for Iraq's Reconstruction: An Update
December 8, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad

Nonprofit Hospitals and Tax Arbitrage
December 6, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable William "Bill" M. Thomas

Alternatives for Connecting Remote Department of Defense Facilities to the Global Information Grid
September 15, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable John Warner

Assessing the Government's Costs for Mortgage Insurance Provided by the Federal Housing Administration
July 19, 2006htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Jeb Hensarling

Potential Growth Paths for Medical Spending by the Department of Veterans Affairs
July 14, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable Larry E. Craig

Estimated Costs of U.S. Operations in Iraq Under Two Specified Scenarios
July 13, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

CBO's Response to Questions About the National Flood Insurance Program
May 31, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable Judd Gregg

Response to Questions About CBO's Cost Estimate for the Conference Agreement on H.R. 4297, the Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005
May 25, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable Max Baucus

Additional Detail on Some of the Components of the Cost Estimate for S. 2611, as Introduced on April 7, 2006
May 24, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable Jeff Sessions

A Potential Influenza Pandemic: An Update on Possible Macroeconomic Effects and Policy Issues
May 22, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable William H. Frist, M.D., and the Honorable Judd Gregg

Response to Questions Regarding the Analysis Underlying CBO's Cost Estimate for S. 1955, the Health Insurance Marketplace Modernization and Affordability Act
May 9, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable Edward M. Kennedy

Estimate of the Budgetary Impact of Extending the Initial Enrollment Period for the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit (Part D of Medicare)
May 1, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable Fortney Pete Stark

Review of Proposed Congressional Budget Exhibits for the Navy's Mission-Funded Shipyards
April 14, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable Duncan Hunter

A Comparison of OMB's and CBO's Technical Assumptions Used in Estimating Defense Spending
April 11, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable J. Dennis Hastert

Long-Term Analysis of S. 2427, the Sustainable Solvency First for Social Security Act of 2006
April 5, 2006pdfadditional info
Letter to the Honorable Robert F. Bennett

The Economic Costs of Disruptions in Container Shipments
March 29, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable Norm Coleman

Information on How CBO Estimates the Cost of Legislative Proposals Involving Oil and Gas Leases on Federal Land
March 15, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable Ron Wyden

CBO's Comments on the White Paper "Design Elements of a Mandatory Market-Based Greenhouse Gas Regulatory System"
March 13, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable Jeff Bingaman

Preliminary Analysis of the President's Budget Request for 2007
March 3, 2006pdfadditional info
Letter to the Honorable Thad Cochran

CBO's Methods for Projecting Capital Gains Realizations
February 23, 2006pdf
Letter to the Honorable Charles E. Grassley

Long-Term Analysis of the Liebman-MacGuineas-Samwick Social Security Proposal
February 8, 2006pdfadditional info
Letter to the Honorable Jim Kolbe



Effect of H.R. 2830 on the Net Economic Costs of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
December 29, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable Carolyn McCarthy

Analysis of Potential Claims Under S. 852, the Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act of 2005
December 19, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable Arlen Specter

Resource Implications of the Navy's 313-Ship Plan
December 16, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable Roscoe Bartlett

A Potential Influenza Pandemic: Possible Macroeconomic Effects and Policy Issues
December 8, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable William H. Frist, M.D.

Comparing Working-Capital Funding and Mission Funding for Naval Shipyards: An Interim Report
December 1, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable Joel Hefley

The Impact of Recruiting and Retention on Future Army End Strength: An Interim Report
November 30, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable Ike Skelton

Letter to the Honorable Arlen Specter and the Honorable Patrick J. Leahy regarding S. 852, the Fairness in Asbestos Injury Act of 2005
November 16, 2005pdf

The Administration's pension reform proposal and H.R. 2830, the Pension Protection Act of 2005
October 17, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable Michael B. Enzi

Draft legislation for the SBIC Program Restructuring Act of 2005
October 17, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable Judd Gregg

The effect on the 10-year net costs to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) of enacting S. 1783, the Pension Security and Transparency Act of 2005
October 11, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Judd Gregg

An Analysis of the U.S. Military's Ability to Sustain an Occupation in Iraq: An Update
October 5, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

The Macroeconomic and Budgetary Effects of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: An Update
September 29, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable Jim Nussle and the Honorable Judd Gregg

Analysis of H.R. 3304, Growing Real Ownership for Workers Act of 2005
September 13, 2005pdfadditional info
Letter to the Honorable Max Baucus

The Long-Term Implications of Current Plans for Investment in Major Unclassified Military Space Programs
September 12, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable C.W. Bill Young

Budgetary Projections Incorporating Assumptions Specified by Ranking Member Spratt
September 8, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

Macroeconomic and Budgetary Effects of Hurricane Katrina
September 6, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable William H. Frist, M.D.

The Effects of S. 662 on the Long-Term Financial Outlook of the U.S. Postal Service
September 1, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable Judd Gregg

Response to Questions About CBO's Estimates of Revenues and Spending Under the Asbestos Trust Fund (S. 852)
September 1, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad

Review of section 326 of H.R. 6, the Energy Policy Act of 2005, dealing with inventory and analysis of the oil and natural gas resources in the Outer Continental Shelf
July 26, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Elizabeth Dole

The Rebate Medicaid Receives on Brand-Name Prescription Drugs
June 21, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable Charles E. Grassley

Comparison of OMB's and CBO's Technical Assumptions Used in Estimating Defense Spending
May 16, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable J. Dennis Hastert

Modifying Federal Deposit Insurance
May 9, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to Honorable Richard C. Shelby

Resource Implications of the Navy's Interim Report on Shipbuilding
April 25, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to Honorable Judd Gregg

Resource Implications of the Navy's Interim Report on Shipbuilding
April 25, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to Honorable Roscoe G. Bartlett

The Potential Costs Resulting from Increased Usage of Military Equipment in Ongoing Operations
March 18, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Ike Skelton

Potential Revenues and Spending Under the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act
March 15, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Robert C. Byrd

Response to Questions About CBO's Estimates of Potential Revenues and Spending Under the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act
March 15, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

Long-Term Budget Simulations: Fiscal Impacts of Two Different Tax Policies
March 14, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Nancy Pelosi

Information on CBO's Estimate of Potential Bonus Bids for Leases to Develop Part of the National Arctic Wildlife Refuge
March 14, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Russell D. Feingold

Preliminary Analysis of the President's Budget Request for 2006
March 4, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Thad Cochran

Updated Estimates of Spending for the Medicare Prescription Drug Program
March 4, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Joe Barton

Issues Associated with the Global Information Grid Bandwidth Expansion
February 28, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Joseph I. Lieberman

Projection of Spending for the Medicare Part D Benefit
February 16, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Joe Barton

Projection of Spending for the Medicare Part D Benefit
February 9, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable William "Bill" M. Thomas

Potential Additional Costs That States Could Incur to Implement the Work Participation Requirements Specified in H.R. 240 for Those Receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
February 9, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Jim McDermott



Long-Term Analysis of the Diamond-Orszag Social Security Plan
December 22, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Larry E. Craig

An Analysis of the Literature on Disease Management Programs
October 13, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Don Nickles

Budgetary Projections Incorporating Assumptions Specified by Ranking Member Spratt
September 23, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

Long-Term Analysis of H.R. 3821, the Bipartisan Retirement Security Act of 2004
July 21, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Jim Kolbe

Long-Term Analysis of Plan 2 of the President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security
July 21, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Larry E. Craig

Letter to the Honorable J. Dennis Hastert comparing OMB's and CBO's technical assumptions used in estimating defense spending
July 13, 2004htmlpdf

Estimated Costs of Continuing Operations in Iraq and Other Operations of the Global War on Terrorism
June 25, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad

The Potential Budgetary Impact of Recognizing Same-Sex Marriages
June 21, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Steve Chabot

Updated Estimates of the Subsidies to the Housing GSEs
April 8, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Richard C. Shelby

Regarding spending for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program
March 30, 2004pdf
Letter to Honorable Wally Herger

The Cost of Implementing the Additional Protocol to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
March 5, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Richard G. Lugar

The Costs of the Federal Student Loan Programs for Fiscal Year 2003
March 4, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable John A. Boehner

Authority to Negotiate Prices for Single-Source Drugs for Medicare Beneficiaries
March 3, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Ron Wyden

Economic Analysis of The Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000
March 2, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Bill Thomas

Preliminary Results of CBO's Analysis of the President's Budgetary Proposals for Fiscal Year 2005
February 27, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Ted Stevens

An Economic Analysis of Alternatives to Tax Reductions in S. 1637
February 24, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Don Nickles

State Telecommunications Taxes
February 13, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander

Comparison of CBO and Administration Estimates of the Effect of H.R. 1 on Direct Spending
February 2, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Jim Nussle

Estimate of the Effect of Striking the "Noninterference" Provision as Added by P.L. 108-173, the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003
January 23, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable William H. Frist, M.D.



Letter to the Honorable Ted Stevens regarding H.R. 1, the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003
November 20, 2003htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Don Nickles providing additional information about CBO's cost estimate for the conference agreement on H.R. 1
November 20, 2003htmlpdf

Budgetary Effect of Adjustments to CBO's August 2003 Baseline as Requested by the Congressional Blue Dog Coalition
November 17, 2003htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Charles W. Stenholm

Medicare Beneficiaries Who Receive Health Insurance Provided by Employers
November 14, 2003htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable William "Bill" M. Thomas

Estimated Cost of Two Alternatives to the Air Force's Proposal to Lease 100 Boeing 767 Aircraft
November 13, 2003htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable John McCain

Budgetary Impact of Committees' Suggestions for the House Budget Committee's Print: Addressing Government Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
November 12, 2003htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

Letter to the Honorable J. Dennis Hastert regarding CBO's cost estimate for S. 1125, the Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act of 2003
November 7, 2003htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander regarding S. 150, the Internet Nondiscrimination Act
November 5, 2003htmlpdf

Estimated Costs for the Occupation of Iraq
October 28, 2003htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr.

Letter regarding the effects of excluding Bean Stuyvesant from nonhopper dredging in U.S. markets
October 21, 2003htmlpdf

Evaluation of the Department of Defense's response to Senator Warner's request for alternative strategies for acquiring 100 Boeing KC-767A tanker aircraft
October 16, 2003htmlpdf

An Analysis of the U.S. Military's Ability to Sustain an Occupation in Iraq
September 3, 2003htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Robert C. Byrd

Letter to the Honorable Don Nickles regarding veterans' health care
August 29, 2003htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Orrin G. Hatch regarding S. 1, the Prescription Drug and Medicare Improvement Act of 2003
August 27, 2003htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Don Nickles regarding the Air Force's plan to acquire 100 Boeing tanker aircraft
August 26, 2003htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Ted Stevens regarding NASA's space flight operations contract and other technologically complex government activities conducted by contractors
July 29, 2003htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Richard G. Lugar regarding cost implications of implementing the March 26, 2003, NATO accession protocols
April 28, 2003htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Don Nickles and Jim Nussle regarding rates for Medicare payments to physicians
February 11, 2003htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Don Young and James L. Oberstar regarding future spending on water infrastructure
January 31, 2003htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Jim Nussle regarding the proposal to reduce payments by the Postal Service to the Civil Service Retirement System
January 27, 2003htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Paul S. Sarbanes regarding the new-business assumption in the risk-based capital rule for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
January 3, 2003htmlpdf



Letter to the Honorable George V. Voinovich regarding five alternative budget scenarios
December 4, 2002htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Carolyn B. Maloney regarding appropriations to assist New York City following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks
October 29, 2002htmlpdf

Estimated Costs of a Potential Conflict with Iraq
September 30, 2002htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad and John M. Spratt Jr.

Letter to the Honorable W. J. "Billy" Tauzin regarding H.R. 4954, the Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act of 2002
September 24, 2002htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., regarding estimated costs and savings from implementing the Moscow Treaty
September 24, 2002htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt Jr. regarding federal costs associated with the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001
August 29, 2002htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable William "Bill" M. Thomas regarding CBO's cost estimate for H.R. 4954, the Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act of 2002
July 27, 2002htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Curt Weldon regarding leasing of 737 aircraft
July 23, 2002htmlpdf

Letter on Future Investment in Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure
May 24, 2002htmlpdf

Letter to Senator McCain regarding costs of alternatives for modernizing the Air Force tanker fleet
May 7, 2002htmlpdf

Cost of Activities Related to the Military Operations Taking Place In and Around Afghanistan
April 10, 2002htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Pete V. Domenici

Letter to the Honorable Thomas Daschle regarding potential costs of national missile defense systems
January 31, 2002htmlpdf

Letter to Honorable Tom Daschle regarding CBO's "low-growth" report
January 30, 2002htmlpdf



Letter to the Honorable Tom Daschle regarding CBO's "low-growth" report
October 31, 2001htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Michael Bilirakis regarding CBO's estimate of the costs of a prescription drug benefit in Medicare
August 10, 2001htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Jim Nussle regarding the effects of Congressional action on the fiscal year 2002 budget
July 12, 2001htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Richard H. Baker regarding CBO's May 2001 report on the housing GSEs
July 11, 2001htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Jim Nussle regarding potential topics for a new budget concepts commission
July 5, 2001htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable James P. Moran regarding an amendment to H.R. 2299, the Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2002
June 25, 2001htmlpdf

Letter to Franklin D. Raines, Chairman and CEO of Fannie Mae, regarding CBO's draft study on the housing GSEs
June 21, 2001htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Jim Nussle regarding concurrent payment of military retirement annuities and disability compensation
June 20, 2001htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Max Baucus regarding updated estimates of the direct spending effects of four proposals from the 106th Congress for a prescription drug benefit in Medicare (Tables 1 and 5 corrected 08/10/2001)
June 11, 2001htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Pete V. Domenici regarding the effect of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001
June 6, 2001htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Don Nickles regarding the estimated ultimate effect of S. 283 on premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance
April 23, 2001htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Pete V. Domenici regarding assessment of the costs of U.S. military participation in smaller-scale contingencies
April 16, 2001htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Frank R. Wolf regarding CBO's review of an Ernst & Young study of judicial space and facilities
February 1, 2001htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable John W. Warner regarding estimating assumptions for the defense budget
January 22, 2001htmlpdf



Letter to the Honorable Wayne Allard regarding the 1999 actuarial review of the Federal Housing Administration's Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund
October 23, 2000htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Tom Bliley regarding H.R. 5291, the Beneficiary Health Improvement Act
October 2, 2000htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Rick A. Lazio regarding CBO's review of a study of the economic effects of charging actuarially based premium rates for federal flood insurance
September 22, 2000htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Frank R. Lautenberg regarding the assumptions underlying CBO's estimates of proposals for a Medicare prescription drug benefit
September 1, 2000htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Phil Gramm regarding how the President's Social Security proposal would affect the outlook for the federal budget beyond the 10-year horizon CBO usually uses for its projections
May 11, 2000htmlpdf

Response for Information About CBO's Analysis of the President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2001
March 24, 2000pdf
Letter to the Honorable John R. Kasich

Letter to the Honorable John R. Kasich regarding CBO's analysis of the President's budget for fiscal year 2001
March 24, 2000htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Don Nickles regarding the long-run effects of S. 1344 and H.R. 2990 on the premiums for employer-sponsored health plans
February 10, 2000htmlpdf



Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt, Jr. regarding CBO's updated estimates of the budgetary outlook for fiscal year 2000
December 2, 1999htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable J. Dennis Hastert regarding an estimate of the on-budget deficit for fiscal year 2000
October 28, 1999htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt, Jr. regarding an estimate of the on-budget deficit for fiscal year 2000
October 28, 1999htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Don Young regarding the potential effect of H.R. 701 on the annual appropriation process and budgetary caps
October 14, 1999htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable John R. Kasich regarding the level of current tax collections and how it compares with collections in previous years
October 12, 1999htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable J. Dennis Hastert regarding the impact on the fiscal year 2000 Social Security surplus using CBO's economic and technical assumptions based on a plan whereby net discretionary outlays for fiscal year 2000 will equal $592.1 billion
September 30, 1999htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt, Jr. regarding the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriation bill and the current status of appropriation action for fiscal year 2000
September 29, 1999htmlpdf

Analysis of the President's Mid-Session Review
September 8, 1999pdf
Letter to the Honorable Pete V. Domenici

Letter to the Honorable Tom Daschle regarding the analysis of additional options that would improve Russia's access to early-warning information
August 24, 1999htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable John R. Kasich regarding the impact of certain tax cuts on April's Congressional Budget Resolution
July 21, 1999htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Tom Daschle regarding S.6, the Patients' Bill of Rights
April 23, 1999htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Pete V. Domenici regarding the costs to the U.S. of current and potential participation in NATO's operations in Yugoslavia
April 15, 1999htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable John W. Warner regarding the effects of the 1986 Military Retirement Reform Act (known as REDUX) on the retention of military personnel
March 2, 1999htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Charles Rangel regarding information about the economic effects of policies that would exhaust the surpluses in the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO's) baseline projections
February 22, 1999htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Frank Lautenberg and the Honorable John Spratt regarding possible transfers from the general fund to the Social Security trust funds
February 19, 1999htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable John Breaux regarding a preliminary review of the premium support model as a foundation for Medicare reform
February 18, 1999htmlpdf



Letter to the Honorable Tom Daschle regarding improving Russia's access to early-warning information
September 3, 1998htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Bill Archer regarding Professor Martin Feldstein's proposal to set up personal retirement accounts financed by tax credits
August 4, 1998htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Curt Weldon regarding the estimated cost of three tactical aircraft programs to reflect changes resulting from the 1997 Quadrennial Defense Review
July 23, 1998htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Edward M. Kennedy regarding the use of auctions to reduce the cost of the Federal Family Education Loan Program
July 7, 1998htmlpdf

CBO's Review of the Report of the Department of Defense on Base Realignment and Closure
July 1, 1998pdf
Letter to the Honorable Thomas A. Daschle

Letter to the Honorable John R. Kasich accompanying the Monthly Budget Review dated May 6, 1998
May 5, 1998htmlpdf

Highway Trust Fund and the Pending Reauthorization of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act
April 28, 1998pdf
Letter to the Honorable Pete V. Domenici

Addendum to "The Profitability of Federally Guaranteed Student Loans"
April 2, 1998htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Pete V. Domenici regarding the profitability of federally guaranteed student loans
March 30, 1998htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Thomas A. Daschle regarding the estimated budgetary impacts of alternative levels of strategic forces
March 18, 1998htmlpdf



Letter to the Honorable Pete V. Domenici regarding pay-as-you-go procedures in a year for which OMB projects a budget surplus
October 29, 1997htmlpdf



Implications of Consolidating Construction of all Nuclear-Powered Ships at a Single Shipyard
July 28, 1995pdf
Letter to the Honorable John McCain



Analysis of the Impacts of a $150 Billion in National Defense Budget Authority in Fiscal Year 1993
September 8, 1992pdf
Letter to the Honorable Pete V. Domenici



Impact of Legislation (1981-1990) on Federal Spending for Medicare
April 1, 1991pdf
Staff Memorandum

Medicare and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990: Impact on Enrollees, Hospitals, and Physicians
February 1, 1991pdf
Staff Memorandum

Understanding the Volatility of Oil Prices during the Iraq-Kuwait Crisis
January 1, 1991pdf
Staff Memorandum

Costs of Operation Desert Shield
January 1, 1991pdf
Staff Memorandum



Should the Budget Resolution be a Law?
May 1, 1990pdf
CBO Staff Memorandum

Selected Weapons Costs from the President's 1991 Program
May 1, 1990pdf
Memorandum for the Record



Letter to the Honorable James C. Miller III regarding revisions to the Initial Sequestration Report for Fiscal Year 1988
November 16, 1987htmlpdf



Response to Chairman Ottinger's Request on the Economic Comparisons of the AGC and AVLIS Processes
December 6, 1984pdf
Letter Jeanine Hull



Administration Proposals on Tax-Exempt Bonds
June 11, 1982pdf
Letter to the Honorable Robert Dole