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BookMooch will be unavailable most of Sunday, as I need to swap out a hard disk and replace it with a larger one. The “books” database is getting bigger than the current disk can handle.

Fortunately, thanks to those of you who give a little, I had $600 in the BookMooch account I could spend on a newer, bigger “SSD Drive”.


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18 Responses to “Sunday is scheduled downtime”

  1. amy whittaker said

    Thanks for the heads up! I’ve been meaning to give a little, I guess this is my reminder.

  2. MIke Comer said

    Well, might be time to give a little more. My kids are around for the big weekend Mother’s day festivities. I’ll take up a collection.

  3. Thanks for the warning. :)

  4. Caron Garliepp said

    Glad to give a little each month to one of my favorite websites! Keep up the good work, and THANK YOU, John!

  5. Michelle said

    Thanks for letting us know what to expect on Sunday, John, and thanks for letting us know where some of the money is going. You’re the best!


  6. Terri said

    I appreciate the ‘FYI’. I just hope I remember…

  7. Marie said

    Thank you, John, for all the hard work you do to keep the site up and running for us all.
    I am happy to give a little, just wish it could be a little more. :)
    Hope the hard disk swap out is a simple and flawless procedure for you!

  8. casey said

    Thanks for letting us know.

    Perhaps next time you could give an indication of the time and time zone? Sunday is almost over in Australia when it starts in the USA.


  9. Marie said

    Whoa… it seems to be loading the pages super fast even on my slow dialup! :)

    Now maybe I can actually get into the forums! I’ve never been able to before with my slow connection.

    This is great! I was expecting to have BM withdrawals…LOL…but you got everything all done surprisingly fast, John!
    Thanks again for providing this wonderful site for us.

  10. Sue Wontroba said

    Thank you John for all your hard work. This site is great.
    Is the disk change the reason that the Amazon search does not work at present?

  11. Kathy said

    We really do appreciate all your hard work! I do have a question though – I’ve been trying to browse this morning and when I put a book/author on the Amazon browse line, nothing is showing up. Is this a temporary glitch with the update or permanent? Thanks for all you do!

    • Andrew Barnett said

      This is also happening to me!

    • M. Schneider said

      Amazon search not working for me, either.

      (I’m not complaining, you understand—I’m very grateful for BookMooch—I’m just letting John know that the problem isn’t just Kathy.)

  12. John said

    I am also having troubles as Kathy described.

  13. Mark Williams said

    No more tech reports needed folks, we’re working on the problem with the Amazon connection now.

    Mark W
    Bookmooch Team

  14. Mark Williams said

    The problem with the connection to Amazon has been resolved. You can now search for and add books from Amazon.

    Many who entered new books yesterday show a blank entry for any book not previously in the BM database. These will be filled in with the correct data within the next 12h.

  15. Michelle said

    Thankyou to John & Mark for all you do for the colllective good of BMers.
    BM: couldn’t live without it!!

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