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"It’s the best military I’ve ever been associated with and I’ve been doing this over 40 years. And they have been pressed hard. They really turned it around in Iraq and we’re going to come out of Iraq over the next 18 months. And we’re building up in Afghanistan. And they have truly been brilliant and resilient. And they’ve been supported by fabulous families who’ve been through a lot as well and at the same time are also resilient. So I’m actually encouraged, although we’re stretched and stressed and it’s a real balancing act. There’s no question about that." (January 06, 2010, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, New York City, NY)

"I’ve been very encouraged – and you asked about the Vietnam comparison – one that’s really important to me is that the men and women in our military and their families have been incredibly well supported by the American people, whatever the politics have been. That hasn’t been an issue. They’ve been incredibly well supported. And I really appreciate that. And we need to continue to do that. And the men and women in uniform know that and greatly appreciate that." (January 06, 2010, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, New York City, NY)

"Our families serve as the bedrock for our Nation’s defense. Family members may not shoulder a weapon, drive a ship or fly combat sorties, but their commitment, support and endurance is a source of great pride and inspiration for us all." (November 23, 2009, Military Family Appreciation Week 2009, Washington, D.C.)

"We are a rich country; we are a rich people with the values that can make sure that everyone who serves is able to live their American dream. That’s who we are as a country." (October 29, 2009, Soldier On Award, The Log Cabin, Holyoke, Mass.)

"...our readiness to be able to carry out our mission as United States military is directly impacted, fully integrated, by how our families are taken care of, paid attention to, and that is a fundamental readiness issue. There’s not a post we go to these days, or a base, where spouses don’t talk to my wife about the mental health of their kids. And it’s declining rapidly. We have not very much capacity to handle that. And there’s a real basic principle here for all of us in the military – been that way a long time. If it’s not going well at home, it’s not going well wherever I am. I cannot focus; I can’t stay focused on what’s going on." (December 09, 2009, Total Force Health for the 21st Century, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD)

"And my fundamental belief is that we, as a military, must represent our country. We must represent the demographics of it. It is the greatest strength of our country." (September 17, 2009, Military Leadership Diversity Commission, Arlington, VA)

"We can have the greatest missions in the world, we can have the greatest equipment in the world, and lots of it is. But it’s not going to make any difference if we don’t take care of each other. If we don’t take care of the people that make it happen. That’s the most important -- you are the most important resources, you represent the most important resources. We’ve got to make sure we get it right for our people." (October 23, 2007, Troop Call, Fort Sill, OK)

"It is the recruit and the retain choices of our families -- and, quite frankly, American citizens writ large -- that will make or break the all-volunteer force. They will be less inclined to make those decisions should we not be able to offer them viable career options, adequate health care, suitable housing, advanced education and the promise of a prosperous life long after they've taken off the uniform." (June 10, 2009, Washington, D.C.)

"As a country, I would hope we keep our focus on our people, particularly those who have been wounded, and their families, and the families of the fallen. These are people who have paid, in many cases, the ultimate price. And I think we as a country must repay that debt." (July 08, 2009, Army Times interview)

"That is where our greatness lies--in our people, and in their knowledge of how critically important their duties are, and above all, in their desire to serve a cause greater than themselves." (June 01, 2009, Joint Forces Quarterly interview, The Pentagon)

"“It’s very important for me that America understands what’s going on. And then in the democracy in which we exist, make decisions about what we’re going to do.” " (April 18, 2010, Conversations with the Country, Columbia University, New York)

"So more than anything else, I just want you to keep thinking, keep dreaming about the possibilities that are out there outside of Annapolis, outside of America, and literally, outside yourselves...In all of my travels, one universal constant I have found in countries around the world is that parents just want to raise their children to a higher standard of living than they have. And education is a big part of getting there. " (May 27, 2010, Saint Mary's High School 2010 Commencement , Annapolis, Md. )

"The emergency issue right now for me is the suicide issue." (September 29, 2010, Christian Science Monitor Breakfast)

"I am extremely concerned about the rise in personnel costs and inside that, the rise in health care costs." (September 29, 2010, Christian Science Monitor Breakfast)

"I’m a big believer in our country. I’m a big believer in the principles that underpin us. We are by no means perfect – have never been nor will we ever be – but we do face up to who we are and I think that is a big part of our strength." (September 30, 2010, Texas A&M; University)

"I have always believed our nation’s best hope for our future is our people." (September 30, 2010, Texas A&M; University)

"...when our young men and women come home, the battle doesn’t end. Quite frankly, for many, it’s just beginning." (October 16, 2010, USO Gala, Chicago, IL)
