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Job Market Candidates in the Department of Economics

Oxford DPhils

Jean-Paul Carvalho

Department of Economics,
Manor Road Building,
University of Oxford,
OX1 3UQ,

Phone: +44 7815 766 050 | .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | Web site link

Thesis Title:
Essays on Social Dynamics

Supervisor(s): H. Peyton Young

Research Field: Applied theory; culture, norms and institutions

Markus Eberhardt

Department of Economics,
Manor Road Building,
University of Oxford,
OX1 3UQ,

Phone: +44 1865 271084 | .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | Web site link

Thesis Title:
Modelling technology in agriculture and manufacturing using cross-country panel data

Supervisor(s): Francis Teal, Stephen Bond

Research Field: Economic Development, Technological Change and Growth; Panel Econometrics

Tom Holden

Department of Economics
Manor Road Building
University of Oxford

Phone: (+44) 7815 067305 | .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | Web site link

Thesis Title:
Endogenous growth and endogenous competition in DSGE models

Supervisor(s): Simon Wren-Lewis

Research Field: Primary fields: Macroeconomic Theory, Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Modelling. Secondary fields: Endogenous Growth, Industrial Organization and Competition Structure, Macro-econometrics.

Zhiyun Li

University College
High Street

Phone: +44 778 8848 512 | .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | Web site link

Thesis Title:
Information Disclosure in Auction and Monopoly Pricing

Supervisor(s): Ian Jewitt

Job Market Paper:
Cheap-Talk Information Disclosure in Auctions

Research Field: Contract Theory, Industrial Organization; Economic Development

Monika Mrazova

Managerial Economics and Strategy Group
London School of Economics
Houghton Street

Phone: +44 (0)796 376 6886 | .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | Web site link

Thesis Title:
Essays in the Political Economy of Trade Agreements

Supervisor(s): Peter Neary and David Vines

Job Market Paper:
Trade Agreements when Profits Matter

Research Field:
Primary field: International Trade
Secondary fields: Industrial Organisation, Applied Microeconomics, Political Economy

Friedrich Poeschel

Département d'Economie
Ecole Polytechnique
91128 Palaiseau Cedex

Phone: +33(0)169333021 | .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | Web site link

Thesis Title:
Signalling and efficiency in two-sided matching markets

Supervisor(s): Prof. Godfrey Keller, Prof. Fabien Postel-Vinay (Bristol)

Research Field: Search & matching, globalisation & migration, information economics

Matthew Polisson

Department of Economics,
Manor Road Building,
University of Oxford,
OX1 3UQ,

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | Web site link

Thesis Title:
Goods Versus Characteristics: Revealed Preference Procedures for Nested Models

Supervisor(s): Martin Browning

Research Field: Applied Microeconometrics, Consumer Theory, Health Economics

K. Rebecca Scott

Department of Economics,
Manor Road Building,
University of Oxford,
OX1 3UQ,

Phone: +44 1865 281368 | .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | Web site link

Thesis Title:
Essays in Consumption Habits and the Environment

Supervisor(s): Martin Browning and John Muellbauer

Research Field: Environmental Economics, Applied Econometrics, Applied Microeconomics

Babak Somekh

Keble College

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | Web site link

Thesis Title:
Essays on Income Inequality and Consumer Markets

Supervisor(s): Tony Atkinson

Research Field: Poverty and Income Inequality, Spacial and Urban Economics, Banking and Financial Services

Alexander Tepper

Address: USA (please call or email in case full postal address is required)

Phone: +1 917 291 1410 | .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | Web site link

Thesis Title:
'Essays in Economic and Financial History'

Part One: Malthus Gets Fat: The Beginnings of Income Growth in Britain and Beyond

Part Two: Leverage and Financial Market Instability, A Theoretical and Historical Investigation

Supervisor(s): Knick Harley, Howard Jones

Research Field: Economic History, Financial History, Economic Policy, Finance

Marta Troya-Martinez

Department of Economics,
Manor Road Building,
University of Oxford,
OX1 3UQ,

Phone: +44 7816055184 | .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | Web site link

Thesis Title:
Essays in Industrial Organisation

Supervisor(s): David Myatt and Paul Klemperer

Research Field: Industrial Organisation, Competition and Consumer Policy, Law and Economics

Nicolas Van de Sijpe

Department of Economics
University of Oxford
Manor Road Building

Phone: +44 7810 493601 | .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | Web site link

Thesis Title:
Foreign aid and government behaviour

Supervisor(s): Paul Collier, Christopher Adam

Research Field: Primary: development economics, public economics. Secondary: applied econometrics, applied macroeconomics, political economy.

David Williams

Department of Economics
University of Oxford
Manor Road Building
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)7711 900527 | .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | Web site link

Thesis Title:
Financial liberalisation and innovation in Australia: the impact on house prices, mortgage markets and consumption

Supervisor(s): Professor John Muellbauer, Nuffield College, Oxford

Research Field: Macroeconomics, consumption, housing and credit markets

Post-doctoral fellows

Chiara Binelli

Nuffield College
New Road

Phone: +44 1865 288448 | .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | Web site link

Job Market Paper:
The Market Returns to Private High Schools: Evidence from Mexico

Reference(s): Orazio Attanasio, Martin Browning, Costas Meghir, Tony Atkinson

Research Field: Development, Labour, Applied Microeconometrics