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Background Papers


CBO's Budgetary Treatment of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
January 2010pdfblog post
Background Paper



Background Paper: How Slower Growth in the Labor Force Could Affect the Return on Capital
October 2009pdfblog post

Background Paper: Will the Demand for Assets Fall When the Baby Boomers Retire?
September 2009pdfblog post

Background Paper: CBO's Long-Term Model: An Overview
June 2009pdf

Background Paper: How CBO Estimates the Costs of Reducing Greenhouse-Gas Emissions
April 2009pdfblog post



Background Paper: The Outlook for Housing Starts, 2009 to 2012
November 2008pdf

Background Paper: Assigning Education Status in CBO's Long-Term Microsimulation Model
October 2008pdfadditional info



Background Paper: How CBO Projects the Real Rate of Interest on 10-Year Treasury Notes
December 2007htmlpdf

Background Paper: CBO's Health Insurance Simulation Model: A Technical Description
October 2007pdf

Background Paper: The Impact of Medicare's Payment Rates on the Volume of Services Provided by Skilled Nursing Facilities
July 2007pdf

Background Paper: Factors Underlying the Growth in Medicare's Spending for Physicians' Services
June 2007pdf

Background Paper: The Effect of Tax Changes on Labor Supply in CBO's Microsimulation Tax Model
April 2007pdf

Background Paper: Utilization of Tax Incentives for Retirement Saving: Update to 2003
March 2007pdf

Background Paper: Housing Wealth and Consumer Spending
January 2007pdf



Background Paper: Computing Effective Tax Rates on Capital Income
December 2006pdfadditional info

Background Paper: Valuing the Student Loan Consolidation Option
October 2006pdf

Background Paper: Projecting Labor Force Participation and Earnings in CBO's Long-Term Microsimulation Model
October 2006pdf

Background Paper: How CBO Forecasts Income
August 2006pdf

Background Paper: Medical Malpractice Tort Limits and Health Care Spending
April 2006pdf

Background Paper: Evaluating Benefit Guarantees in Social Security
March 2006pdf

Background Paper: Utilization of Tax Incentives for Retirement Saving: An Update
February 2006pdf



Background Paper: Quantifying Uncertainty in the Analysis of Long-Term Social Security Projections
November 2005pdf

Background Paper: Employment During the 2001-2003 Recovery
August 2005pdf

Background Paper: The Price Sensitivity of Demand for Nongroup Health Insurance
August 2005pdf

Background Paper: Taxing the Untaxed Business Sector
July 2005pdf

Background Paper: Differences in Wage and Salary Income Included in Various Tax Bases
June 2005pdf

Background Paper: R&D; and Productivity Growth
June 2005pdf

Background Paper: CBO's Revised Method for Estimating and Projecting Potential TFP
January 2005htmlpdf



Background Paper: What Is Happening to Youth Employment Rates?
November 2004htmlpdf

Background Paper: A Model to Project Flows into and out of Tax-Deferred Retirement Savings Accounts
October 2004pdf

Background Paper: CBO's Projections of the Labor Force
September 2004htmlpdf

Background Paper: How CBO Analyzes the Sources of Lenders' Interest Income on Guaranteed Student Loans
June 2004htmlpdf

Background Paper: The Taxation of Distributions From Retirement Savings Plans
April 2004pdf

Background Paper: A Summary of Alternative Methods for Estimating Potential GDP
March 2004htmlpdf



Background Paper: Assisting the Developing Countries: Foreign Aid and Trade Policies of the United States
September 1980pdf
E. Hazel Denton and Emery Simon

Background Paper: Indexing the Individual Income Tax for Inflation
September 1980pdf
Hyman Sanders and Joshua Greene

Background Paper: Forest Service Timber Sales: Their Effect on Wood Product Prices
May 1980pdf
Lawrence H. Oppenheimer

Background Paper: The World Oil Market in the 1980s: Implications for the United States
May 1980pdf
Everett M. Ehrlich, Robert F. Black, Barry J. Holt, John J. Korbel, Lawrence Oppenheimer, Mark P. Berkman, Jane D'Arista

Background Paper: Compensation Reform for Federal White-Collar Employees: The Administration's Proposal and Budgetary Options for 1981
May 1980pdf
Earl A. Armbrust and David M. DelQuadro

Backgound Paper: State Profits on Tax-Exempt Student Loan Bonds: Analysis and Options
March 1980pdf
Cynthia Francis Gensheimer

Background Paper: The U.S. Sea--Based Strategic Force: Costs of the Trident Submarine and Missile Programs and Alternatives
February 1980pdf
Richard H. Davison, Beth S. Bloomfield, and Harold W. Furchtgott

Background Paper: Reducing the Federal Budget: Strategies and Examples
February 1980pdf
Prepared by all divisions of the CBO

Background Paper: Tax Subsidies for Medical Care: Current Policies and Possible Alternatives
January 1980pdf



Background Paper: The U.S. Balance of International Payments and the U.S. Economy: Developments in 1978 and Early 1979
November 1979pdf
C. R. Neu

Background Paper: The Effects of the Tokyo Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations on the U.S. Economy: An Updated View
July 1979pdf
C.R. Neu and Emery Simon

Background Paper: The Effect of PSRO's on Health Care Costs: Current Findings and Future Evaluations
June 1979pdf

Background Paper: The Decontrol of Domestic Oil Prices: An Overview
May 1979pdf
Raymond Scheppach

Background Paper: Physician Extenders: Their Current and Future Role in Medical Care Delivery
April 1979pdf

Background Paper: Federal Constraints on State and Local Government Actions
April 1979pdf
Peggy L. Cuciti

Background Paper: U.S. Airlift Forces: Enhancement Alternatives for NATO and NOn-NATO Contingencies
April 1979pdf
John J. Hamre

Background Paper: U.S. Trade Policy and the Tokyo Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
March 1979pdf
C.R. Neu and Emery Simon

Background Paper: Delays in Nuclear Reactor Licensing and Construction: The Possibilities for Reform
March 1979pdf
Everett M. Ehrlich

Background Paper: Profile of Health Care Coverage: The Haves and Have-Nots
March 1979pdf

Background Paper: Strengthening NATO: Pomcus and Other Approaches
February 1979pdf
Pat Hillier



Background Paper: U.S. Naval Forces: The Peacetime Presence Mission
December 1978pdf
Dov S. Zakheim and Andrew Hamilton

Background Paper: Countercyclical Uses of Federal Grant Programs
November 1978pdf

Background Paper: An Analysis of the Roth-Kemp Tax Cut Proposal
October 1978pdf
William Beeman and James Annable

Background Paper: Public Policy and the Changing Structure of American Agriculture
September 1978pdf
Peter M. Emerson

Background Paper: Childcare and Preschool: Options for Federal Support
September 1978pdf
Steven Chadima

Background Paper: Replacing Oil and Natural Gas with Coal: Prospects in the Manufacturing Industries
August 1978pdf

Background Paper: Loan Guarantees: Current Concerns and Alternatives for Control
August 1978pdf

Background Paper: CETA Reauthorization Issues
August 1978pdf

Background Paper: Proposition 13: Its Impact on the Nation's Economy, Federal Revenues, and Federal Expenditures
July 1978pdf

Background Paper: Federal Housing Policy: Current Programs and Recurring Issues
June 1978pdf



Background Paper: Income Disparaties Between Black and White Americans
December 1977pdf

Background Paper: Urban Transportation and Energy: The Potential Savings of Different Modes
December 1977pdf

Background Paper: Health Differentials Between White and Nonwhite Americans
September 1977pdf

Background Paper: Troubled Local Economies and the Distribution of Federal Dollars
August 1977pdf

Background Paper: Expenditures for Health Care: Federal Programs and their Effects
August 1977pdf

Background Paper: The Legal Services Corporation--Budgetary Issues and Alternative Federal Approaches
July 1977pdf

Background Paper: Welfare Reform: Issues, Objectives, and Approaches
July 1977pdf

Background Paper: The U.S. Sea Control Mission: Forces, Capabilities, and Requirements
June 1977pdf

Background Paper: Poverty Status of Families Under Alternative Definitions of Income
June 1977pdf
Background Paper No. 17

Background Paper: Nuclear Reprocessing and Proliferation: Alternative Approaches and their Implications for the Federal Budget
May 1977pdf

Background Paper: Social Security Benefits for Students
May 1977pdf

Background Paper: Real Estate Tax Shelter Subsidies and Direct Subsidy Alternatives
May 1977pdf

Background Paper: Commodity Initiatives of Less Developed Countries: U.S. Responses and Costs
May 1977pdf

Background Paper: Incomes Policies in the United States: Historical Review and Some Issues
May 1977pdf

Background Paper: Retirement Accounting Changes: Budget and Policy Impacts
April 1977pdf

Background Paper: Employment Subsidies and Employment Tax Credits
April 1977pdf

International Financial Institutions: Background and Budget Options for Fiscal Year 1978
March 1977pdf
Budget Issue Paper

Background Paper: The Federal Government's Pay Systems: Adjustment Procedures and Impacts of Proposed Changes
February 1977pdf

Background Paper: Executive Compensation in the Federal Government
January 1977pdf
Background Paper No. 18



Background Paper No. 16: U.S. Raw Materials Policy: Problems and Possible Solutions
December 1976pdf

Background Paper No. 15: Unemployment Compensation: A Background Report
December 1976pdf
T. Wendell Butler, Marc Freiman, Richard Hobbie and David Mundel

Background Paper: Petroleum Storage: Alternative Programs and Their Implications for the Federal Budget
October 1976pdf

Background Paper No. 13: Policy Options for the Teenage Unemployment Problem
September 1976pdf

Background Paper No. 12: Financing Energy Development
July 1976pdf
W. David Montgomery

Background Paper No. 11: The Unemployment of Nonwhite Americans: The Effects of Alternative Policies
July 1976pdf
David S. Mundel

Background Paper No. 10: Energy Research: Alternative Strategies for Development of New Energy Technologies and Their Implications for the Federal Budget
July 1976pdf
Richard M. Dowd, Nicolai Timenes Jr. and Kendrick W. Wentzel

Background Paper No. 8: Salt and the U.S. Strategic Forces Budget
June 1976pdf
Charles A. Sorrels

Background Paper No. 9: The Effect of Inflation on Federal Expenditures
June 1976pdf

Background Paper: Uranium Enrichment: Alternatives for Meeting the Nation's Needs and Their Implications for the Federal Budget
May 1976pdf

Background Paper: Defense Manpower: Compensation Issues for Fiscal Year 1977
April 1976pdf

Background Paper: Financing Postal Operations: Alternative Approaches and their Budgetary Implications
March 1976pdf

Background Paper No. 4: Federal Pay: Its Budgetary Implications
March 1976pdf
Earl A. Armbrust and David M. Delquadro

Background Paper No. 3: Commercialization of Synthetic Fuels: Alternative Loan Guarantee and Price Support Programs
January 1976pdf
David Montgomery

Background Paper No. 2: Railroad Reorganization: Congressional Action and Federal Expenditures Related to the Final System Plan of the U.S. Railway Association
January 1976pdf
Porter K. Wheeler



Fiscal Problem: Its Origins, Potential Repercussions, and Some Alternative Policy Responses
October 1975pdf
Background Paper No. 1