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Social Security and Pensions


CBO's 2010 Long-Term Projections for Social Security: Additional Information
October 2010pdfadditional infoblog post

Social Security Disability Insurance: Participation Trends and Their Fiscal Implications
July 22, 2010pdfblog post
Economic and Budget Issue Brief

Social Security Policy Options
July 2010summarypdfadditional infoblog post


Using a Different Measure of Inflation for Indexing Federal Programs and the Tax Code
February 24, 2010pdfadditional infoblog post
Economic and Budget Issue Brief

An Analysis of the Roadmap for America's Future Act of 2010
January 27, 2010pdfadditional infoblog post
Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan



Background Paper: How Slower Growth in the Labor Force Could Affect the Return on Capital
October 2009pdfblog post

CBO's Long-Term Projections for Social Security: 2009 Update
August 2009pdfadditional infoblog post

Response to Questions About Health Care Industry Stakeholders' Proposals
June 16, 2009htmlpdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable Dave Camp

CBO Staff Presentation to the Social Security Advisory Board
April 2009pdfblog post
Mark Booth, Unit Chief, Revenue Estimating
Sheila M. Dacey, Analyst, Income Security and Education Cost Estimates Unit
Joyce Manchester, Unit Chief, Long-Term Modeling Group
Sam Papenfuss, Unit Chief, Income Security and Education Cost Estimates Unit
David Rafferty, Analyst, Income Security and Education Cost Estimates Unit



The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer
October 9, 2008webcast
CBO Director Peter Orszag's explanation of how the financial crisis is affecting retirement funds

Background Paper: Assigning Education Status in CBO's Long-Term Microsimulation Model
October 2008pdfadditional info

The Effects of Recent Turmoil in Financial Markets on Retirement Security
October 7, 2008htmlpdfwebcastblog post
Testimony before the Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives

Updated Long-Term Projections for Social Security
August 2008htmlpdfadditional infoblog post

Behavioral Economics: Lessons from Retirement Research for Health Care and Beyond
August 2008htmlpdfwebcastblog post
A Presentation by CBO Director Peter Orszag to the Retirement Research Consortium

A Review of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation's New Investment Strategy
April 24, 2008pdfblog post
Letter to the Honorable George Miller

Growing Disparities in Life Expectancy
April 17, 2008htmlpdfblog post



Long-Term Spending on Entitlement Programs
March 8, 2007pdf
Letter to the Honorable Jeb Hensarling



Is Social Security Progressive?
December 15, 2006pdf

Background Paper: Projecting Labor Force Participation and Earnings in CBO's Long-Term Microsimulation Model
October 2006pdf

Testimony on the Budgetary Impact of Current and Proposed Border Security and Immigration Policies
August 30, 2006pdf
Testimony before the Committee on the Budget, United States Senate

Updated Long-Term Projections for Social Security
June 2006pdfadditional info

CBO's Online Guide to Tax Incentives for Retirement Saving
June 2006html

Analyzing the Federal Benefits Available to Disabled Veterans
May 2006htmlpdf
Statement before the Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission

Long-Term Analysis of S. 2427, the Sustainable Solvency First for Social Security Act of 2006
April 5, 2006pdfadditional info
Letter to the Honorable Robert F. Bennett

Background Paper: Evaluating Benefit Guarantees in Social Security
March 2006pdf

Background Paper: Utilization of Tax Incentives for Retirement Saving: An Update
February 2006pdf

Long-Term Analysis of the Liebman-MacGuineas-Samwick Social Security Proposal
February 8, 2006pdfadditional info
Letter to the Honorable Jim Kolbe



Effect of H.R. 2830 on the Net Economic Costs of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
December 29, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable Carolyn McCarthy

The Long-Term Budget Outlook
December 2005pdfadditional info

Global Population Aging in the 21st Century and Its Economic Implications
December 2005pdf

Letter to the Honorable Arlen Specter and the Honorable Patrick J. Leahy regarding S. 852, the Fairness in Asbestos Injury Act of 2005
November 16, 2005pdf

Background Paper: Quantifying Uncertainty in the Analysis of Long-Term Social Security Projections
November 2005pdf

The Administration's pension reform proposal and H.R. 2830, the Pension Protection Act of 2005
October 17, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable Michael B. Enzi

The effect on the 10-year net costs to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) of enacting S. 1783, the Pension Security and Transparency Act of 2005
October 11, 2005htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Judd Gregg

Analysis of H.R. 3304, Growing Real Ownership for Workers Act of 2005
September 13, 2005pdfadditional info
Letter to the Honorable Max Baucus

A Guide to Understanding the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
September 2005pdf

The Effects of S. 662 on the Long-Term Financial Outlook of the U.S. Postal Service
September 1, 2005pdf
Letter to the Honorable Judd Gregg

The Risk Exposure of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
September 2005pdf

Testimony on Multiemployer Pension Plans
June 28, 2005pdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

Testimony on the Role of the Economy in the Outlook for Social Security
June 21, 2005htmlpdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

Testimony on the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation: Financial Condition, Potential Risks, and Policy Options
June 15, 2005htmlpdf
Testimony before the Committee on the Budget, United States Senate

Testimony on Estimating the Costs of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
June 9, 2005htmlpdf
Testimony before the Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives

Testimony on Defined-Benefit Pension Plans: Current Problems and Future Challenges
June 7, 2005pdf
Testimony before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate

Background Paper: Differences in Wage and Salary Income Included in Various Tax Bases
June 2005pdf

Testimony on Options for Social Security: Budgetary and Distributional Impacts
May 25, 2005htmlpdfadditional info
Testimony before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate

Menu of Social Security Options
May 2005pdf

Testimony on Implications of Demographic Changes for the Budget and the Economy
May 19, 2005pdf
Testimony before the Committee on Ways and Means

Updated Long-Term Projections for Social Security
March 2005htmlpdf

Detailed Projections for the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Trust Funds Through 2015
March 2005pdf

Testimony on Budgetary Perspectives on the Outlook for Social Security
February 9, 2005htmlpdf
Testimony before the Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives

Detailed Projections for the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Trust Funds Through 2015
February 2005pdf

Testimony on the Future of Social Security
February 3, 2005htmlpdf
Testimony before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate

Testimony on Alternative Perspectives on Social Security
February 2, 2005htmlpdf
Testimony before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate



Long-Term Analysis of the Diamond-Orszag Social Security Plan
December 22, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Larry E. Craig

Disability and Retirement: The Early Exit of Baby Boomers from the Labor Force
November 2004htmlpdf

How Pension Financing Affects Returns to Different Generations
September 22, 2004htmlpdf

Long-Term Analysis of H.R. 3821, the Bipartisan Retirement Security Act of 2004
July 21, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Jim Kolbe

Long-Term Analysis of Plan 2 of the President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security
July 21, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Larry E. Craig

The Potential Budgetary Impact of Recognizing Same-Sex Marriages
June 21, 2004htmlpdf
Letter to the Honorable Steve Chabot

The Outlook for Social Security
June 2004htmlpdf

Retirement Age and the Need for Saving
May 12, 2004htmlpdf

Tax-Deferred Retirement Savings in Long-Term Revenue Projections
May 2004htmlpdf

The Retirement Prospects of the Baby Boomers
March 18, 2004htmlpdf

Administrative Costs of Private Accounts in Social Security
March 2004htmlpdf



The Long-Term Budget Outlook
December 2003htmlpdf

Measuring Changes to Social Security Benefits
December 1, 2003htmlpdf

Baby Boomers' Retirement Prospects: An Overview
November 2003htmlpdf

Comparing Budgetary and Trust Fund Measures of the Outlook for Social Security and Medicare
October 10, 2003htmlpdf

Utilization of Tax Incentives for Retirement Saving
August 2003htmlpdf

The Future Growth of Social Security: It's Not Just Society's Aging
July 1, 2003htmlpdf

Acquiring Financial Assets to Fund Future Entitlements
June 16, 2003htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Jim Nussle regarding the proposal to reduce payments by the Postal Service to the Civil Service Retirement System
January 27, 2003htmlpdf

Social Security Reform: The Use of Private Securities and the Need for Economic Growth
January 3, 2003htmlpdf

Evaluating and Accounting for Federal Investment in Corporate Stocks and Other Private Securities
January 2003htmlpdf



The Impact of Social Security and Medicare on the Federal Budget
November 14, 2002htmlpdf

The Impact of Trust Fund Programs on Federal Budget Surpluses and Deficits
November 4, 2002htmlpdf

Federal Debt and the Commitments of Federal Trust Funds
October 25, 2002htmlpdf

Social Security and the Federal Budget: The Necessity of Maintaining a Comprehensive Long-Range Perspective
August 1, 2002htmlpdf

The Looming Budgetary Impact of Society's Aging
July 3, 2002htmlpdf

Testimony on Social Security: Long-Term Budget Implications
June 19, 2002htmlpdf
Testimony before the Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives

A 125-Year Picture of the Federal Government's Share of the Economy, 1950 to 2075
June 14, 2002htmlpdf

Accrual Budgeting for Military Retirees' Health Care
March 2002htmlpdf



Testimony on Social Security: The Challenges of an Aging Population
December 10, 2001htmlpdf
Testimony before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate

Uncertainty in Social Security's Long-Term Finances: A Stochastic Analysis
December 2001htmlpdf

Social Security: A Primer
September 2001htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Jim Nussle regarding concurrent payment of military retirement annuities and disability compensation
June 20, 2001htmlpdf



Federal Spending on the Elderly and Children
July 2000htmlpdf

Testimony on Preparing for an Aging Population
July 27, 2000htmlpdf
Testimony before the Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives

Testimony on the Government Pension Offset Under Social Security
June 27, 2000htmlpdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

Options to Expand Federal Health, Retirement, and Education Activities
June 2000htmlpdf

Letter to the Honorable Phil Gramm regarding how the President's Social Security proposal would affect the outlook for the federal budget beyond the 10-year horizon CBO usually uses for its projections
May 11, 2000htmlpdf

An Economic Analysis of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997
April 2000htmlpdf

An Analysis of the President's Budgetary Proposals for Fiscal Year 2001
April 2000htmlpdf

The Budgetary Treatment of Personal Retirement Accounts
March 2000htmlpdf



Testimony on Social Security Financing
November 9, 1999htmlpdf
Testimony before the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

Letter to the Honorable J. Dennis Hastert regarding the impact on the fiscal year 2000 Social Security surplus using CBO's economic and technical assumptions based on a plan whereby net discretionary outlays for fiscal year 2000 will equal $592.1 billion
September 30, 1999htmlpdf

Testimony on the Impact of Social Security Reform on Women
June 1, 1999htmlpdf

Testimony on Social Security Privatization: Experiences Abroad
May 25, 1999htmlpdf
Testimony before the Task Force on Social Security, Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives

An Analysis of the President's Budgetary Proposals for Fiscal Year 2000
April 1999htmlpdf

Testimony on the President's Social Security Framework
February 23, 1999htmlpdf
Testimony before the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

Testimony on the President's Social Security Framework
February 23, 1999htmlpdf
Testimony before the Committee on the Budget, United States Senate

Letter to the Honorable Frank Lautenberg and the Honorable John Spratt regarding possible transfers from the general fund to the Social Security trust funds
February 19, 1999htmlpdf

Testimony on Social Security Privatization: Experiences Abroad
February 11, 1999htmlpdf
Testimony before the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

Social Security Privatization: Experiences Abroad
January 1999htmlpdf

Raising the Earliest Eligibility Age for Social Security Benefits
January 1999htmlpdf



Letter to the Honorable Bill Archer regarding Professor Martin Feldstein's proposal to set up personal retirement accounts financed by tax credits
August 4, 1998htmlpdf

Social Security and Private Saving: A Review of the Empirical Evidence
July 1998htmlpdf

Long-Term Budgetary Pressures and Policy Options
May 1998htmlpdf

Social Security Privatization and the Annuities Market
February 1998htmlpdfblog post



Testimony on Financing Government Employee Retirement Systems
April 29, 1997htmlpdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Civil Service, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, U.S. House of Representatives

Time-Limiting Federal Disability Benefits
February 1997htmlpdf



Testimony on Proposals for a Lockbox
July 11, 1995htmlpdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, U.S. House of Representatives, and the Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process, Committee on Rules, U.S. House of Representatives

Testimony on Financing Retirement for Federal Civilian Employees
June 28, 1995htmlpdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Civil Service, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, U.S. House of Representatives



Testimony on the Implications of Revising Social Security's Investment Policies
October 4, 1994htmlpdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

Implications of Revising Social Security's Investment Policies
September 1994htmlpdf

Testimony on National Saving and the Role Played by Baby Boomers
June 17, 1994htmlpdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Deficits, Debt Management and Long-Term Economic Growth, Committee on Finance, United States Senate

Testimony on the Budgetary Implications of Continuing Disability Reviews
March 10, 1994htmlpdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives



Baby Boomers in Retirement: An Early Perspective
September 1993pdf

The Structure and Effects of the Insurance Premiums Charged by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
April 20, 1993pdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

Deficit Reduction Options Affecting Social Security
February 10, 1993pdf
Testimony before the Republican Study Committee, U.S. House of Representatives

Controlling Losses of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
January 1993pdf



Testimony on the Treatment of Women Under the Social Security System
April 8, 1992htmlpdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

The Government Pension Offset in the Social Security Program
April 1992htmlpdf



Testimony on the Social Security Retirement Earnings Test
May 23, 1991pdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

The Economic Effects of Uncompensated Changes in the Funding of Social Security
April 1991pdf



Testimony on the Budgetary and Economic Implications of Proposals to Exempt Social Security Finances from the Balanced Budget Act's Deficit Calculations and of S. 2016, a Bill to Return Social Security to a Pay-As-You-Go-System
February 28, 1990pdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Retirement Income and Employment, Select Committee on Aging, U.S. House of Representatives

Testimony on S. 2016, a Proposal to Reduce the Social Security Payroll Tax and Return Social Security to a Pay-As-You-Go System
February 8, 1990pdf
Testimony before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate



Testimony on CBO's Position on the Treatment of Social Security in the Deficit Reduction Process
November 2, 1989pdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

Testimony on the Budgetary Treatment of Social Security Trust Funds
October 12, 1989pdf
Testimony before the Legislation and National Security Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, U.S. House of Representatives

The Incomes of Workers Affected by the Earnings Test Compared with the Incomes of Other Elderly Groups
May 1989pdf

Testimony on the Financing of Social Security and Its Relation to Federal Fiscal Policy
May 18, 1989pdf
Testimony before the Task Force on Economic Policy, Projections, and Revenues, Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives

The Economic Status of the Elderly
May 1989pdf

Testimony on the Price Index Used to Calculate Cost-of-Living Adjustments for Social Security
April 26, 1989pdf
Testimony before the Social Security Subcommittee, Committee on 'Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives



The Social Security Earnings Test and Options for Change
September 1988htmlpdf

Testimony on Pension Portability
July 12, 1988pdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

Testimony on the Economics of the Baby Boom's Retirement
May 10, 1988pdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

An Analysis of Alternatives for Taxing Social Security as a Private Pension
March 1988htmlpdf



Testimony on Entitlement Programs
November 9, 1987pdf
Testimony before the Income Security Task Force, Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives

Federal Insurance of Private Pension Benefits
October 1987htmlpdf

Retirement Income for an Aging Population
August 1987pdf

Testimony on the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
April 7, 1987pdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

Tax Policy for Pensions and Other Retirement Saving
April 1987htmlpdf



Earnings Sharing Options for the Social Security System
January 1986htmlpdf



Testimony on the Issue of Removing the Social Security Trust Funds From the Unified Budget
April 23, 1985pdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

An Analysis of Selected Deficit Reduction Options Affecting the Elderly and Disabled
March 1985pdf



The Supplemental Security Income Program: A 10-Year Overview
May 1984pdf
Committee Print

The Supplemental Security Income Program: Trends of the First Decade and Outlook for the Second
March 1984pdf



Projected Spending Under Human Resources Programs
September 1983htmlpdf



Financing Social Security: Issues and Options for the Long Run
November 1982htmlpdf

The Overall Budget Outlook
August 20, 1982pdf
Testimony before the National Commission on Social Security Reform

Work and Retirement: Options for Continued Employment of Older Workers
July 1982htmlpdf

Current Concerns With Trust Fund Balances
June 8, 1982pdf
Testimony bedore the Subcommittee on Social Security and Income Maintenance Programs, Senate Committee on Finance

Disability Compensation: Current Issues and Options for Change
June 1982htmlpdf



The Railroad Retirement System: Benefits and Financing
December 1981htmlpdf

Problems of the Social Security System in the Context of Overall Economic Performance
September 22, 1981pdf
Testimony before the Joint Economic Committee, U. S. Congress

Effects of Eliminating the Social Security Minimum Benefit
September 10, 1981pdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

Short-Term Social Security Financing
June 16, 1981pdf
Testimony before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate

Testimony on Social Security Financing
February 17, 1981htmlpdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives

Paying for Social Security: Funding Options for the Near Term
February 1981htmlpdf



Testimony on the Effect of the Economic Outlook on the Social Security Trust Funds
September 28, 1979htmlpdf
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives



Testimony on Social Security Payroll Taxes
April 5, 1978htmlpdf
Testimony before the Finance Subcommittee on Social Security, United States Senate



Financing Social Security: Issues for the Short and Long Term
July 1977pdf

Background Paper: Social Security Benefits for Students
May 1977pdf