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OSS Watch (open source software advisory service promotes awareness and understanding of the legal, social, technical and economic issues that arise when educational institutions engage with free and open source software. It does this by providing unbiased advice and guidance to UK higher and further education.

OSS Watch


OSS Watch promotes awareness and understanding of the legal, social, technical and economic issues that arise when educational institutions engage with free and open source software.  It does this by providing unbiased advice and guidance to UK higher and further education.

What we can do for you

OSS Watch case study OSS Watch is not an advocacy group. Rather, we promote understanding of free and open source software.We target our resources at our key stakeholder groups: 

  • Strategic IT decision makers
  • IT managers and technical staff
  • Software developers, especially those involved in JISC projects
  • Technology transfer units and related legal and research services
  • Academic end users

Briefing materials

Our briefing materials cross the full range, with materials for absolute beginners as well as for systems administrators. We are always looking for suggestions of new materials we should write. Do suggest something!


We are also delighted to participate in events organised by others. If you are organising an event and would like a talk, workshop, or demonstration on anything from open source licences to IT Strategies, give us a call.


If you are developing software at a UK college or university and would like to discuss aspects of open source development, or open source business models, do call on us. If you are writing your institution's ICT strategy or IPR policy, again, OSS Watch would be glad to hear from you.  If you are about to deploy an open source solution or have already done so, again we would love to hear from you.

OssWatch Wiki


  • OSS Watch

    Research Technologies Service
    University of Oxford
    13 Banbury Road
    OX2 6NN

    Telephone: +44 (0) 1865 283416


Specific Contact

  • Lou Burnard (Director)
  • Ross Gardler (Manager)
  • Elena Blanco (Content Editor)
  • Rowan Wilson (Research Officer)
  • Gabriel Hanganu (Research Officer)
  • Judy McAuliffe (Group Administrator)
  • Ramón Casero Cañas (Development Officer)
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