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Thrombus: Quiz


Question 1: Causes are septicaemia, acute ________, shock, snake bites, fat emboli from broken bones, or other severe traumas.
Acute biphenotypic leukaemiaLeukemiaLeukemoid reactionHematological malignancy

Question 2: It is achieved via the aggregation of platelets that form a platelet plug, and the activation of the humoral ________ system (i.e.
FibrinolysisTissue plasminogen activatorFactor XCoagulation

Question 3: Organization and recanalization involves the ingrowth of ________ cells, fibroblasts and endothelium into the fibrin-rich thrombus.
Intrafusal muscle fiberSkeletal muscleSmooth muscleCardiac muscle

Question 4: ________ (DIC) involves widespread microthrombi formation throughout the majority of the blood vessels.
Thrombocytopenic purpuraDisseminated intravascular coagulationThrombotic thrombocytopenic purpuraIdiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

Question 5: This is due to excessive consumption of coagulation factors and subsequent activation of fibrinolysis using all of the body's available ________ and clotting factors.
PlateletBlood plasmaRed blood cellBlood

Question 6: A thrombus is normal in cases of injury, but ________ in instances of thrombosis.
Infectious diseaseDiseaseInfectionPathology

Question 7: A venous emboli (most likely from ________ in the lower extremities) will travel through the systemic circulation, reach the right side of the heart, and travel through the pulmonary artery resulting in a pulmonary embolism.
AtherosclerosisDeep vein thrombosisBudd-Chiari syndromeCerebral venous sinus thrombosis

Question 8: A thrombus (Greek θρόμβος), or blood clot, is the final product of the ________ step in hemostasis.
FibrinolysisPlateletTissue plasminogen activatorCoagulation

Question 9: Blood clot prevention and treatment reduces the risk of stroke, ________ and pulmonary embolism.
Heart failureCoronary artery diseaseIschaemic heart diseaseMyocardial infarction


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